[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975, § 601]
Physical improvements to the property being subdivided shall be provided, constructed, and installed as shown on the record plan, in accordance with the requirements of the Borough.
As a condition to review of a final plan by the Borough Planning Commission, the subdivider shall agree with the Borough as to installation of all improvements shown on the Plan and required by these regulations.
All improvements installed by the subdivider shall be constructed in accordance with the design specifications of the Borough.
Supervision of the installation of the improvements required by § 602, following, shall in all cases be the responsibility of the Borough or the appropriate State regulatory agency. The Borough may utilize the services of a designated professional engineer for inspection purposes.
[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975, § 602; as amended by Ord. 2000-6, 11/6/2000, § 1]
The following improvements, as shown on the record plan, shall be provided by the subdivider:
Cartway Paving. All streets intended to be dedicated for public use shall be paved to full cartway width (as shown on the final plan). In all cases paving materials and workmanship shall conform to any and all Borough regulations, and specifications of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Curbs. Curbs shall be installed along both sides of all streets, except where the average lot frontage (measured at the building setback line) is 90 feet or larger, and except along service streets, or marginal access streets or on any street where the cartway is less than 24 feet. The Borough Council shall have the option of requiring curbs in areas where the lot frontage exceeds 90 feet. Curbs shall be either the vertical type or the rolled curb-and-gutter type, except that rolled curbs shall not be used on streets where the grade exceeds 6%, or on any collector or major streets. The transition from one type of curb to another shall be made only at a street intersection, and adequate provisions shall be made for driveway entrances. Curbs and gutters, if any, are to be constructed on the street right-of-way.
Sidewalks shall be required on both sides of the street in subdivisions with (a) typical lot width of 90 feet or less at the building setback lines, (b) where semi-detached, row, or multifamily structures are planned.
Sidewalks may also be required on both sides of the street in subdivisions where lots are greater than 90 feet in width if it would be desirable to continue sidewalks that are existing in adjacent subdivisions, or to provide access to community facilities, such as schools, shopping areas, and recreation areas.
Sidewalks shall be located within the street right-of-way, one foot from the right-of-way line, and shall be a minimum of four feet wide, except along collector and arterial streets, and in the vicinity of shopping centers, schools, recreation areas, and other community facilities, where they shall be a minimum of five feet wide.
Sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete and shall be at least four inches thick, underlain by six inches of compacted cinder, gravel or crushed stone.
Storm Sewers. Storm sewers and related facilities shall be installed consistent with the design principles and requirements contained in § 508 of these regulations.
Sanitary Sewage Disposal. Sanitary sewage disposal means shall be installed consistent with the design principles and requirements as set up by the Borough Authority, or any joint authority in existence at the time of the proposed subdivision activity, and having jurisdiction over the particular subdivision.
Water Supply. Water supply shall be maintained consistent with the design principles and requirements contained in § 507 of these regulations.
Markers and Monuments.
Permanent stone or concrete monuments shall be accurately placed at the intersection of all lines in the boundary (perimeter) of the property being subdivided.
All monuments shall be placed by a competent engineer or surveyor so that the scored (by an indented cross in the top of the monument) point shall coincide exactly with the point of intersection of the lines being monumented.
Monuments shall be set with their top level with the finished grade of the surrounding area.
All streets shall be monumented (preferably on the right-of-way lines) at the following locations:
At least one monument on diagonal corners of each intersection.
At changes in direction of street lines, excluding curb arcs at intersections.
At each end of each street line, excluding arcs at intersections.
At intermediate points wherever topographical or other conditions make it impossible to sight between two otherwise required monuments.
At such other places along the line of streets as may be determined by Borough to be necessary to so that any street may be readily defined in the future.
Street Signs. Street name signs shall be installed at all street intersections. The design and placement of such signs shall be subject to approval by the Borough Council.
Streetlights. In accordance with the conditions to be agreed upon the by the subdivider, the Borough, and the appropriate public utility, streetlights may be required to be installed in a subdivision.
Fire Hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be provided as an integral part of any public supply system.
Fire hydrants shall be in accordance with specifications set forth in the "Fire House Couplings (1963)" published by the National Fire Protection Association.
Fire hydrants shall be placed at intervals of not more than 1,000 feet.
Each hydrant shall contain a minimum of 2 1/2 inch outlets and 4 1/2 inch outlet. Where the water supply is not sufficient to warrant these outlets, a minimum of 2 1/2 inch outlets per fire hydrant will be provided.
[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975, § 603]
The following requirements, intended to enhance the sales value of the subdivision as well as to benefit the Borough, are recommended:
Shade Trees. Reasonable efforts should be made by the subdivider to preserve existing shade trees and, in addition, deciduous hardwood trees with a minimum caliber of 1 1/2 inches should be provided, in accordance with conditions to be agreed upon by the Borough, and if necessary, the appropriate public utility.
The developer shall inquire into the feasibility of providing underground telephone and/or electrical lines to the specifications of the respective utility companies.
[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975; as added by Ord. 1978-7, -/-/1978, Art. VI; as amended by Ord. 1995-2, 3/14/1995; and by Ord. 1995-4, 12/12/1995, § 15]
Where not prohibited by this or any other laws or ordinances, land located in any designated floodplain district may be platted for development with the provision that the developer construct all buildings and structures to preclude flood damage in accordance with this and any other laws and ordinances regulating such development.
No subdivision and/or land development, or part thereof, shall be approved if the proposed development and/or improvements will, individually or collectively, increase the one-hundred-year flood elevation more than one foot at any point, i.e., the floodway area designated in the Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
Building sites for residences or any other type of dwelling or accommodation shall not be permitted in any floodway area. Sites for these uses may be permitted outside the floodway area if the sites or dwelling units are elevated up to the regulatory flood elevation.
Building sites for structures or buildings other than for residential uses shall also not be permitted in any floodway area. Also, such sites for structures or buildings outside the floodway shall be protected as provided for in Subsection 3, above.
If the Borough Council determines that only a part of a proposed plat can be safely developed, it shall limit development to that part and shall require that development proceed consistent with this determination.
When a developer does not intend to develop the plat himself and the Borough Council determines that additional controls are required to insure safe development, it may require the developer to impose appropriate restrictions on the land.