Solid waste shall be kept in durable, easily cleanable, insect-proof and rodent-proof containers which:
Do not leak;
Do not absorb liquids; and
Are lined with plastic bags or wet-strength paper bags.
Solid waste containers used in food preparation and utensil washing areas shall be kept covered after they are filled.
Solid waste containers stored outside the establishment, dumpsters, compactors and compactor systems shall be:
Easily cleanable; and
Provided with tight-fitting lids, doors or covers which shall be kept closed.
In containers designed with drains, drain plugs shall be in place at all times, except during cleaning.
There shall be a sufficient number of containers to hold all the garbage and refuse that accumulates.
Solid waste shall be disposed of often enough to prevent the development of odor and the attraction of insects and rodents.
Suitable facilities, including hot water and detergent or steam, shall be provided and used for washing containers, including:
Cleaning soiled containers frequently enough to prevent insect and rodent attraction.
Thoroughly cleaning each container on the inside and outside in a way that does not contaminate food equipment, utensils, or food preparation areas.
Refuse receptacles shall not be located within a vending machine, except for receptacles for beverage bottle crown closures.
Solid waste stored on the premises shall be inaccessible to insects and rodents.
Unprotected plastic bags or wet-strength paper bags or baled units containing solid waste shall not be stored outside.
Cardboard or other packaging material not containing food wastes shall not be required to be stored in covered containers.
Solid waste storage rooms, if used, shall be:
Constructed of easily cleanable, nonabsorbent, washable materials;
Kept clean;
Insect-proof and rodent-proof; and
Large enough to store the solid waste containers that accumulate.
Outside storage areas or enclosures shall be:
Large enough to store the solid waste containers that accumulate; and
Kept clean.
Solid waste containers, dumpsters and compactor systems located outside shall be stored on or above a smooth surface of nonabsorbent material, including but not limited to concrete or machine-laid asphalt, which is:
Kept clean;
Maintained in good repair; and
Curbed, graded and designed so that liquid waste that results from the refuse and from cleaning the area and waste receptacle is not released into the environment.