§ 18-76
Emergency action plan. 

§ 18-77
Emergency closings. 

§ 18-78
Life-threatening illnesses in the workplace. 

§ 18-79
Mail-handling policy. 

§ 18-80


In the event of emergency in the main office building, the sounding of an alarm alerts employees. If an alarm has not sounded, pull the pull station located near the exit.


All emergencies will have the same audible signal.


In the event of fire or other emergency, ALL employees shall evacuate immediately by means of the nearest available marked exit.

NOTE: The elevator in the main office is NOT an exit and is NOT to be used in case of fire.

Critical operations shutdown procedures are not required because no employees are authorized to delay evacuation for this purpose.


No employees are assigned to perform medical or rescue duties during emergency evacuation situations.


After an emergency evacuation of the main office, employees are to gather in the following location(s): at the southerly end of the parking lot (near Kevin's Galley). If this is not possible, the alternate area is the Plaza Center lot (near Kevin's Galley).


After an emergency evacuation, the procedure for accounting for all employees is: All supervisory personnel are responsible to report on their staff.


General conditions.


First-floor captains are to make sure everyone from the first floor has left the building, staff and visitors. Check the kitchen, conference room, cellar [just holler down the stairs] and restrooms. Direct people in an orderly fashion to the exits and assist those with disabilities.


Second-floor captains are to make sure everyone from the second floor has left the building, staff and visitors. Check the meeting rooms, offices, records room, computer room and restrooms. Direct people in an orderly fashion to the exits and assist those with disabilities.


An oral report, by the floor captains, is to be given ASAP in the parking lot to the Executive Director or, in his absence, the Deputy Director. The report shall detail anyone left in the building, any medical needs, and any hazardous conditions.


Training for the captains will be reviewed twice per year, by the Human Resources Department. Drills will take place twice per year and will be scheduled by the Human Resources Department.


At times, emergencies such as severe weather, fires, power failures, or earthquakes may disrupt WHA operations. In extreme cases, these circumstances may require the closing of the WHA. In the event that such an emergency occurs during nonworking hours, local radio and/or television stations will broadcast notification of the closing.


On days when weather conditions worsen as the day progresses, the WHA will only close early if a state of emergency is declared by the City of Woonsocket or the State of Rhode Island. When operations are officially closed due to emergency conditions, the time off from scheduled work will be paid. In cases where the WHA remains open, an employee may opt to leave early and use personal or vacation time to cover the absence.


It is recognized that certain aspects of the WHA's operation must continue to be maintained and/or monitored during an emergency closing, and because of that certain key personnel must be on site. Those employees required to be on site during this emergency situation will be paid at a rate of time-and-one-half.


Employees with life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, and AIDS, often wish to continue their normal pursuits, including work, to the extent allowed by their conditions. The WHA supports these endeavors as long as employees are able to meet acceptable performance standards. The WHA will make reasonable accommodations in accordance with all legal requirements to allow qualified employees with life-threatening illnesses to perform the essential functions of their jobs.


Medical information on individual employees is treated confidentially. The WHA will take reasonable precautions to protect such information from inappropriate disclosure. All employees have a responsibility to respect and maintain the confidentiality of employee medical information. Anyone inappropriately disclosing such information is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


Employees with questions or concerns about life-threatening illnesses are encouraged to contact the Executive Director or the WHA's Employee Assistance Program for information and referral to appropriate services and resources.


Mail will be picked up by the courier at the Post Office and brought to the mail room located at Crepeau Court. Mail will then be presorted, but not opened. The courier will sort and date-stamp the mail, then deliver it to the Executive Office.


Interoffice mail must be clearly marked with the person to whom it is to be delivered, where it is to be delivered and who is sending it. Any item not having this information will not be delivered.


Federal Express/UPS/Express Mail packages may be delivered to the main office. The recipient will be contacted to ensure that the item was ordered or is expected. Any problems or questions should be directed to the security office.


Employees should watch for the following possible "red flags" with mail and contact the Security Office if unsure about an item. If security is not available, a supervisor should be called to determine whether or not to call the police.


No forwarding address.


Excessive amount of postage.


Names and titles are wrong or misspelled.


Receiving packages when you haven't ordered anything.


Discolored or stained envelopes.


Unexpected mail or from someone you don't know.


Addressed to someone no longer working here.


Handwritten and has no return address or bears one that cannot be confirmed.


Lopsided or lumpy in appearance.


Sealed with excessive amount of tape.


Marked with restrictive endorsement such as "personal" or "confidential."


When handling suspicious mail, take the following precautions:


Don't handle a letter or package that you suspect is contaminated.


Don't shake it, bump it or sniff it.


Put the mail pieces in a plastic bag.


Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.


Notify the Director of Security's office.


Notify the Police Department.


The WHA is dedicated to providing a healthy, comfortable, and productive work environment for all employees and visitors. Obtaining and maintaining this goal requires the willingness, understanding and patience of all WHA employees.


The right of nonsmokers to protect their health and comfort shall take precedence over another person's right to smoke. Therefore, smoking by employees and visitors is prohibited throughout all WHA buildings and at all entrances of WHA buildings.


Employees and visitors who wish to smoke must leave the building and step away from any entranceway to the building by 25 feet and proceed to the designated smoking area. Smokers are required to dispose of smoking materials in designated receptacles.


Employees are permitted to leave the building to smoke only during scheduled break times. As a reminder, there are two ten-minute breaks allowed per day and one thirty-minute lunch break. Employees violating WHA work rules on breaks or smoking areas will be subject to disciplinary action.


Smokers who wish to quit smoking are encouraged to contact the Human Resources Department for smoking-cessation options available to them.