Within 12 hours from the time of removal of any vehicle under authority granted by this article, notice of the fact that the vehicle was removed shall be sent by the City to the owner of record of the vehicle. The notice shall designate the place from which the vehicle was removed, the reason for its removal and impounding, and the garage name, address and telephone number in which it was impounded.
The payment of any towing and storage charges authorized by this article shall, unless payment is made under protest, be final and conclusive and shall constitute a waiver of any right to recover the money so paid. If payment of any towing or storage charges is made under protest, the offender shall be entitled to a hearing before a District Justice. Payment of towing and storage charges, whether or not under protest, shall not relieve the owner or driver of any vehicle from liability for any fine or penalty for the violation of the provision of this chapter for which the vehicle was removed or impounded.
The City shall cause a record to be kept of all vehicles impounded under this article and shall be able at all reasonable times to furnish the owners or the agents of the owners of those vehicles with information as to the place of storage of the vehicle.
No vehicle shall be removed under the authority of this article if, at the time of the intended removal, the owner or the person then in custody or control of the vehicle is present and expresses the intention, and is able, in compliance with the Vehicle Code and this chapter, to remove the vehicle immediately. This section shall not apply if the owner or custodian of the vehicle has received prior notice of the violation.