[Ord. 829, 11/15/2001]
Wherever a space is marked off on any street for the parking of an individual vehicle, every vehicle parked there shall be parked wholly within the lines bounding that space, and it shall be a violation of this Part for any person to park a vehicle or allow it to remain parked otherwise.
[Ord. 829, 11/15/2001]
Only angle parking shall be permitted on the following portions of streets:
On all streets where angle parking is required, every vehicle parked at the angle shall be parked with its front nearest the curb.
[Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; as amended by Ord. 846, 6/17/2004, § 3; by Ord. 859, 5/19/2005, § 1; by Ord. 865, 11/17/2005; by Ord. 870, 4/21/2006, § 1; by Ord. 873, 6/15/2006; by Ord. 878, 11/16/2006, § 1; by Ord. 880, 2/15/2007; by Ord. 884, 7/19/2007, § 1; by Ord. 901, 11/20/2008; by Ord. 908, 12/17/2009; by Ord. 923, 9/16/2010; by Ord. 925, 11/18/2010; by Ord. 928, 7/7/2011; by Ord. 929, 9/1/2011; by Ord. 936, 1/19/2012; by Ord. 958, 8/21/2014; by Ord. No. 995, 12/19/2019; by Ord. No. 1007, 4/6/2023]
Parking shall be prohibited at all times in the following locations:
Arch Street
S. Cherry Alley and a point 165 feet eastward of S. Cherry Alley
W. Bainbridge Street
From a point 365 feet westward of S. Market Street to Borough boundary line
Beechwood Lane
E. High Street and E. Willow Street
E. Cedar Street
From a point 237 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 360 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
E. Cedar Street
From a point 571 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 628 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
E. Cedar Street
From a point 725 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 795 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
E. Cedar Street
From a point 258 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 354 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
E. Cedar Street
From a point 521 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 590 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
E. Cedar Street
From a point 655 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 719 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
E. Cedar Street
From a point 800 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 891 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
N. Chestnut Street
E. High Street and a point 96 feet northward of E. High Street
N. Chestnut Street
Mechanics Alley and a point 50 feet southward of Mechanics Alley
N. Chestnut Street
E. High Street and Mechanics Alley
S. Chestnut Street
E. High Street and E. Park Street
S. Chestnut Street
E. College Avenue and E. Bainbridge Street
S. Chestnut Street
E. College Avenue and E. Park Street
E. College Avenue
S. Market Street and a point 67 feet westward of S. Market Street
E. College Avenue
From a point 133 feet westward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 55 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
E. College Avenue
S. Spruce Street and a point 90 feet eastward of S. Spruce Street
E. College Avenue
From a point 120 feet eastward of Alpha Drive and a point 203 eastward of Alpha Drive
E. College Avenue
From a point 430 feet eastward of Alpha Drive and the Borough boundary line eastward
E. College Avenue
A point 30 feet westward of S. Hanover Street and a point 30 feet eastward of S. Hanover Street
E. College Avenue
S. Spruce Street and a point 86 feet eastward of S. Spruce Street
Groff Avenue
S. Market Street and a point 175 feet eastward of S. Market Street
N. Hanover Street
From a point 137 feet southward of Spring Garden Street to a point 68 feet northward of Spring Garden Street
N. Hanover Street
E. Hummelstown Street to a point 62 feet southward of E. Oak Street
N. Hanover Street
Spring Garden Street and Linden Avenue
Hess Avenue
W. High Street and a point 45 feet northward of W. High Street
Hess Avenue
W. High Street and a point 130 feet northward of W. High Street
E. High Street
Beechwood Lane and a point 105 feet eastward of Beechwood Lane
E. High Street
Beechwood Lane and a point 36 feet westward of Beechwood Lane
E. High Street
Gerald Drive and the Borough boundary line eastward
E. High Street
From a point 290 feet eastward of N. Market Street and Walnut Street
E. High Street
A point 55 feet westward of Gladys Alley and a point 120 feet westward of Gladys Alley
E. High Street
High Street, directly across from Gerald Drive, and the Borough boundary line eastward
E. High Street
From a point 140 feet westward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 100 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
E. High Street
From a point 69 feet westward of S. Chestnut Street and a point 53 feet eastward of S. Chestnut Street
E. High Street
School Lane and a point 700 feet eastward of School Lane A point 62 feet westward of the driveway entrance of 900 E.
