[Adopted as Ch. 150, Art. II, of the 1994 Code of Ordinances]
No person shall operate, conduct or carry on a business which may be operated in whole or in part by the depositing of a coin or a token in a slot or other aperture of or connected with a machine or device and operated within a permanently constructed building unless the proprietor or other person in charge of the premises where the installation is located is on duty between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Any person operating a coin-operated business within the meaning of this article shall keep posted a copy of this article at each entrance thereto and at two other conspicuous places upon the premises. Copies of this article will be furnished, upon request, by the Municipal Clerk of the Township.
Coin-operated businesses which are required to pay a state license fee are not included within the terms of this article.
Coin-operated businesses in apartment houses where there is a full-time attendant on the premises shall not be included within the terms of this article.