[Added 8-21-2002 by Ord. No. 02-027; amended 4-7-2020 by Ord. No. 20-015[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also changed the title of this Art. XVI from "Department of Technology and Economic Development" to its current title.
There shall be a Department of Technology, the head of which shall be the Director, who shall serve the Township in a full-time capacity.
The Office of Technology shall:
Continuously evaluate and improve the technological infrastructure of the Township's governmental operations.
Establish policies and standards to ensure the security and integration of improved technology throughout the municipal operation.
Provide assistance to the Township's municipal agencies to ensure efficient and effective service to the residents of the Township through the use of technology.
Assess and monitor the Township's technological investments so as to take advantage of newer, more cost-effective methodologies.
Coordinate strategies to make municipal technological operations "user friendly" to promote better communications between governmental departments and with members of the public.