[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 301]
Whenever a subdivision or land development is desired to be effected in the Borough of Elizabethtown, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, a plan of the layout of such proposal shall be prepared, filed and processed with the Borough Planning Commission and Borough Council in compliance with the requirements of this Chapter.
[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 302]
Prior to the filing of a subdivision or land development plan for review and approval, the applicant is encouraged to submit a sketch plan to the Planning Commission for advice on the requirements necessary to achieve conformity with the standards of this and other applicable Borough ordinances, as well as, to alert the applicant to other factors which must be considered in the design of the subdivision or land development.
The plan shall be clearly labeled "SKETCH PLAN" and should include sufficient information to clearly indicate the character and extent of the proposed subdivision or land development and its relationship to existing conditions and facilities within the area in which it is to be located. It is recommended that sketch plan submissions include a map covering sufficient area to establish the location of the site and an informal plan of any existing or proposed streets, buildings, lot arrangement, utilities, significant natural features and other elements within the subdivision or land development including topographic contours.
At this stage, the Commission shall assist the applicant in determining whether or not the site is located in an identified flood hazard area, in which case, applicable floodplain management regulations shall be complied with. The applicant shall also be advised of the accessibility of public sewerage and public water to the development site.
Such discussions and sketch plan review will be considered as confidential between the developer and Commission. Submission of a sketch plan shall not constitute formal filing of a plan with the Commission.
[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 303; as amended by Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; by Ord. 897, 7/17/2008; by Ord. No. 1009, 4/6/2023]
A preliminary plan is required for applications which propose new streets, all land development plans, and subdivision plans of seven or more lots. All other plans may be submitted as final plans as required herein.
Submission of Preliminary Plan.
The applicant, at least 14 calendar days prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission at which consideration is desired, shall file with the Borough Manager two paper copies and one electronic copy of the preliminary plan containing the data required by this chapter.
In addition to filing with the Borough Planning Commission, the applicant shall concurrently submit such plans to the Lancaster County Planning Department for review and report and to the Borough Engineer for review and comment. The Planning Commission will not make a recommendation and the Borough Council will not act on the preliminary plan until the County report is received or until the time period for receiving such report has expired.
All preliminary plans shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Part 4 of this chapter.
The Borough Planning Commission shall distribute the preliminary plans in the following manner:
Borough staff: two copies.
Planning Commission: one digital copy.
Borough Council: one digital copy.
If the subject site of the preliminary plan abuts a state highway, the applicant shall submit one additional copy to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Review of the Preliminary Plan.
At their next regularly scheduled meeting, the Planning Commission shall review the plan content in respect to completeness. If the plan submission is found to be complete in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter, the submission shall be accepted with said acceptance to constitute official plan filing by the applicant as of that meeting date, and the Commission may proceed with plan review.
If the plan documentation is found to be incomplete in respect to the requirements of this chapter, the Planning Commission shall suspend review and the plan shall not be considered as being officially filed. Within five business days thereafter, the applicant shall be notified of the additional information required.
The Planning Commission shall review the preliminary plan to determine its conformance with the standards contained in this Chapter and other applicable Borough ordinances, and shall require or recommend such changes and modifications as it deems necessary.
Act or recommendation of the Planning Commission which involves engineering consideration shall be subject to review and comment by the Borough Engineer, which shall be incorporated and separately set forth with the analysis and recommendations of the Commission to the Borough Council.
Planning Commission Action. The Planning Commission shall render a decision on the preliminary plan within 60 days after the plan filing date and submit copies of the plan documents and their recommendations to the Borough Council for action.
Borough Council Action. The Borough Council will act upon preliminary plans and render decisions within the time limits and in the manner required by the MPC.
Preliminary Approval.
Approval of the preliminary plan constitutes approval of the proposed subdivision of land development in respect to the general design, the approximate dimensions, and other planned features. Preliminary approval binds the developer to the general scheme of the plan as approved. Preliminary approval does not authorize the recording, sale or transfer of lots or the installation of improvements.
Preliminary approval shall expire within five years after being granted unless, due to extenuating circumstances an extension is requested by the applicant and approved by the Borough Council. Requests for extensions shall be submitted to the Borough Manager 30 days prior to any prevailing expiration date.
Following preliminary plan approval, the applicant shall submit to the Borough Office two final paper copies and one final electronic copy of the approved preliminary plan documenting any and all revisions.
[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 304; as amended by Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; by Ord. 897, 7/17/2008; by Ord. No. 1009, 4/6/2023]
The following procedure shall be followed in the submission and processing of final plans for proposed subdivisions and land developments.
Submission of the Final Plan.
The applicant shall submit two paper copies and one electronic copy of the required final plan documentation to the Borough Manager at least 14 calendar days prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission at which consideration is desired. Such documentation shall include all specifications and data required under this chapter.