W. High Street
From a point 113 feet eastward of Hess Avenue and a point 376 feet eastward of Hess Avenue
W. High Street
N. Poplar Street and a point 73 feet westward
W. High Street
From a point 35 feet eastward of N. Wilson Avenue and Turnpike Road
W. High Street
S. Poplar Street and Masonic Drive
N. Holly Street
Hillside Avenue and a point 120 feet southward of Hillside Avenue
N. Holly Street
Hillside Avenue and the Borough boundary line northward
N. Holly Street
Hillside Avenue and a point 127 feet northward of Hillside Avenue
E. Hummelstown Street
N. Hanover Street and Frey Alley
E. Hummelstown Street
From a point 50 feet westward of N. Hanover Street and a point 263 feet eastward of N. Hanover Street
Linden Avenue
N. Market Street and a point 211 feet eastward of N. Market Street
Linden Avenue
N. Market Street and a point 104 feet eastward of N. Market Street
Ken Lane
A point 330 feet from S. Mount Joy Street on the north side and a point 330 feet from S. Mount Joy Street on the south side, this area is within the cul-de-sac
Maize Circle
A point 147 feet northward of Arrowhead Drive and a point 224 feet northward of Arrowhead Drive
N. Market Street
E. High Street to a point 90 feet northward of E. High Street
N. Market Street
From a point 123 feet southward of E. Hummelstown Street and a point 68 feet northward of E. Hummelstown Street
N. Market Street
Mechanics Alley to a point 112 feet northward of Mechanics Alley
N. Market Street
E. Oak Street to Linden Avenue
N. Market Street
A point 271 feet southward of E. Willow Street and a point 192 feet northward of E. Willow Street
N. Market Street
W. High Street and a point 432 feet northward of W. High Street
N. Market Street
Hollinger Lane and W. Oak Street
N. Market Street
From a point 116 feet north of W. Summit Street to a point 100 feet south of W. Summit Street
N. Market Street
A point 126 feet northward of W. Willow Street to a point 152 feet southward of W. Willow Street
S. Market Street
E. Park Street and 48 feet south of E. Park Street
S. Market Street
Union Street and the Borough boundary line southward
S. Market Street
E. Washington Street to a point 159 feet northward
S. Market Street
From a point 197 feet northward of W. Bainbridge Street and the Borough boundary line southward
S. Market Street
W. High Street to a point 90 feet southward of W. High Street
S. Market Street
From a point 41 feet northward of Union Street and a point 58 feet southward of Union Street
S. Market Street
W. Washington Street and a point 187 feet northward of W. Washington Street
Masonic Drive
W. Bainbridge Street and Borough boundary line southward
N. Mount Joy Street
E. High Street and Mechanics Alley
S. Mount Joy Street
E. Cedar Street and a point 77 feet northward of E. Cedar Street
S. Mount Joy Street
E. College Avenue and E. Washington Street
S. Mount Joy Street
Groff Avenue and Ridge Road
S. Mount Joy Street
From a point 68 feet southward of E. Orange Street and a point 82 feet northward of E. Orange Street
S. Mount Joy Street
From a point 112 feet northward of Arch Street and a point 104 feet southward of Arch Street
S. Mount Joy Street
From a point 40 feet northward of E. Orange Street and a point 45 feet southward of E. Orange Street
S. Mount Joy Street
From a point 20 feet northward of Pearl Alley and a point 20 feet southward of Pearl Alley
S. Mount Joy Street
E. Washington Street and E. Park Street
W. Oak Street
N. Market Street and a point 350 feet westward
W. Oak Street
N. Market Street and a point 134 feet westward
E. Park Street
S. Spruce Street and a point 72 feet westward of S. Spruce Street
N. Poplar Street
W. High Street and W. Hummelstown Street
N. Poplar Street
W. High Street and a point 130 northward of W. High Street
N. Poplar Street
W. Hummelstown Street and a point 34 feet southward of W. Hummelstown Street
N. Poplar Street
From a point 47 feet northward of Winnemore Alley and a point 12 feet southward of Winnemore Alley
S. Poplar Street
