[Adopted as Ch. 130, Art. II, of the 1994 Code of Ordinances]
Generally. The owner or tenant of lands, whether residential, commercial or industrial, abutting or bordering on any street, avenue or highway of the Township, the sidewalks of which have been installed, shall remove all snow and ice from the sidewalks adjoining the properties within 12 daylight hours after the snow or ice shall fall or be formed.
Multifamily housing. The owners of properties commonly known as apartment projects, garden apartments, townhouses or retirement-village-type projects or any similar multifamily housing complex shall, in addition to meeting the requirements of Subsection A of this section, within 12 daylight hours after the snow or ice shall fall or be formed, cause all snow and ice to be removed from the common sidewalks, passageways, driveways and private streets of such projects or properties to an ample degree so as to provide for the health and welfare of the residents thereof and to provide for unobstructed ingress and egress of their vehicles as well as fire, police, ambulance and other emergency vehicles and, in addition, shall remove all snow and ice and clear an area to provide ample off-street parking for the persons residing therein.
No owner, tenant or occupant of any premises abutting on any street shall throw, place or deposit any snow or ice upon the street. The intent of this section is to prohibit all persons from throwing, placing or depositing snow or ice accumulating on the private property of that person upon the streets or sidewalks of the Township.
If snow or ice is not removed as required by § 435-1 or is cast, deposited or placed upon the sidewalks or streets in violation of § 435-2, the snow or ice shall be removed by the Department of Public Works upon notification by the Police Division, and the cost of removal shall be certified to the Director of Finance, who shall cause the cost to be charged against the real estate abutting the sidewalk or street from which the snow or ice was removed. The amount so charged shall become a lien upon the real estate abutting the sidewalk or street, passageway, private roadway or parking area, and shall be added to the taxes next assessed upon the land and shall be collected and enforced in the same manner as other taxes. The remedy provided by this section shall be in addition to any penalty imposed for a violation of this article in § 435-4.
Any person who shall fail, refuse or neglect to comply with the requirements of § 435-1A shall be fined $10 for such violation, and the additional sum of $10 for each day such violation continues.
Any person who shall fail, refuse or neglect to comply with the requirements of § 435-1B shall be fined $50 for the first such offense to be recorded, and thereafter shall be fined $100 for each subsequent offense.