[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 401]
The following information is to be shown on or submitted with subdivision and land development plans by the applicant.
[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 402]
The scale and sheet size of sketch plans shall be as required for preliminary plans in §§ 403(1) and 403(4). The sketch plan shall show or be accompanied by the following data, legible in every detail and drawn to scale, but not necessarily containing precise dimensions:
Name and address of the developer (if applicable) and landowner.
Name of the individual and/or the firm that prepared the plan.
Location map with sufficient information to enable the Commission to locate the property.
North arrow.
Written and graphic scales.
Existing tract boundaries accurately labeled with the name(s) of adjacent landowner(s) and adjacent plan(s) of record.
Name of the municipality or municipalities in which the project is located, including the location of any municipal boundary line(s) if located within the vicinity of the tract.
Significant topographical and manmade features (e.g. bodies of water, quarries, floodplains, tree masses, structures).
Proposed street, parking, building and lot layout.
Proposed land use; if several land uses are proposed, the location of each land use shall be indicated.
Statement explaining the methods of water supply and sewage disposal to be used.
[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 403; as amended by Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; by Ord. No. 1009, 4/6/2023]
Preliminary subdivision and land development plans shall be prepared by an engineer or surveyor. The preliminary plan shall show, or be accompanied by, or be prepared in accordance with the following:
Drafting Standards.
The plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a commonly used scale between 20 feet and 100 feet to the inch.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimals; bearings shall be in degrees, minutes and seconds. Lot line descriptions shall read in a clockwise direction.
The survey shall not have an error of closure greater than one foot in 10,000 feet.
The sheet size shall be no smaller than 18 inches by 22 inches and no larger than 34 inches by 44 inches. If the plan is prepared in two or more sections, a key map showing the location of the sections shall be placed on each sheet. If more than one sheet is necessary, each sheet shall be the same size and numbered to show the relationship to the total number of sheets in the plan (e.g. Sheet 1 of 5).
Plans shall be legible in every detail.
Location and Identification.
The proposed project name or identifying title.
The municipality in which the project is to be located. (If the tract of land is located in the vicinity of a municipal boundary line, the location of the boundary shall be shown.
The name and address of the owner of the tract (or his authorized agent), the developer/subdivider, and the firm that prepared the plans.
The file or project number assigned by the firm that prepared the plan, the plan date and the date(s) of all plan revisions.
A north arrow, a graphic scale, and a written scale.
The entire existing tract boundary with bearings and distances. (If a landowner is going to retain a single lot with a lot area in excess of 10 acres, the boundary of that lot may be identified as a deed plotting and may be drawn at any legible scale; if the retained lot has a lot area of 10 or less acres, it must be described to the accuracy requirements of this Chapter.
The district and lot size and/or density requirements of the prevailing zoning ordinance or a note that a zoning ordinance does not exist.
The location of existing lot line markers along the perimeter of the entire existing tract.
A location map, drawn to scale, relating the subdivision to at least two intersections of road centerlines, including the approximate distance to the intersection of the centerlines to the nearest improved street intersection.
Existing Features.
Existing contours at a minimum vertical interval of two feet for land with average natural slope of 4% or less and at a minimum vertical interval of five feet for more steeply sloping land. Contours shall be accompanied by the location of the bench mark and a notation indicating the datum used. Contours plotted from the United States Geodetic Survey will not be accepted.
The names of all immediately adjacent landowners and the names and plan book record numbers of all previously recorded plans for adjacent projects.
Within 200 feet of the subject tract, the location of all existing legal rights-of-way for public or private streets or drives, railroads, public or private sewer mains, aqueducts, water mains and feeders, fire hydrants, electric transmission lines, gas transmission lines, oil transmission lines, watercourses, storm drainage facilities, and other significant features.
Within the subject tract, the locations, names and dimensions of existing streets and alleys, location and sizes of existing sanitary sewers and storm drains, domestic water locations, locations and sizes of utilities, all buildings, floodplains, watercourses and approximate locations of all tree masses.
Plan Information.
Location, width and approximate grade of all proposed streets, alleys, rights-of-way and easements, including cartway and right-of-way widths.
Layout of lots, lot numbers, proposed lot lines with approximate dimensions and lot areas.
Playgrounds, public buildings, public areas and parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use.
Location of any proposed site improvement such as curbs, sidewalks, drives, street trees, fire hydrants and other relevant data.
Block and lot numbers in consecutive order (e.g. Block "A", Lots one through 10; Block "B", Lots 11 through 22).
In the case of land developments, the location and configuration of proposed buildings, parking compounds, streets, access drives, driveways, and all other significant planned facilities.