Union Street and a point 78 feet northward of Union Street
S. Poplar Street
Union Street and W. High Street
School Lane
E. Park Street and E. High Street
N. Spruce Street
E. High Street and E. Willow Street
S. Spruce Street
E. High Street and E. College Avenue
S. Spruce Street
A point 84 feet northward from Arch Street and a point 104 feet southward from Arch Street
S. Spruce Street
E. College Avenue and a point 114 feet southward of E. College Avenue
S. Spruce Street
A point 124 feet northward from Arch Street and a point 120 feet southward from Arch Street
S. Spruce Street
E. College Avenue and a point 58 feet southward of E. College Avenue
S. Spruce Street
E. Plum Street and E. Cherry Street
Union Street
S. Market Street and S. Poplar Street
Union Street
S. Market Street and S. Peach Alley
Walnut Street
E. High Street and Mechanics Alley
W. Washington Street
S. Peach Alley and S. Poplar Street
E. Willow Street
From a point 110 feet westward of Highlawn Avenue and a point 169 feet eastward of Highlawn Avenue
E. Willow Street
N. Market Street and a point 64 feet eastward of N. Market Street
E. Willow Street
From a point 100 feet eastward of N. Spruce Street and a point 70 feet westward of N. Spruce Street
E. Willow Street
From a point 90 feet eastward of N. Spruce Street and a point 90 feet westward of N. Spruce Street
W. Willow Street
N. Market Street to a point 134 feet westward of N. Market Street
S. Wilson Avenue
A point 682 feet southward of W. High Street and a point 709 feet southward of W. High Street
S. Wilson Avenue
A point 435 feet southward of W. High Street and a point 450 feet southward of W. High Street
[Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; as amended by Ord. 908, 12/17/2009; by Ord. 952, 12/19/2013; by Ord. 958, 8/21/2014; by Ord. No. 1007, 4/6/2023]
Parking shall be prohibited in the following locations at all times on the days and between the hours indicated in this section, as follows:
E. College Avenue
S. Chestnut Street eastward to the Borough boundary line
Mon. - Sun.
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
E. College Avenue
From a point 28 feet eastward of Alpha Drive and a point 120 feet eastward of Alpha Drive
All days
2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.
E. College Avenue
From a point 203 feet eastward of Alpha Drive and a point 430 feet eastward of Alpha Drive
All days
2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.
E. High Street
Hickory Lane and Walnut Street
Mon. - Fri.
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
E. High Street
Property boundaries of 571 E. High Street
All days
Doctor patients' parking only 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
E. High Street
The starting point at the SW corner of the high school private entrance/exit and E. High Street, directly across from Hickory Lane, from a westward point 95 feet to a westward point 176 feet from the starting point
Mon. - Fri.
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
E. High Street
The starting point at the SW corner of the high school private entrance/exit and E. High Street, directly across from Hickory Lane, from a westward point 320 feet to a westward point 414 feet from the starting point
Mon. - Fri.
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
E. High Street
From the west driveway of E. High Elementary School westward to a point 620 feet
School day only
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Municipal Parking Lot
As located at the Community Park at the corner of S. Spruce Street and E. Washington Street
All days
10:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
S. Mount Joy Street
Cedar Street and a point 526 feet southward of E. Cedar Street
All days
2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
E. Park Street
School Lane and S. Mount Joy Street
Mon. - Fri.
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
School Lane
E. Park Street and E. High Street
Mon. - Fri.