In addition to filing with the Borough Planning Commission, the applicant shall concurrently submit such plans to the Lancaster County Planning Commission for review and report and to the Borough Engineer for review and comment; provided, however, that if the procedures of the Lancaster County Planning Commission require any certification from the Borough as part of this submission, the applicant may submit such plan to the Lancaster County Planning Commission after receipt of the certification from the Borough. The Planning Commission will not make a recommendation and the Borough Council will not act on the final plan until the County report is received or until the time period for receiving such report has expired or until the Borough has been provided with confirmation that the applicant has submitted the plan to the Lancaster County Planning Commission if the applicant requires a certification from the Borough and cannot submit the plan concurrently to the Lancaster County Planning Commission.
All final plans shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Part 4 of this chapter. Final plan submission may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plan which the applicant proposes to record and develop at the time, provided that such portion conforms with all of the requirements of this chapter. In such cases, the applicant shall submit a tentative schedule for the development of the balance of the tract.
Distribution. The final plan copies shall be distributed in the manner set forth in § 303B of this Part 3.
Review of the Final Plan. The Borough Planning Commission shall review the final plan in the same manner as set forth for review of preliminary plans in § 303.
Planning Commission Action. The Planning Commission shall submit its recommendations and copies of the final plan to Borough Council for action within the time periods required by the MPC.
Borough Council Action. The Borough Council will act upon final plans and render decisions within the time limits and in the manner required by the MPC.
[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 305; as amended by Ord. 897, 7/17/2008]
Upon approval and certification of a final plan, the applicant shall record the plan in the office of the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds. Should the applicant fail to record the final plan within 90 days of the Borough Council's final plan approval, the Council action on the plan shall be null and void unless the Council grants a waiver by extending the effective time period of the approval.
The final plan shall be filed with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds before proceeding with the sale of lots.
The final plan shall be recorded with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds before proceeding with construction of any improvements and before issuance of any permits under the Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27] or the Uniform Construction Code.
No subdivision or land development plan may be recorded unless it bears the endorsement of the Borough Planning Commission and Borough Council.
Recording of the final plan, after approval of the Borough Council, shall have the effect of an irrevocable offer to dedicate all streets and other areas designated for public use shown thereon unless reserved by the developer as hereinafter provided. The approval of Council shall not impose any duty upon the Borough concerning maintenance or improvement of any such dedicated street, or public use, until the Council shall have accepted the same by ordinance or resolution.
The developer may place a notation on the final plan to the effect that there is no offer of dedication to the public of certain designated uses, areas or streets, in which event the title to such areas shall remain with the owner, and the Borough Council shall assume no responsibility for improvements or maintenance thereof, which fact shall also be noted on the final plan.
[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 306]
In the case where six or fewer lots are proposed to be subdivided from a tract of land, the Borough Council, in response to a written request by the applicant, may waive the submission of a preliminary plan provided such proposal abuts an existing street and no new streets are involved. In such case, the applicant shall submit a final plan as detailed in this Chapter.
[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 307]
In the case where land is being transferred to be combined with an adjacent parcel involving fewer than three principal structures, for the sole purpose of increasing the lot size of an adjacent contiguous lot, the Borough Council, in response to a written request by the applicant, may waive the submission of a preliminary plan provided such proposal abuts an existing street and no new streets are involved. In such case, the applicant shall submit a final plan as detailed in this Chapter.
[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 308; as amended by Ord. 829, 11/15/2001]
The Borough Council may grant a modification of the requirements of one or more provisions of this Chapter if the literal enforcement will exact undue hardship because of peculiar conditions pertaining to the land in question, provided that such modification will not be contrary to the public interest and that the purpose and intent of this Chapter is observed.
All requests for a modification shall be in writing and shall accompany and be a part of the application for development. The request shall state in full the grounds and facts of unreasonableness or hardship on which the request is based, the provision or provisions of this Chapter involved and the minimum modification necessary.
The request for modification shall be referred to the Planning Commission for advisory comments.
The Borough Council shall keep a written record of all action on all requests for modifications.
[Ord. No. 1009, 4/6/2023]
Upon completion of the plan improvements and prior to the release of financial security and/or acceptance by the Borough, the applicant shall submit as-built plans of all street improvements, stormwater management facilities, public water supply facilities, public sewage disposal facilities and other public improvements. The as-built plans shall be filed with the Borough and shall be concurrently submitted to the Borough Engineer for review and comment.
Review by Borough Engineer.
The Borough Engineer shall either approve the as-built plan or identify corrections required.
If the Borough Engineer identifies corrections required to the as-built plan, the applicant shall submit a revised as-built plan to the Borough addressing the corrections.
Following approval of the as-built plan by the Borough Engineer, a digital copy of the as-built plan shall be submitted to the Borough along with one paper copy of the plan.
A digital copy shall be in an electronic format acceptable to the Borough Engineer.
All coordinates as depicted on the plan shall be based on the PA S. Zone State Plan Coordinate System (NAD83 for horizontal and NAVD88 for vertical).