Total number of lots, units of occupancy, density and proposed land use (if a multiple land use is proposed, an indication of the location of each land use).
All existing property lines, easements and rights-of-way and the purpose for which easements or rights-of-way will be or have been established.
Building setback lines, with distances from the street centerline.
Identification of buildings to be demolished.
Typical street cross-section for each proposed street and typical cross-section for any existing street which will be improved as part of the application. Each cross-section shall include the entire right-of-way width.
Street centerline profile for each proposed street shown on the preliminary plan.
The preliminary design of the proposed sanitary sewer mains, water supply mains, and storm water management facilities. In addition to the design calculations, assumptions, and supporting data, a general plan shall include the approximate size, vertical location, and horizontal location of all facilities.
A statement on the plan indicating any proposed zoning amendment or variance, if applicable.
A statement on the plan indicating any existing or proposed waivers granted by the Council.
Proposed street names.
Certificates, Notifications and Reports.
Where the preliminary plan covers only a part of the entire landholdings, a sketch of the future street system of the unsubmitted part shall be furnished. The street system of the submitted part will be considered in light of adjustments and connections with future streets in the part not submitted.
Where applicable, a plan revision module for land development shall be the responsibility of the applicant and shall be prepared in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The completed module shall accompany the preliminary plan submission.
Where the subdivision and/or land development lies partially or completely within any identified floodplain area or district or where such activities border on any identified floodplain area or district, the preliminary plan shall include the following information:
The location and elevation of proposed roads, utilities and building sites, fills, flood or erosion protection facilities.
The five-hundred-year flood elevations along with reference material and/or calculations in a form and/or method acceptable to the Borough Engineer.
Areas subject to special deed restrictions.
Contours at intervals of two or five feet depending upon the slope of the land and identify accurately the boundaries of the floodplain areas or districts.
Certificate, signature and seal of the engineer or surveyor to the effect that the survey and/or plan are correct.
If water is to be provided by means other than private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners of lots within the subdivision or development, applicants shall present evidence to the Borough Council that the subdivision is to be supplied by a certified public utility, a bona fide cooperative association of lot owners, or by a municipal corporation, authority or utility. A copy of a Certificate of Public Convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such certificate, a cooperative agreement or a commitment or agreement to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate, shall be acceptable.
Filing Fee. The preliminary plan shall be accompanied by a check or money order drawn to Elizabethtown Borough in an amount specified on the fee schedule, adopted by resolution of the Borough Council.
[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 404; as amended by Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; by Ord. 872, 5/18/2006, Arts. I-III; by Ord. 897, 7/17/2008; by Ord. No. 1009, 4/6/2023]
Final subdivision and land development plans shall be prepared by an engineer or surveyor. The final plan shall show, be accompanied by, or prepared in accordance with the following:
Drafting Standards. The same standards shall be required for a final plan as specified for a preliminary plan in § 403A of this chapter.
Location and Identification. The same standards shall be required for a final plan as specified for a preliminary plan in § 403B of this chapter.
Existing Features.
Existing contours at a minimum vertical interval of two feet for land with average natural slope of 4% or less and at a minimum vertical interval of five feet for more steeply sloping land. Contours shall be accompanied by the location of the bench mark and a notation indicating the datum used. Contours plotted from the United States Geodetic Survey will not be accepted. This information may be provided on separate sheets and is not subject to recording with the final plans.
The names of all immediately adjacent landowners and the names and plan book record numbers of all previously recorded plans for adjacent projects.
Within 200 feet of the subject tract, the location of all existing legal rights-of-way for public or private streets or drives, railroads, public or private sewer mains, aqueducts, water mains and feeders, fire hydrants, electric transmission lines, gas transmission lines, oil transmission lines, watercourses, storm drainage facilities, and other significant features.
Within the subject tract, the locations, names and dimensions of existing streets and alleys, location and sizes of existing sanitary sewers and storm drains, domestic water locations, locations and sizes of utilities, all buildings, floodplains, watercourses and approximate locations of all tree masses.
In the case of a plan for which the subject tract has an environmental covenant executed pursuant to the Pennsylvania Environmental Covenants Act, 27 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 6501 through 6517 (UECA), the plan shall include the boundary limits of any contamination remaining on site. The application shall include a copy of the environmental covenant agreement and any required engineering and institutional controls.
Plan Information.
Complete description of the centerline and the right-of-way line for all new streets. This description shall include distances and bearings with curve segments comprised of radius, tangent, arc, and chord.
Lot lines, with accurate bearings and distances, and lot areas for all parcels. Curve segments shall be comprised of arc, chord, bearing and distance. Along existing street rights-of-way the description may utilize the existing deed lines or road centerlines; along all proposed street rights-of-way, the description shall be prepared to the right-of-way lines.