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
[Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; as amended by Ord. No. 1007, 4/6/2023]
It shall be unlawful for any person to park, or to allow to remain parked, on any of the following streets or parts of streets, any vehicle other than a passenger car (which shall not include any bus, motor home or passenger car attached to a trailer of any kind):
S. Mount Joy Street
Shaeffer Road and a point 1,240 feet northward of Shaeffer Road
12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
[Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; as amended by Ord. 911, 1/21/2010; by Ord. 927, 1/20/2011; by Ord. 978, 11/17/2016; by Ord. No. 1007, 4/6/2023]
No person shall park a vehicle, or allow it to remain parked, for longer than the time indicated, in any of the following locations, at any time on the days and between the hours indicated:
Parking Time Limit
E. High Street Municipal Lot between 25 and 33 E. High Street
Space(s) as designated by signage in the southern portion of the municipal lot
10 minutes
W. High Street Municipal Lot between 35 and 45 W. High Street
Space(s) as designated by signage in the southern portion of the municipal lot
10 minutes free parking
Masonic Drive
From a point 390 feet northward of W. Bainbridge Street and a point 452 feet northward of W. Bainbridge Street
2 hours
Masonic Drive
From a point 508 feet northward of W. Bainbridge Street and a point 648 feet northward of W. Bainbridge Street
2 hours
Masonic Drive
From a point 275 feet northward of W. Bainbridge Street and a point 388 feet northward of W. Bainbridge Street
2 hours
E. Washington Street
S. Market Street and S. Cherry Alley
Mon. - Sat.
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
30 minutes
W. Washington Street
S. Market Street and S. Peach Alley
7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Church purpose only
S. Wilson Avenue
From a point 46 feet southward of W. High Street and a point 149 feet southward of W. High Street
4 hours
S. Wilson Avenue
From a point 345 feet southward of W. High Street and a point 407 feet southward of W. High Street
4 hours
S. Wilson Avenue
From a point 608 feet southward of W. High Street and a point 674 feet southward of W. High Street
4 hours
S. Wilson Avenue
From a point 36 feet southward of W. High Street and a point 120 feet southward of W. High Street
4 hours
S. Wilson Avenue
From a point 176 feet southward of W. High Street and a point 247 feet southward of W. High Street
4 hours
S. Wilson Avenue
From a point 351 feet southward of W. High Street and a point 435 feet southward of W. High Street
4 hours
S. Wilson Avenue
From a point 450 feet southward of W. High Street and a point 567 feet southward of W. High Street
4 hours
[Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; as amended by Ord. 928, 7/7/2011; by Ord. 940, 9/20/2012; by Ord. 978, 11/17/2016; by Ord. No. 1007, 4/6/2023]
It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle on the highway, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or other appropriately attired person authorized to direct, control or regulate traffic or in compliance with a traffic control sign or signal:
Arch Street
S. Market Street and S. Cherry Alley
W. Bainbridge Street
S. Market Street and a point 365 feet westward of S. Market Street
E. College Avenue
S. Market Street and S. Cherry Alley
E. High Street
N. Market Street and a point 290 feet eastward of N. Market Street
E. High Street
S. Market Street and a point 290 feet eastward of S. Market Street
E. High Street
School Lane and a point 385 feet eastward of School Lane
E. High Street
Beginning at the west driveway of E. High Elementary and ending at a point 200 feet eastbound of the east driveway to E. High Elementary
W. High Street
N. Market Street and N. Poplar Street
W. High Street
S. Market Street and S. Poplar Street
S. Market Street
E. Verdant Alley and Union Street
E. Summit Street
N. Market Street and a point 68 feet eastward of N. Market Street
E. Summit Street
N. Cherry Alley and N. Hanover Street
It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle on the highway, except that standing or parking for the purpose of loading or unloading persons or property shall be permitted on the following named streets on Monday through Saturday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., and for no longer than necessary for the loading or unloading:
Street Side Between
It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle within the right-of-way of a public alley.
[Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; as amended by Ord. 869, 2/16/2006; by Ord. 890, 9/20/2007, § 2; by Ord. 901, 11/20/2008; by Ord. 908, 12/17/2009; by Ord. No. 1007, 4/6/2023]
Parking without a permit shall be prohibited at certain times in certain locations. No person shall park a vehicle or allow the same to remain parked at any time between the hours specified without a permit on any day at any of the following locations:
Arch Street
S. Mount Joy Street and S. Spruce Street
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
E. Bainbridge Street
S. Mount Joy Street and S. Chestnut Street
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
E. Cedar Street
S. Mount Joy Street and a point 237 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
Any time
E. Cedar Street
From a point 360 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 571 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
Any time
E. Cedar Street
From a point 628 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 725 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
Any time
E. Cedar Street
S. Mount Joy Street and a point 258 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
Any time
E. Cedar Street
From a point 354 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 521 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
Any time
E. Cedar Street
From a point 590 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 655 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
Any time
E. Cedar Street
From a point 719 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 800 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
Any time
S. Chestnut Street
E. Bainbridge Street and E. Park Street
2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
E. College Avenue
From a point 67 feet westward of S. Chestnut Street and a point 55 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street
2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
E. College Avenue
From a point 90 feet eastward of S. Spruce Street and a point 133 feet westward of S. Mount Joy Street
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
E. College Avenue
From a point 83 feet eastward of S. Mount Joy Street and a point 48 feet westward of Alpha Drive
Any time
E. College Avenue
From a point 86 feet eastward of S. Spruce Street and a point 100 feet westward of S. Mount Joy Street
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
S. Locust Street
E. Orange Street and E. Plum Street
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
S. Mount Joy Street
Arch Street and a point 68 feet southward of E. Orange Street
Any time
S. Mount Joy Street
From a point 77 feet northward of E. Cedar Street and Arch Street
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
S. Mount Joy Street
From a point 187 feet northward of E. Cherry Street and E. Cedar Street
2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
S. Mount Joy Street
From a point 82 feet northward of E. Orange Street and E. College Avenue
Any time
S. Mount Joy Street
E. Washington Street and E. Park Street
2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
S. Mount Joy Street
From a point 104 feet southward of Arch Street and a point 20 feet northward a Pearl Alley
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
S. Mount Joy Street
E. Cedar Street and E. Plum Street
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
S. Mount Joy Street
From a point 40 feet northward of E. Orange Street and a point 123 feet northward of E. Orange Street
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
S. Mount Joy Street
From a point 45 feet southward of E. Orange Street and a point 112 feet northward of Arch Street
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
S. Mount Joy Street
From a point 20 feet southward of Pearl Alley and E. Plum Street
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
S. Mount Joy Street
E. Plum Street and E. Cherry Street
2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
S. Mount Joy Street
E. Washington Street and E. College Avenue
2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
E. Orange Street
S. Mount Joy Street and S. Spruce Street
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
E. Plum
S. Mount Joy Street and S. Locust Street
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
S. Wilson Avenue
185 feet southward from W. High Street and a point 345 feet southward from W. High Street
Any time
The Chief of Police and the Mayor are hereby authorized to issue permanent and temporary parking permits permitting persons to park in parking zones listed in Subsection 1 under the following guidelines:
Any person living in a residence located in the parking zones set forth in Subsection 1 if the applicant presents both proof of residency in the parking zone and also proof of ownership (joint owners shall be treated as one) of a motor vehicle. The Police Chief or the Mayor shall grant a permit only in cases where a hardship exists by reason of the inability of the applicant to be able to park his or her vehicle at one of the above locations during the prohibited period.
Owners and employees of businesses located in a parking zone may apply for a permanent parking permit if the applicant presents both proof of ownership or of employment by a business located in the zone and proof of ownership (joint owners shall be treated as one) of a motor vehicle. The Police Chief or the Mayor shall grant a permit only in cases where a hardship exists by reason of the inability of the applicant to be able to park his or her vehicle at one of the above locations during the prohibited period.
No more than two permanent parking permits may be granted for the use of the occupants of any residential structure located in a parking zone described in Subsection 1 of this section regardless of the number of dwelling units contained therein or the number of persons residing therein.
Parking permits shall be placed on the vehicle in a visible location.
If the Chief of Police or the Mayor refuses to issue a permit, the applicant may request Borough Council to review the decision. The decision of the Borough Council upon review shall be final.
The Chief of Police or the Mayor may issue up to two temporary permits for each residential structure located in a parking zone described in Subsection 1 of this section, regardless of the number of dwelling units contained therein or the number of persons residing therein. Such temporary permits are for the use of guests and shall be subject to revocation if used for any other purpose and shall have the street address of the residential structure for which issued written, typewritten or imprinted thereon.
