[Adopted 9-1-1987 by Ord. No. 98]
By this article, the Board of Supervisors of Perkiomen Township
intends to serve the purposes authorized by Clause LXII, Section 702
of Article VII of the Act of May 1, 1933, P.L. 103, as added by the
Act of August 27, 1963, P.L. 1280, Section 1, known as the Second
Class Township Code. In furtherance thereof, the provisions of this article
are deemed expedient and necessary for the proper management, care
and control of Perkiomen Township and its finances and the maintenance
of peace, good government and welfare of Perkiomen Township and its
trade, commerce and manufacturers.
As used herein, the following words and phrases shall have the
meanings indicated:
Roads and bridges, the resurfacing, replacement and widening
thereof; equipment required to maintain roads and bridges, traffic
signals, curbs and sidewalks; the Township Building and the road maintenance
building and all necessary expansions thereof; office equipment and
furnishings; parks and attendant recreational facilities; open space;
stormwater drainage systems; firefighting equipment and ambulance
service equipment; all other capital equipment and facilities required
to deliver municipal services.
Administration and administrative personnel; streetlight
service; firefighting service and ambulance service; fire hydrant
service; highway maintenance and highway maintenance personnel; all
other municipal services authorized by the Pennsylvania Second Class
Township Code.
Any member of the public who uses or may have occasion to
use municipal facilities and services as defined herein.
Monies paid for the charges imposed by this article shall be
paid into a special fund to be designated "Municipal Facilities and
Services Fund of Perkiomen Township," which shall be held and invested
by the Township Supervisors and expended solely for payment of the
cost of municipal facilities and services as are determined to be
necessary to serve the purpose and intent of this article pursuant
to regulations adopted by the Township Supervisors.