[Ord. 07-04, 3/8/2007]
As used in this Part, the following terms have the meaning indicated, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context.
Any person having a right of property in any animal or having custody of any animal, or any person who harbors or permits an animal to remain on or around his or her property.
Being upon any public highway, street, alley, park, or any other public land, or upon property of another person other than the owner, and not being accompanied by or under the control of the owner or any other person having custody of said animal.
[Ord. 07-04, 3/8/2007; as amended by Ord. 13-09, 12/12/2013]
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal to allow or permit such animal to run at large in the Township of Susquehanna. In order to avoid attracting wild animals or domestic animals allowed to run free, it shall be unlawful to place food for such animals in public areas or on property owned or possessed privately, which food is not contained in a manner which would avoid attracting such animals by smell or availability. This prohibition with regard to food shall not prohibit standard bird feeders properly installed so as to discourage the attraction of any animals other than the birds intended to be fed thereby. It shall be lawful to feed feral cats or other wild animals as part of a trap, neuter and release program or other program approved by resolution of the Susquehanna Township Board of Commissioners and with the supervision and authorization of the Susquehanna Township Health Officer of his or her designee and in compliance with the rules issued by the Susquehanna Township Health Officer.
[Ord. 07-04, 3/8/2007]
Any police officer or animal warden may seize any animal found in the Township. Such animals are to be impounded.
[Ord. 07-04, 3/8/2007]
Owners of licensed dogs are to be notified by registered or certified mail, with return receipt, that the dog is impounded and will be disposed of in five days if not claimed. Five days after the return receipt has been received, and the dog has not been claimed, the dog may be sold or destroyed in accordance with the 1982 Dog Law.
[Ord. 07-04, 3/8/2007]
Unlicensed dogs that are seized are to be held in such kennel for 48 hours and, if not claimed, may be destroyed in accordance with the 1982 Dog Law.
[Ord. 07-04, 3/8/2007]
Animals that, in the opinion of any police officer or animal warden, constitute a threat to public health and welfare may be killed by the police or animal warden.
[Ord. 07-04, 3/8/2007]
The first two times an animal is seized, the owner shall pay a fine of $15 to the Township of Susquehanna as well as reasonable fees for keeping the animal in a kennel.
Any person allowing an animal to run at large a third time in violation of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $600 and costs, or in default of payment thereof, shall be subject to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days.
[Ord. 07-04, 3/8/2007]
An Animal Control Officer (Dog Warden or some other title) shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners from time to time. Such officer shall have the power and responsibility for the enforcement of this Part and of the Dog Law of 1982 (3 P.S. § 459-101 et seq., as hereinafter amended, supplemented, modified or reenacted by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania), provided that he shall not have the power to make arrests under this Act of Assembly or any other Act of Assembly or ordinance of the Township of Susquehanna.