The following persons shall be exempt from the restrictions relative to parking without a permit during the restricted hours:
Owners and operators of emergency vehicles.
Medical doctors on house calls.
Service vehicles clearly labeled as such during the time that persons from such service vehicles are performing a service at a residence, business or professional use within the restricted parking zone.
The penalties for violation of the above parking regulations shall be those set forth in § 15-412.
Additional Permit Parking Restrictions.
Permanent parking stickers issued pertaining to these regulations shall be affixed to a motor vehicle on the left rear bumper so that it is visible to law enforcement personnel. If issued, temporary parking placards must be displayed on the front dashboard or visor of the motor vehicle.
The Borough reserves the right to designate each prohibited parking zone with a numerical or alphabetical identification. If authorized, appropriate signs shall be placed on the street to designate which parking zone is valid on any given street. Parking in a zone without a valid identification sticker, or placard, for that zone shall be a violation of this section.
[Ord. 829, 11/15/2001]
The parking of any vehicle on any parking lot owned, operated or managed by the Borough, or on any Borough street, for a continuous period of time greater than 72 hours is hereby prohibited.
No repairing, washing, oiling or other work shall be performed on any vehicle, commercial vehicle or nonmotorized vehicle at any time on any street, highway or alley in the Borough of Elizabethtown except in the case of emergency repairs.
No commercial vehicle as defined by this section shall park on any street, highway or alley of the Borough of Elizabethtown between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. prevailing time. The term "commercial vehicle" is defined as any self-propelled or drawn vehicle which has a gross registered weight in excess of 17,000 pounds or any self-propelled or drawn vehicle that is used for commercial, nonprofit or industrial purposes.
No recreational vehicle as defined in this section shall park on any street, highway or alley of the Borough of Elizabethtown between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., prevailing time. The term "recreational vehicle" is defined as a camper, boat and trailer, house trailer, motor home, recreational trailer or any device used for the transportation of recreational vehicles.
No house trailer, camper trailer, boat trailer, boat, trailer or any other nonmotorized vehicle shall be allowed to remain parked unattached to a vehicle for more than two hours on any street, highway or alley in the Borough of Elizabethtown. Further, no such house trailer, camper trailer, boat trailer, boat, trailer or any other nonmotorized vehicle, whether attached or not, shall be parked on any parking lot owned, operated or managed by the Borough or on any Borough street, highway or alley for a continuous period of time greater than 72 hours.
Each additional 24 hour time period during which any such vehicle remains parked in violation of this section beyond the 72 hours shall constitute a separate offense for which the owner shall be liable to penalties as herein set forth.
No vehicle shall be parked on any street, highway or alley in the Borough of Elizabethtown at any time which does not have current registration tags and a current inspection sticker.
The penalties for any violation of the provisions of this section shall be as set forth in § 412 of this Part.
[Ord. 829, 11/15/2001]
All persons using any Borough parking lot shall adhere to all Borough ordinances, rules and regulations. Use of any Borough parking facility for any reason other than legitimate public or private purposes shall not be permitted.
No parking lot may be used as a temporary or permanent storage site for vehicles, boats, tractors, trailers, recreational vehicles, buses or any other privately owned item without the express written consent of the Borough.
Parking at any Borough parking lot shall be permitted solely for its intended purpose of providing reasonable accommodations for the use of commerce, shopping, visiting residents or use of park facilities. Parking lots are not to be used for vehicle repairs, cleaning or washing or storage of any unregistered vehicle.
The Borough Council may, at its discretion, establish any lot or space(s) as metered parking. The duration of time allocated and the cost of a metered parking space shall be determined by Borough Council.
The Borough Council may, at its discretion, establish fees for the long-term reservation of any parking space for either residential or commercial purposes.
Any space specifically designated and marked as a handicapped parking space shall be used only by persons and vehicles authorized by the Borough, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or other state.
The Borough Police Department is hereby empowered to issue citations for the violation of any parking restriction mentioned herein. The fines and penalties for such violations shall comply with applicable sections of the Borough Code. Vehicles may also be towed, at the owner's expense, if found in violation of any section of this chapter at the discretion of the Police Department.
