On a corner lot in all zoning districts in the City of Princeton, no fence, wall, hedge, planting or structure shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to obstruct vision between a height of 2 1/2 feet and 10 feet above the center-line grades of the intersecting streets in the area bounded by the street lines of such corner lots and a line joining the points along said street lines 25 feet from the point of intersection. Fences shall comply with the corner setback requirements of § 430-85.
In the case of arterial streets intersecting with other arterial streets or railways, the corner cutoff distances establishing the triangular vision clearance space shall be increased to 50 feet.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 13-1-91, Loading Requirements, of the City Code and which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
All new parking lots and all alterations of existing lots shall be subject to the approval of the Common Council. Requests for said parking lots shall be accompanied with detailed plans on landscaping, parking layout, drainage provisions and driveway locations. In all districts, there shall be provided at the time any use or building is erected, enlarged, extended, or increased off-street parking stalls for all vehicles in accordance with the following:
Access. Adequate access to a public street shall be provided for each parking space.
Location to be on the same lot as the principal use or not over 400 feet from the principal use.
Off-street parking is permitted in all yards of all districts except in the front yards of Single-Family and Two-Family Residential Districts but shall not be closer than five feet to a side lot line, right-of-way line or rear lot line.
Off-street parking in the Single-Family Resident and Two-Family Residential Districts is permitted in the front yard in the driveway, even though closer than five feet to a side lot line, providing the driveway conforms to the requirements in § 430-54.
Use restrictions.
Repair and service. No motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind shall be permitted in association with parking facilities provided in residential districts.
Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be directed away from residential properties and public streets in such a way as not to create a nuisance. However, in no case shall such lighting exceed three footcandles measured at the lot line.
Street setback area. No parking shall be permitted between the street right-of-way line and the building setback line prevailing in the zone in which the proposed parking area is to be located. The resulting open area shall be planted in grass or otherwise landscaped to create a permanent green area.
Number of stalls. Number of parking stalls required for newly created parking lots are shown in the following table:
Minimum Parking Required
Dwellings: single-family, two-family and mobile homes
2 stalls for each dwelling unit
Dwellings: multifamily
2 stalls for each dwelling unit
Housing for the elderly
0.75 space for each dwelling with 1/2 of these spaces to be built before occupancy and the balance of which spaces shall be reserved until such time as the Common Council may order them installed
Hotels, motels
1 stall for each guest room plus 1 stall for each 3 employees
Sororities, dormitories, rooming houses and boardinghouses
1 stall for each bed
Retirement homes, orphanages
1 stall per 2,000 feet of principal floor area
Rest and nursing homes
1 stall for each 5 beds plus 1 stall for each 3 employees
Medical and dental clinics
5 stalls for each doctor
Churches, community centers, vocational and night schools, and other places of public assembly
1 stall for each 5 seats
Secondary and elementary schools
1 stall for each 2 employees plus 1 stall for each 5 students of 16 years of age or more
Restaurants, bars, clubs and lodges, places of entertainment
1 stall for each 150 square feet
Manufacturing and processing plants (including meat and food processing), laboratories and warehouses
1 stall for every 2 employees; "number of employees" shall be construed to mean the maximum number on the premises at 1 time
Financial institutions, business, government and professional offices, retail and service establishments
1 stall for each 300 square feet of floor area and 1 stall for each 2 employees
Motor vehicle sales (new and used)
1 space for each 500 square feet of floor area used plus 1 space for each 300 square feet of outdoor display area for each motor vehicle to be displayed (This requirement does not include service garages, see below.)
Repair shops, retail and service stores
1 space for each 150 square feet of net floor space
Automobile repair garages and service stations
1 space for each employee plus 1 space for each 250 square feet of floor area used for repair work
Bowling alleys
5 spaces for each alley
Uses not listed. In the case of structures or uses not mentioned, the provision for a use which is similar shall apply. "Floor space" or "area" shall mean the gross floor area inside the exterior walls, where floor space is indicated above as a basis for determining the amount of off-street parking required.
Handicapped parking requirements. In addition to any other requirements relating to parking spaces contained in this code, the provisions contained in §§ 101.13, 346.503 and 346.56, Wis. Stats., and any Wisconsin Administrative Code sections adopted pursuant thereto are hereby adopted by reference and made applicable to all parking facilities whenever constructed.
Changes in buildings or use. Whenever a building or use is changed, structurally altered or enlarged to create a need for an increase of 50% or more in the number of existing parking spaces, such spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change.
Off-lot parking.
Required off-street parking spaces shall be located on the same lot with the principal use, or when this requirement cannot be met, such parking spaces may be located off lot, provided the parking spaces are located in the same district. Off-lot parking spaces shall also be held in fee simple ownership by the owner of the use requiring such parking or be leased or rented through a written agreement satisfactory to the City Attorney.
Off-lot parking spaces for residential uses shall be within 250 feet of the principal entrance or the entrance for the individual occupants for whom the spaces are reserved while the farthest portions of a parking lot for all other uses shall be within 300 feet of the entrance of the establishment.
Accessory parking may be located in residential districts, provided that said lots or property are immediately adjacent to a commercial, business or industrial zoning district.
All off-street parking lots adjoining lots zoned for residential use shall have a minimum setback of 10 feet from any interior lot line, except if the adjoining lot is used for legally conforming parking purposes.
All driveways installed, altered, changed, replaced or extended after the effective date of this chapter shall meet the design requirements of the City of Princeton Code of Ordinances.
Highway access. No direct private access shall be permitted to the existing or proposed rights-of-way of expressways, nor to any controlled access arterial street without permission of the highway agency that has access control jurisdiction. No direct public or private access shall be permitted to the existing or proposed rights-of-way of freeways, interstate highways and their interchanges or turning lanes nor to intersecting or interchanging streets within 1,500 feet of the most remote end of the taper of the turning lanes (such as exit and entrance ramps). No driveway openings shall be permitted within 100 feet of the intersection of an arterial street right-of-way line.
Access barriers. Access barriers, such as curbing, fencing, ditching, landscaping or other topographic barriers shall be erected to prevent unauthorized vehicular ingress or egress to the above specified streets or highways.
Temporary access. Temporary access to the above rights-of-way may be granted by the Zoning Administrator after review and recommendation by the highway agencies having jurisdiction. Such access permit shall be temporary, revocable and subject to any conditions required and shall be issued for a period not to exceed 12 months.