State law reference: Authority of city in relation to parking meters, MGL. C. 40, § 22A.
The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to install or cause to be installed parking meters within the areas established by ordinance.
The meters shall be placed at intervals of not less than 10 feet apart where angle parking is permitted, nor less than 20 feet apart where parallel parking is permitted and not less than 12 inches nor more than 24 inches from the face of the curb adjacent to individual meter spaces. The meters shall be so constructed as to display a signal showing legal parking upon deposit therein of a proper coin of the United States, as indicated by ordinance.
[3-26-1968; 12-13-1968; 6-9-1970; 2-22-1972, § 3; Ord. of 12-10-1985; Ord. of 4-8-1986; Ord. of 7-9-1991; Ord. of 5-25-1993; Ord. of 12-27-1994; Ord. of 4-25-1995; Ord. of 6-27-1995; Ord. of 11-12-2003; Ord. of 2-12-2008; Ord. of 7-9-2013; Ord. Of 9-12-2017; Ord. of 9-10-2019]
In accordance with the provisions of Section 13-56, parking meter zones are hereby established (to be in effect from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, unless otherwise noted) in the following streets or parts thereof.
Two-hour zone:
American Legion Drive, westerly side from the south curbline of Main Street southerly 228 feet; easterly side from the line of the south curbline of Main Street southerly 311 feet
Ashland Street, easterly side from Main Street to Quincy Street. Westerly side from Main Street to St. John Municipal. Parking Lot
Church Street, both sides from Main Street to the extended southerly boundary of Summer Street
Eagle Street, westerly side from Main Street to Center Street
East Main Street, southerly side from a point commencing 24.5 feet from the easterly line of Church. Street for a distance of 128 feet easterly
Main Street, both sides in its entirety
Marshall Street, both sides from Main Street northerly for a distance of 520 feet
Union Street, southerly side from a point commencing 18 feet westerly from the westerly line of Willow Dell for a distance of 115 feet westerly therefrom
Municipal parking lots:
North Church Street, easterly side from Main Street northerly 219 feet. Westerly side from Main Street northerly 153 feet. Summer Street, southerly side from Ashland Street to Church Street
Summer Street, southerly side from Ashland Street to Church Street
St. Anthony Drive, meters shall be unlimited as to time from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Depot Square, no person shall park a vehicle for a period of time longer than four hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and legal holidays
Long-term parking:
East Main Street, southerly side, beginning at a point 152.2 feet from the easterly line of Church Street and extending easterly a distance of 148 feet
North Church Street, easterly side from Main Street northerly 219 feet. Westerly side from Main Street northerly 153 feet. Meters shall be unlimited as to time from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
St. John Municipal Parking Lot, beginning at a point 94 feet west of the westerly curbline of Ashland Street, thence continuing in a westerly direction a distance of 46 feet to establish 10 long-term parking spaces
Summer Street, southerly side from Ashland Street to Church Street
[4-26-1966; Ord. of 3-25-1997]
Whenever any vehicle shall be parked in a parking meter space adjacent to a parking meter, the operator of such vehicle shall park within the space designated by the marking lines for the space, and upon entering such parking meter space shall immediately deposit in the meter the required coin for the maximum legal parking period or portion thereof, as designated on the meter.
It shall be unlawful for a person to park a vehicle within a parking meter space, unless such vehicle is wholly within the painted lines adjacent to the meter.
It shall be unlawful for any person to fail or neglect to deposit the required coin as indicated on the meter.
It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or cause to be deposited in a parking meter any coin for the purpose of permitting the vehicle of which he is in charge to remain in a parking space beyond the minimum period of time allowed in that particular zone. Said vehicle must move at least five parking spaces on street meter parking only.
During those periods of time in which meters are not in operation where parallel parking is permitted, motorcycles may be parked no more than three to a metered space, backed to the street curbing at an angle of 45° and faced in the direction to which they are headed.
Operators of commercial vehicles may park in a metered space without depositing a coin or coins for a period not to exceed 15 minutes for the purpose of loading or unloading.
