Pursuant to the provisions of § 806 of the General
Municipal Law, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Flower Hill
recognizes that there are rules of conduct for public officers and
employees which must be observed if a high degree of moral conduct
is to be obtained and if public confidence is to be maintained in
our unit of local government. It is the purpose of this chapter to
promulgate these rules of ethical conduct for the officers and employees
of the Village of Flower Hill. The rules of ethical conduct of this
chapter, as adopted, shall not conflict with, but shall be in addition
to the standards prescribed in Article 18 of the General Municipal
Law or any other general or special law relating to ethical conduct
and interest in contracts of municipal officers and employees.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
Any person that receives a salary or wage from the Village
of Flower Hill.
A spouse, parent, stepparent, sibling, stepsibling, child,
stepchild, grandparent, household member, or domestic partner of a
Village officer or employee, and individuals having any of these relationships
to the spouse of the officer or employee.
A direct or indirect monetary, financial or material benefit,
but does not include any benefit arising from the provision or receipt
of any service generally available to the residents or taxpayers of
the Village, or a lawful class of such residents or taxpayers. A Village
officer or employee is deemed to have an interest in any matter involving:
Any firm, partnership, or association of which he or she, his
or her spouse, or a member of his or her household, is an owning partner,
member, member of a Board of Trustees, director, officer or employee.
Any corporation of which any such person is a director, officer
or employee or directly or indirectly owns or controls more than 5%
of the corporation's outstanding stock.
A person serving as a paid or unpaid official of the Village
of Flower Hill including, but not limited to, elected officers, members
of the Village's governing board, any of its administrative boards
(e.g., Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals), commissions, committees,
agencies, department heads and others who work in a similar, like
An officer or employee of the Village shall treat all members
of the public, whether a person, firm or corporation or other organization,
with respect and in a professional manner, with equal consideration
and without special advantage in carrying out his or her official
No Village officer or employee shall exercise or perform his
or her official powers and duties on the basis of family or private
business, nor create an appearance of impropriety by giving the impression
that he or she will exercise or perform his or her official powers
or duties on the basis of any consideration other than the best interests
of the Village.
No official, officer or employee of the Village shall represent
private interests before any department, board, office or agency of
the Village nor represent private interests in any action or proceeding
against the interests of the Village in any litigation to which the
Village is a party.
No Village officer or employee shall use his or her Village
position or official powers to secure a financial or material benefit
for himself or herself, a family member or any private organization
in which he or she is deemed to have an interest.
No officer or employee of the Village may request or permit
the use of Village-owned vehicles, equipment, materials, resources
or property for a non-Village purpose, except when such use:
A. Is available to the public generally and on the same terms as a member
of the public; or
B. Is provided for in a written Village policy or resolution for the
use of the officer or employee in the conduct of official duties.
No Village officer or employee or former Village officer or
employee who acquires confidential information in the course of exercising
or performing his or her official powers or duties may disclose or
use such information unless the disclosure or use is required or allowed
by law or in the course of exercising or performing his or her official
powers and duties.
The Village Attorney shall accept no employment from any person,
firm, partnership, corporation, municipality or other entity which
will create a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict
of interest with the interests of the Village.
Any Village officer or employee who violates this code may be
censured, fined, suspended or removed from office or employment in
the manner provided by law.