Block and lot numbers in consecutive order (e.g. Block "A," Lots 1 through 10; Block "B," Lots 11 through 22).
In the case of land development plans, the location and configuration of proposed buildings, parking compounds, streets, access drives, driveways, and all other significant facilities.
Total number of lots, units of occupancy, density, and proposed land use (if a multiple land use is proposed, an indication of the location of each land use).
Playgrounds, public buildings, public areas and parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use.
Location of any proposed site improvements such as curbs, sidewalks, drives, street trees, fire hydrants and other relevant data.
All existing property lines, easements and rights-of-way and the purposes for such easements, and the purpose for which easements or rights-of-way will be or have been established.
Building setback lines, with distances from the street centerline.
Identification of buildings to be demolished.
Typical street cross-section for each proposed street and a typical crosssection for any existing street which will be improved as part of the application. Each cross-section shall include the entire right-of-way width.
Final vertical and horizontal alignment for each proposed street, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water distribution system. All street profiles shall show at least the existing (natural) profile along the centerline, proposed grade at the centerline, and the length of all proposed vertical curves for streets. All water distribution, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer systems shall provide manhole locations and size and type of material. This information may be provided on separate sheets and is not subject to recording with the final plans.
Source of title to the land included within the subject application, as shown by the books of the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds.
Final street names.
Location and material of all permanent monuments and lot line markers, including a note that all monuments and lot line markers are set or indicating when they will be set.
In the case of land development plans, a grading plan. The grading plan shall include finished grades and ground-floor elevations. This information may be provided on separate sheets and is not subject to recording with the final plans. The plan shall comply with all provisions of Chapter 17, Stormwater Management.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 17, Stormwater Management.
Identification of any waivers granted by the Council.
The following stormwater management data for all plans, which shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 17, Stormwater Management. This information may be provided on a sheet with other data or on separate sheets and need not necessarily be recorded with the final plan. In the case of any dispute in the methodology used in the design of any stormwater management plan and/or in the presentation of such information, the Borough Council shall make the final determination on the design criteria, methodology, and form of presentation.
All calculations, assumptions, criteria and references used in the design of the stormwater management facilities, the establishment of existing facilities' capacities, and the pre- and post-development peak discharges.
All plans and profiles of the proposed stormwater management facilities, including the horizontal and vertical location, size, and type of material. This information shall be to a detail required for construction of the facilities.
For all basins, a plotting or tabulation of the storage volumes and discharge curves with corresponding water-surface elevations, inflow and outflow hydrographs.
For all basins which hold two acre-feet or more of water and have an embankment that is six feet or more in height, soil structure and characteristics shall be provided. An engineer shall prepare plans and data. These submissions shall provide design solutions for the frost-heave potential, spring-swell potential, soil-bearing strength, water infiltration, soil setting characteristics, fill and backfilling procedures, and soil treatment techniques as required to protect the improvements for adjacent structures.
All erosion and sedimentation control measures, temporary as well as permanent, including the staging of earth-moving activities, in sufficient detail to clearly indicate their function. The erosion and sedimentation control plan shall meet all requirements of the DEP Erosion and Sedimentation Control Manual. The applicant shall demonstrate that the applicant has submitted the erosion and sedimentation control plan to the Conservation District for review.
The guidelines for lot grading within subdivisions. This information shall identify the direction of stormwater runoff flow within each lot and the areas where stormwater flows will be concentrated.
Finished first-floor elevations for all residential units shall be shown on the plan.
A note on the plan indicating any area that is not to be offered for dedication, along with a statement that the Borough is not responsible for maintenance of any area not dedicated to and accepted for public use and that no alteration to swales or basins or placement of structures shall be permitted within easements.
Designation of limits of on-site watershed areas, including a map which shows the off-site watershed areas.
Description of any ownership and maintenance program, in a recordable form, that clearly sets forth the ownership and maintenance responsibilities for all temporary and permanent stormwater management facilities, including the following:
Description of the method and extent of the maintenance requirements.
When maintained by a private entity, identification of an individual, corporation, association, or other entity responsible for ownership and maintenance.
When maintained by a private entity, a copy of the legally binding document, in recordable form, which provides that the Borough shall have the right to:
Inspect the facilities at any time.
Require the private entity to take corrective measures and assign the private entity reasonable time periods for any necessary action.
Authorize maintenance to be done and lien the cost of the work against the properties of the private entity responsible for maintenance.
Establishment of suitable easements for access to stormwater management facilities.
Certificates, Notifications and Reports.