Borough owned vehicles, equipment or materials are exempted from the restrictions herein mentioned.
The Borough parking lots located at South Spruce Street and East Washington Street, known as the Community Parking Lot and at South Market Street and Vine Alley, known as Lot C, are a part of the Borough park system and, as such are to be closed during the hours of 10:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
[Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; as amended by Ord. 939, 7/19/2012, § 1]
Boot Installation.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following words shall have the following meanings:
The act of immobilizing a motor vehicle in such manner as to prevent its operation with a device or by means which will cause no damage to such vehicle unless it is moved while such device is in place or such means are employed.
Outstanding violations of parking, standing or stopping regulations of the Borough of Elizabethtown Code or the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code for which citation(s) have been filed with a District Justice and a summons has been issued to which either no response has been made or for which a warrant has been issued including adjudicated citations where the fine and costs imposed are unpaid.
Boot Installation. Any motor vehicle found parked within the Borough of Elizabethtown upon any public route at any time may, by or under the direction of an officer or member of the Police Department of the Borough, be booted if there are three or more unsettled parking violations pending against the owner of the motor vehicle.
Notice of Booting. Upon booting of such motor vehicle, the officer or employee shall cause to be placed on the vehicle, in a conspicuous manner, notice sufficient to warn any individual that the vehicle has been immobilized and that any attempt to move the vehicle might result in damage to the vehicle. The notice shall also outline the procedure for obtaining removal of the boot. As soon as practicable, the officer or employee shall provide the owner of the booted vehicle, at his request, with a list of the prior unsettled parking violations for which, or on account of which, such vehicle was booted.
Boot Removal; Hearing.
The owner of a booted vehicle, or other authorized person, shall be permitted to secure release of the vehicle upon:
Deposition of the collateral required for his appearance before a District Justice to answer for each unsettled parking violation.
Paying the amount of the fine, penalty and court costs, if any, for each unsettled parking violation.
The payment of the fees as required by Subsection E.
The owner of a booted vehicle or other authorized person shall have the right to a post-immobilization hearing limited to the determination of the validity of the booting. Such hearing must be requested within 15 days after the vehicle is booted and shall be conducted by a hearing officer appointed by the Mayor. The hearing shall be held during normal business hours within one business day of the demand therefor. The post-immobilization hearing will not be determinative of or adjudicate the merits of any citation issued relative to any immobilized vehicle but will be limited solely to whether the vehicle was properly subject to booting under the provisions of this section.
Booting Fee. The owner of a booted vehicle shall be subject to a fee in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council for such immobilization.
Tampering With Boot Prohibited. Any person who shall tamper with, remove or attempt to remove any device used to immobilize a motor vehicle that has been booted pursuant to this section, or who shall move or attempt to move the vehicle booted before release of the vehicle has been officially secured, shall be, upon conviction thereof, sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $600 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days.
Implementation and Enforcement. This section shall be enforced by the Police Department of the Borough of Elizabethtown, and the Chief of Police shall have authority for implementing the parking enforcement provisions thereof and to promulgate such rules and regulations as necessary therefor, which regulations shall be effective upon approval by Council.
Right to Hearing Not Waived. Nothing in this section shall be construed to deprive any person of the constitutional right to a hearing or trial as to the violation for which citations have been issued.
[Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; as amended by Ord. 939, 7/19/2012, § 2]
Parking Penalties.
Specific Fines for Certain Violations. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the following described parking violations shall pay a fine in the amount hereinafter set forth for such violations and necessary costs of prosecution:
Meter violation/overtime parking
Parking outside stall lines
Temporary parking restriction
Within 10 feet of driveway
Yellow curb
Unattached trailer
Parking on private property
Against traffic or 12 inches from curb
Prohibited parking signs posted
Within 20 feet of crosswalk/intersection
Within 30 feet of stop sign
Within 15 feet of fire hydrant
Parking on/over sidewalk
Parking on roadway within a cul-de-sac
Commercial vehicle parked between 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Continuous parking over 72 hours
Parking within fire lane
Handicapped parking zone
Fines for Repeated Violations. Any person who had more than five parking violations in any period of six consecutive months may be fined twice the amount prescribed in Subsection 1 for the sixth violation and three times the amount prescribed for the seventh and any subsequent violation.