[6-26-1973; Ord. of 5-8-1984; Ord. of 9-11-1984; Ord. of 12-10-1985; Ord. of 8-13-1991; Ord. of 7-13-1993; Ord. of 4-25-1995; Ord. of 7-11-2000; Ord. No. 11-12-2003; Ord. of 7-9-2013]
The fee for parking time in two-hour zones shall be $0.25 for each hour.
Event Parking: At the discretion of the Mayor certain non City sponsored events and locations shall be designated as Event Parking at a rate of $40 per day.
[Ord. of 9-13-2022]
The fee for parking time in the St. Anthony Drive parking lot shall be $1 for a period of 10 hours, $0.25 for each 21/2 hours, with a maximum limit of 10 hours, commencing at 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. A monthly parking permit may be purchased for use of the St. Anthony Drive parking lot. The cost of a permit shall be $20 from May through November and $15 from December through April.
A certain number of long-term daytime parking spots shall be allotted in the Center Street Parking Lot annually at a rate of $30 per month. Long-term and overnight parking spots shall also be designated at a rate of $35 per month. If the demand for daytime or overnight long-term parking in the Center Street Lot exceeds the number of spots allotted, a lottery shall be held to determine the distribution of the spots. This lottery shall be held in December of each year. Businesses, or organizations purchasing in excess of two long-term daytime or overnight parking spaces shall pay a minimum of six months in advance. All others shall pay three months in advance.
The balance of spaces in the Center Street Parking Lot which have not been designated as long-term daytime or overnight parking spaces shall be available free of charge for a maximum time limit of two hours. Parking tine in excess of the free two-hour maximum in the Center Street Parking Lot shall be $1 for a total of four hours and an additional $0.50 per hour thereafter.
For the purpose of this section, long-term parking shall be defined as 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The fee for meters on both the easterly and westerly side of North Church Street shall be $0.25 for each 21/2 hours, with a maximum limit of 10 hours, commencing at 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. These meters will take straight quarters only, no small change. East Main Street, southerly side at a point 152.5 feet from the easterly line of Church Street and extending easterly a distance of 148 feet.
As a matter of convenience to the users, the meters in all parking zones will accept quarters, but they will only purchase the maximum time allowed on that meter.
The Chief of Police is hereby designated as the person authorized to collect or cause to be collected moneys deposited in parking meters. Such moneys shall be deposited forthwith with the City Treasurer, who shall make a record of the amount collected and there shall be set up in the office of the City treasurer a separate account to be known as "City of North Adams Parking Meter Account."
All fees received by the City Treasurer from the operation of parking meters shall be used by the City as authorized by General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 22A et seq.
Property damage. By parking a vehicle on a municipal parking area the owner and operator thereof shall assume all risk, responsibility and liability for any theft thereof or of property therein, and for any loss or damage thereto or to any property therein, caused by or resulting from any cause whatever; and the exercise of the license, permit or privilege of parking a vehicle on a municipal parking area under the terms and provisions of this article shall constitute and operate as a release and discharge of the city from any responsibility, obligation or liability for the theft thereof or of any property therein, and for any loss or damage thereto or to any property therein, caused by, or resulting from any cause whatever.
Personal injury. Any person, including, but not limited to the owner operator or occupant of any vehicle going in, on, upon, over or across any municipal parking area, whether on foot or in a vehicle, for or in connection with any purpose authorized or permitted under this article shall, by virtue of such act, assume all risk, responsibility and liability for injuries to his person, or for death, resulting from any cause whatsoever; and the exercise of the license, permit or privilege of being on such municipal parking area under the terms and provisions of this article shall constitute and operate as a release and discharge of the city from any responsibility, obligation or liability for all personal injuries for death, or for any and all losses, claims or damages arising or resulting from or in consequence of such injuries or death.
It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to tamper with, break, injure or destroy any parking meter or to deposit or cause to be deposited in the meter any slugs, device or metallic substance or any other substitute for the coins required.
Editor's Note: As to injuring public property generally, see § 14-7 of this volume.
Any person who violates any parking provisions of this article shall be subject to the penalties provided by General Laws, chapter 90, section 20A, and any other violation shall be punishable as may be provided by law.