Notification from the Department of Environmental Protection that approval of the Sewer Facility Plan Revision (Plan Revision Module for Land Development) or supplement has been granted.
Certificate, signature and seal of the engineer to the effect that the survey and/or plan are correct.
A statement, duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds and signed by the landowner, to the effect that the subdivision or land development shown on the plan is the deed of the owner, that all those signing are all owners of the property shown on the survey and plan, and that they desire the same to be recorded as such. This must be dated following the last change or revision of said plan.
A certificate of dedication of streets and other public property.
A note to be placed on the plan indicating any area that is not to be offered for dedication, if applicable.
The submission of a controlling agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter when an application proposes to establish a street which is not offered for dedication to the public use.
Proposed protective covenants in conjunction with the land, if any.
A final erosion and sedimentation control plan pursuant to the rules and regulation of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and evidence that any required erosion and sedimentation control permit has been issued, if applicable.
When any portion of the tract proposed for subdivision or land development is located within an identified flood district or floodplain area, the following information shall be required as part of the final plan and shall be prepared by a registered engineer or surveyor:
Report on how the floodplain areas are determined and what effect the proposed improvements will have on the floodplain. The report shall include any references, design criteria, and/or calculators which are needed by the Borough Engineer to verify the flood elevations.
The exact location and elevation of all proposed buildings, structures, roads, and public utilities to be constructed within any identified floodplain area or district. All such maps shall show contours at intervals of two feet and identify accurately the boundaries of the floodplain areas, and shall be verified by the Borough Engineer.
Submission of the final plan shall also be accompanied by all required permits and related documentation from the Department of Environmental Protection and any other Commonwealth agency where any alteration or relocation of a stream or watercourse is proposed. In addition, documentation shall be submitted indicating that all affected adjacent municipalities have been notified of the proposed alteration or relocation. The Department of Community Affairs and the Federal Insurance Administrator shall also be notified by the applicant whenever any such activity is proposed.
Any other certificates, affidavits, endorsements, or reports as may be required by the Borough Council or Borough Planning Commission in the enforcement of this Chapter. The Lancaster County Planning Commission Certificate (Appendix No. 4 or other certificate language as may be approved by the Lancaster County Planning Commission) must also be placed on the plan.
If water is to be provided by means other than private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners of lots within the subdivision or development, applicants shall present evidence to the Borough Council that the subdivision is to be supplied by a certified public utility, a bona fide cooperative association of lot owners, or by a municipal corporation, authority or utility. A copy of a Certificate of Public Convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such certificate, a cooperative agreement or a commitment or agreement to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate, shall be acceptable.
Filing Fee. The final plan shall also be accompanied by a check or money order drawn to Elizabethtown Borough in an amount specified on the fee schedule adopted by resolution of the Borough Council.
Reports. The applicant shall provide the same reports as required to be submitted with a preliminary plan as set forth in § 403E(3) and shall also provide:
A final hydrologic report as required by the Stormwater Management and Earth Disturbance Ordinance of 2006 and as may be amended from time to time.[2]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 17, Stormwater Management.
A stormwater management and declaration of easement in the form required by the Stormwater Management Ordinance.
If the final plan proposes an enlargement of an existing lot, the applicant shall provide a copy of the proposed deed to transfer the land and a copy of the proposed deed with a perimeter description for the lot as enlarged.
[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 405; as amended by Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; and by Ord. 897, 7/17/2008]
Minor subdivision plans shall be prepared by an engineer or surveyor and shall include the following information:
Drafting Standards. The same standards shall be required for a minor subdivision plan as specified for a preliminary plan in § 403(A) of this Chapter.
Location and Identification. The same standards shall be required for a minor subdivision plan as specified for a preliminary plan in § 403(B) of this Chapter.
Plan Information. The same standards shall be required for a minor subdivision plan as specified for a final plan in § 404(D) of this Chapter.
Certificates, Notifications and Reports.
Certificate, signature and seal of the engineer or surveyor to the effect that the survey and/or plan are correct.
Notification from the Department of Environmental Protection that approval of the sewer facility plan revision (plan revision module for land development) or supplement has been granted, or notice from the Borough Engineer that a plan revision or supplement is not necessary.
A statement, duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgement of deeds and signed by the landowner, to the effect that the subdivision or land development shown on the plan is the act and the deed of the owner, that all those signing are all the owners of the property shown on the survey and plan, and that they desire the same to be recorded as such.
Proposed protective covenants in conjunction with the land, if any.
A final erosion and sedimentation control plan pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and evidence that any required erosion and sedimentation control permit has been issued, if applicable.