Cost for Failure to Pay Fine After Notice. Whenever an alleged violator of the parking regulation set forth in Subsection 1 has not paid the prescribed fine within 15 days after a parking ticket has been issued and the Police Department has sent notice thereof to such person by first-class mail, such person shall pay additional amount of $2 or an amount as determined from time to time by resolution for the cost of processing and mailing such notice.
Duty of Partnership, Associations and Corporations. It shall be the duty of every partnership, association or corporation, who having been served with a citation or summons charging a violation of this Part, to appear before the issuing magistrate and to enter a plea to the charge within time prescribed by law. The violation of this provision shall be deemed a violation of this Part and shall be enforceable against, as to partnerships and association, the partners, members, officers or managers thereof and, as to corporations, the officers or managers thereof, who shall upon conviction in a summary proceeding be subject to the fine and penalty set forth in Subsection 1F.
Responsibility of Registered Owner. Whenever any vehicle has been parked in violation of any provision of this Part prohibiting or restricting parking, the person in whose name such vehicle is registered shall be responsible for such violation and subject to the penalty therefor.
Penalty. Any person, partnership, association and corporation who violates any provisions of this Part or any regulation of the Mayor and Borough Council issued in conformity with this Part shall be, upon conviction thereof, sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $25.
Implementation and Enforcement. This Section shall be enforced by the Police Department of the Borough of Elizabethtown, and the Chief of Police shall have authority for implementing the parking enforcement provisions thereof and to promulgate such rules and regulations as necessary therefor, which regulations shall be effective upon approval by Council.
Right to Hearing Not Waived. Nothing in this section shall be construed to deprive any person of the constitutional right to a hearing or trial as to the violation for which citations have been issued.
Ticketing of Vehicles Parked Unlawfully; Effect Payment Within 72 Hours.
It shall be the duty of the police officers and parking enforcement personnel of the Borough of Elizabethtown, acting in accordance with the direction of the Chief of Police, to report:
The number of each parking meter that indicates that a vehicle occupying the adjacent parking space is, or has been, parked in violation of any provision of related ordinances.
The date and hour of the violation.
The license number of the vehicle.
Any other facts, the knowledge of which is necessary for a thorough understanding of the circumstances attending the violation.
The police officer or other person making the report shall also place on or attach to the vehicle a notice to the owner or driver of the vehicle that the vehicle was parked in violation of this chapter and instructing the owner or driver that if he will report to the office of the Chief of Police and pay the fine, as predescribed, within 72 hours after the time of the notice, or will place the parking fine enclosed within the envelope provided, in any of the special parking fine boxes installed at various locations within the Borough of Elizabethtown, within that time limit, that act will save the violator from prosecution and from payment of the fine prescribed in § 412.1A of this chapter.
Unlawful to Tamper with Meter.
It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, tamper with, open or willfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking meter installed under the provisions of this chapter, provided that nothing in this section shall apply to the servicing or opening of parking meters by police officers or employees of the Borough of Elizabethtown under the direction of the Borough Secretary, Chief of Police or Borough Council.
Penalty for Violation.
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter, with the exception Subsection 2C (relating to tampering with meters), and who fails to pay the fine set forth in Subsection 1A, shall be cited within 30 days of the receipt of the vehicle's ownership information from PennDOT or from the date of the violation, whichever is greater and, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $15 or the amount specified in the appropriate Section, whichever is greater, plus costs.
Any person who violates any provision of Subsection 2C (relating to tampering with meters) of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $600 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to imprisonment for not to exceed 30 days.
Penalty for Violation.
Any person who violates any provision of this part and who fails to pay the fine set forth in this chapter shall be cited within 30 days of the receipt of the ownership information from PennDOT or from the date of the violation, whichever is greater, and upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $15 or the amount specified in the appropriate section, whichever is greater, plus costs.