[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Perkiomen as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Subdivision and land development — See Ch. 264.
Zoning — See Ch. 310.
[Adopted 9-1-1987 by Ord. No. 98]
By this article, the Board of Supervisors of Perkiomen Township intends to serve the purposes authorized by Clause LXII, Section 702 of Article VII of the Act of May 1, 1933, P.L. 103, as added by the Act of August 27, 1963, P.L. 1280, Section 1, known as the Second Class Township Code.[1] In furtherance thereof, the provisions of this article are deemed expedient and necessary for the proper management, care and control of Perkiomen Township and its finances and the maintenance of peace, good government and welfare of Perkiomen Township and its trade, commerce and manufacturers.
Editor's Note: See now 53 P.S. § 65101 et seq.
Perkiomen Township has not experienced sufficient land development to impact adversely on the cost of required municipal facilities and services, and tax revenues and user charges have in general been sufficient to enable payment of the cost of municipal facilities and services required to accommodate public demand.
The residents, taxpayers and users of municipal facilities and services in Perkiomen Township have contributed significant funds in the form of taxes and user charges toward the cost of existing municipal facilities and services which represent a substantial and incalculable investment in existing municipal facilities and services.
Perkiomen Township is experiencing increased demand for development of ground, causing strain on tax revenues and user charges at existing levels and impairing the ability of taxpayers, residents and users to bear the cost of increased demand for municipal facilities and services. Municipal borrowing has been required to meet the demand for certain municipal facilities.
Equitable considerations require that future residents and users of existing municipal facilities and services contribute toward the investment already made in those facilities and services.
The level of existing municipal facilities and services is adequate to meet the needs of the residents and users of municipal facilities and services in Perkiomen Township. Additional municipal facilities and services caused by future development will be of little, if any, benefit to the existing residents and users in Perkiomen Township. Equitable considerations require that future residents and users of municipal facilities and services in Perkiomen Township bear their fair share of the increased cost of additional municipal facilities and services caused by future development.
Sound fiscal policy and the administration of good government in Perkiomen Township limits imposition of taxes and user charges to the actual yearly cost of municipal facilities and services. Accumulation of large financial reserves for future capital expenditures unjustly exacts unneeded current funds from taxpayers and users. Municipal borrowing unnecessarily increases the cost of government by the amount of debt service and is to be avoided unless deemed absolutely necessary to meet an existing public need.
As used herein, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings indicated:
These five terms shall have the meanings as defined and authorized by Chapter 310, Zoning, of this Code of the Township of Perkiomen.
Roads and bridges, the resurfacing, replacement and widening thereof; equipment required to maintain roads and bridges, traffic signals, curbs and sidewalks; the Township Building and the road maintenance building and all necessary expansions thereof; office equipment and furnishings; parks and attendant recreational facilities; open space; stormwater drainage systems; firefighting equipment and ambulance service equipment; all other capital equipment and facilities required to deliver municipal services.
The fund to be established and maintained from the charges imposed and paid under the requirements of this article.
Administration and administrative personnel; streetlight service; firefighting service and ambulance service; fire hydrant service; highway maintenance and highway maintenance personnel; all other municipal services authorized by the Pennsylvania Second Class Township Code.[1]
Any member of the public who uses or may have occasion to use municipal facilities and services as defined herein.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 66601 et seq.
In addition to the fees required under the provisions of the Perkiomen Township Fee Schedule, there is hereby imposed a charge of $500 upon every residential dwelling unit to be constructed for which a building permit is issued after the effective date of this article pursuant to a subdivision of land or land development for residential use approved under the provisions of Chapter 264, Subdivision and Land Development, and Chapter 310, Zoning, of the Code of the Township of Perkiomen.
In addition to the fees required under the provisions of the Perkiomen Township Fee Schedule, there is hereby imposed a charge of $500 upon the first 10,000 square feet of floor area or equivalent addition of every building or addition to be constructed for commercial, office, industrial or other uses for which a building permit is issued after the effective date of this article pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 264, Subdivision and Land Development, and Chapter 310, Zoning, of the Code of the Township of Perkiomen. An additional charge of $500 is hereby imposed for each additional 10,000 square feet, or portion thereof, of floor area for every such building.
Where due to unusual circumstances the requirements of this article are deemed to be not applicable or inappropriate, as determined by the regulations adopted by the Township Supervisors, the charge hereby imposed may be waived, substantially modified or substituted by other contributions in lieu thereof if the recited purposes of this article will be better fulfilled under the circumstances.
The charges hereby imposed shall be paid to Perkiomen Township prior to issuance of building permits.
Monies paid for the charges imposed by this article shall be paid into a special fund to be designated "Municipal Facilities and Services Fund of Perkiomen Township," which shall be held and invested by the Township Supervisors and expended solely for payment of the cost of municipal facilities and services as are determined to be necessary to serve the purpose and intent of this article pursuant to regulations adopted by the Township Supervisors.