When any portion of the tract proposed for subdivision or land development is located within an identified flood district or floodplain area, the following information shall be required as part of the final plan and shall be prepared by a registered engineer or surveyor:
The exact location and elevation of all proposed buildings, structures, roads, and public utilities to be constructed within any identified floodplain area or district. All such maps shall show contours at intervals of two feet and identify accurately the boundaries of the floodplain areas, and shall be verified by the Borough Engineer.
Submission of the final plan shall also be accompanied by all required permits and related documentation from the Department of Environmental Protection and any other Commonwealth agency where any alteration or relocation of a stream or watercourse is proposed. In addition, documentation shall be submitted indicating that all affected adjacent municipalities have been notified of the proposed alteration or relocation. The Department of Community Affairs and the Federal Insurance Administrator shall also be notified by the applicant whenever any such activity is proposed.
Any other certificates, affidavits, endorsements or reports as may be required by the Borough Council or Borough Planning Commission in the enforcement of this Chapter.
If water is to be provided by means other than private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners of lots within the subdivision or development, applicants shall present evidence to the Borough Council that the subdivision is to be supplied by a certified public utility, a bona fide cooperative association of lot owners, or by a municipal corporation, authority or utility. A copy of a Certificate of Public Convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such certificate, a cooperative agreement or a commitment or agreement to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate, shall be acceptable.
Filing Fee. The minor subdivision plan shall also be accompanied by a check or money order drawn to Elizabethtown Borough in an amount specified on the fee schedule adopted by resolution of the Borough Council.
If the final plan proposes an enlargement of an existing lot, the applicant shall provide a copy of the proposed deed to transfer the land and a copy of the proposed deed with a perimeter description for the lot as enlarged.
[Ord. 663, 6/20/1985, § 406; as amended by Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; and by Ord. 897, 7/17/2008]
Lot add-on plans shall be prepared by an engineer or surveyor and shall include the following information:
Drafting Standards. The same standards shall be required for a lot add-on plan as specified for a preliminary plan in § 403(A) of this Chapter.
Location and Identification. The same standards shall be required for a lot add-on plan as specified for a preliminary plan in § 403(B) of this Chapter.
Plan Information. The same standards shall be required for a lot add-on plan as specified for a final plan in § 404(D) of this Chapter.
Certificates, Notifications and Reports.
Certificate, signature and seal of the engineer or surveyor to the effect that the survey and/or plan are correct.
Notification from the Department of Environmental Protection that approval of the sewer facility plan revision (plan revision module for and development) or supplement has been granted, or notice from the Borough Engineer that a plan revision or supplement is not necessary.
A statement, duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds and signed by the landowner, to the effect that the subdivision or land development shown on the plan is the act and the deed of the owner, that all those signing are all the owners of the property shown on the survey and plan, and that they desire the same to be recorded as such.
Proposed protective covenants in conjunction with the land, if any.
A final erosion and sedimentation control plan pursuant to the rules and regulation of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and evidence that any required erosion and sedimentation control permit has been issued, if applicable.
When any portion of the tract proposed for subdivision or land development is located within an identified flood district or floodplain area, the following information shall be required as part of the final plan and shall be prepared by a registered engineer or surveyor:
The exact location and elevation of all proposed buildings, structures, roads and public utilities to be constructed within any identified floodplain area or district. All such maps shall show contours at intervals of two feet and identify accurately the boundaries of the floodplain area and shall be verified by the Borough Engineer.
Submission of the final plan shall also be accompanied by all required permits and related documentation from the Department of Environmental Protection and any other Commonwealth agency where any alteration or relocation of a stream or watercourse is proposed. In addition, documentation shall be submitted indicating that all affected adjacent municipalities have been notified of the proposed alteration or relocation. The Department of Community Affairs and the Federal Insurance Administrator shall also be notified by the applicant whenever any such activity is proposed.
Any other certificates, affidavits, endorsements or reports as may be required by the Borough Council or Borough Planning Commission in the enforcement of this Chapter.
If water is to be provided by means other than private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners of lots within the subdivision or development, applicants shall present evidence to the Borough Council that the subdivision is to be supplied by a certified public utility, a bona fide cooperative association of lot owners, or by a municipal corporation, authority or utility. A copy of a Certificate of Public Convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such certificate, a cooperative agreement or a commitment or agreement to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate, shall be acceptable.
Filing Fee. The lot add-on plan shall also be accompanied by a check or money order drawn to Elizabethtown Borough in an amount specified on the fee schedule adopted by resolution of the Borough Council.
If the final plan proposes an enlargement of an existing lot, the applicant shall provide a copy of the proposed deed to transfer the land and a copy of the proposed deed with a perimeter description for the lot as enlarged.