Person in charge.
The license holder shall ensure that a person in charge is present at the food service establishment or retail food store during all hours of operation.
The person in charge shall require food employees and food employee applicants to whom a conditional offer of employment is made to report information about their health and activities, as they relate to diseases that are transmissible through food, in a manner that allows the person in charge to prevent the likelihood of food-borne disease transmission if the food employee or food employee applicant:
Is diagnosed with an illness due to:
Salmonella species;
Shigella species;
Escherichia coli 0157:H7;
Hepatitis A virus infection;
Cryptosporidiosis; or
Has a symptom caused by illness, infection, or other source that is:
Associated with an acute gastrointestinal illness, including but not limited to diarrhea, fever, vomiting, or jaundice;
Sore throat with fever; or
A lesion containing pus, including but not limited to a boil or infected wound that is open or draining and is:
On the hands or wrists, unless an impermeable cover such as finger cot or stall protects the lesion and a single-use glove is worn over the impermeable cover;
On exposed portions of the arms, unless the lesion is protected by an impermeable cover; or
On other parts of the body, unless the lesion is covered by a dry, durable, tight-fitting bandage;
Had a past illness from an infectious agent specified in Subsection A(2)(a) above; or
Meets one or more of the following high-risk conditions:
Is suspected of causing or being exposed to a confirmed disease outbreak caused by Salmonella species, Shigella species, E. coli 0157 or Hepatitis A virus illness, including an outbreak at an event including but not limited to a family meal, church supper, or ethnic festival because the food employee or applicant:
Prepared food implicated in the outbreak;
Consumed food implicated in the outbreak; or
Consumed food at the event prepared by a person who is infected or ill with the infectious agent that caused the outbreak or who is suspected of being a shedder of the infectious agent;
Lives in the same household as a person who is diagnosed with a disease caused by Salmonella species, Shigella species, E. coli 0157:H7, or Hepatitis A virus infection;
Lives in the same household as a person who attends or works in a setting where there is a confirmed disease outbreak caused by Salmonella species, Shigella species, E. coli 0157:H7, or Hepatitis A virus infection;
Traveled out of the United States or to a United States territory within the last 50 calendar days to an area that is identified as having epidemic or endemic disease caused by Hepatitis A based on information published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including but not limited to the document titled "Health Information for International Travel"; or
Traveled out of the United States or to a United States territory within the last seven calendar days to an area that is identified as having epidemic or endemic disease caused by Salmonella species, Shigella species or E. coli 0157:H7.
Exclusions and restrictions.
A food employee shall be excluded from a food service establishment or retail food store if diagnosed with an infectious agent specified in Subsection A(2)(a) until the provisions of NH He-P 301.05 are met and the person excluded provides to the license holder written medical documentation from a physician licensed to practice medicine that specifies that the excluded person is able to work in an unrestricted capacity in a food service establishment or retail food store.
A food employee shall be restricted from working with exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, and linens, and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles until the food employee is no longer experiencing a symptom specified in Subsection A(2)(b) but has a stool specimen that yields a specimen culture that is positive for an infectious agent specified in Subsection A(2)(a).
Suspected or confirmed food-borne disease outbreaks.
During a suspect or confirmed food-borne disease outbreak, as determined by the Health Division, all food employees in the implicated establishment shall submit biological specimens as required under RSA 141-C:9.
During a suspect or confirmed food-borne disease outbreak, as determined by the Health Division, any food employee who has had any of the symptoms specified in Subsection A(2)(b) within the previous two weeks shall be excluded from work until the appropriate biological specimens requested by the Health Division under RSA 141-C:9 are submitted and found negative.
Reporting by the person in charge. The person in charge shall notify the Health Division's Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control of a food employee or a person who applies for a job as a food employee who is diagnosed with or suspected of having an illness due to any food-borne disease that is reportable under NH He-P 301.02.
Employees shall keep their hands and exposed portions of their arms clean.
Employees shall clean their hands and exposed portions of their arms with a cleaning compound in a handwashing sink that is equipped as specified under § 270-35 by vigorously rubbing together the surfaces of their lathered hands and arms for a least 20 seconds and thoroughly rinsing with clean water. Employees shall pay particular attention to the areas underneath the fingernails and between the fingers.
Employees shall clean their hands and exposed portions of their arms as specified in Subsection B above:
Before engaging in food preparation, including working with exposed food, clean equipment and utensils, and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles;
After touching bare human body parts other than clean hands and clean, exposed portions of arms;
After using the toilet room;
After caring for or handling support animals or aquatic animals;
After coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or disposable tissue, using tobacco, eating or drinking;
After handling soiled equipment or utensils;
During food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross-contamination when changing tasks;
When switching between working with raw foods and working with ready-to-eat foods; and
After engaging in any other activity that contaminates the hands.
Employees shall:
Clean their hands in a handwashing sink; and
Not clean their hands:
In a sink used for food preparation; or
In a three-compartment sink used for dishwashing.
A hand sanitizer and a chemical hand sanitizing solution used as a hand dip shall not be used in lieu of handwashing as required by this section.
Employees shall keep their fingernails trimmed, filed, and maintained so the edges and surfaces are smooth and cleanable and not rough.
While preparing food, employees shall not wear jewelry on their arms and hands except for a plain wedding band.
Preventing contamination from hands.
Except when washing fruits and vegetables as specified under § 270-11J, food employees shall not contact exposed, ready-to-eat food with their bare hands and shall use suitable utensils, including but not limited to deli tissue, spatulas, tongs, single-use gloves or dispensing equipment.
Food employees shall minimize bare hand and arm contact with exposed food that is not in a ready-to-eat form.
Hygienic practices.
An employee shall not eat, drink, or use any form of tobacco except in designated areas which are protected against causing contamination of:
Exposed food;
Clean equipment;
Linens; or
Unwrapped single-service and single-use articles.
A food employee may drink from a closed beverage container if the container is handled so as to prevent contamination of:
The employee's hands;
The container;
Exposed food;
Clean equipment;
Linens; and
Unwrapped single-service and single-use articles.
Utensil washing, equipment washing or food preparation sinks shall not be used for the cleaning of mops or similar wet floor cleaning tools and for the disposal of mop water or similar liquid wastes.
Food employees shall wear clean outer clothing.
When moving from a raw food operation to a ready-to-eat operation, food employees shall wear a clean outer covering or change to clean clothing if their clothing is soiled.
Employees working with exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, linens, or unwrapped single-service and single-use articles shall wear hair restraints, including but not limited to hats or hair nets.
Food employees shall remove aprons when using the rest room.