The County hereby finds, determines and declares that it is
necessary and in the public's interest to establish an Authority for
the purpose of aiding in the acquisition, retention and development
of land for industrial and commercial purposes in Henderson County;
to aid in the development and promotion of industrial sites, parks
and subdivisions for accommodating industrial and commercial needs,
to promote and stimulate the acquisition, retention and development
of land for industrial and commercial purposes in Henderson County
by other local development organizations both public and private.
To that effect, the County hereby establishes an Authority (the "Henderson
County Authority") for the aforesaid purposes, and hereby declares
that the Henderson County Authority be known as the "Henderson Regional
Industrial Authority."
Pursuant to KRS 154.50-326(b), the Henderson County Judge/Executive
will appoint six members for staggered terms to the Authority's Board
of Directors.
Any bonds, notes or other debt instruments of the Henderson
Regional Industrial Authority, will not constitute an indebtedness
of the County within the meaning of the Constitution and it will plainly
be stated on the face of each bond or note to this effect.