[Ord. No. 7052 §§1—2, 1-27-2003]
The City values its employees and recognizes their need for a safe and healthy work environment. Furthermore, employees abusing drugs and alcohol are less productive and are often a risk to the safety and productivity of our City. The establishment of a Drug-Free Workplace Policy is consistent with this City's desire to promote a safe and accident-free workplace.
[Ord. No. 7052 §§1—2, 1-27-2003]
It is the policy of the City to maintain a workplace free from the use and abuse of illegal drugs and alcohol. Compliance with this policy is a condition of continued employment. At any time, the City may unilaterally, at its discretion, amend, supplement, modify or change any part of this policy. The policy does not represent an expressed or implied contract and does not affect your status as an at-will employee.
To maintain a drug-free workplace, the City has established the following policy effective January 27, 2003, with regard to the use, possession and sale of illegal drugs and alcohol. Drug and alcohol testing practices will be adopted to identify employees or applicants using drugs and/or alcohol.
Non-compliance with this policy, which may result from either a refusal to submit violation or a positive test result, shall result in severe disciplinary action up to and including termination.
[Ord. No. 7052 §§1—2, 1-27-2003]
The City reserves the right to use mandatory referral, evaluation and treatment, including disciplinary actions up to and including termination of employment, depending upon the seriousness of the violation, the employee's present job assignment, the employee's record with the City and other factors, including the impact of the violation upon the conduct of City business. In a first (1st) violation situation, the City's preferred response will be mandatory referral, evaluation and treatment without termination of employment; however, the City may implement immediate termination in a first (1st) violation situation if, in the City Administrator's judgment, the circumstances warrant such action.
[Ord. No. 7052 §§1—2, 1-27-2003]
Definition. As used in this Article, the following terms shall have these prescribed meanings:
Any drug:
Which is not legally obtainable,
Which is legally obtainable but has not been legally obtained, or
Non-prescribed controlled drugs.
In addition, "illegal drug" means prescribed drugs not being used in prescribed manner.
Any employee involved in any of the following activities at any time during the hours between the beginning and end of the employee's work shift, whether or not on City business, premises or property, is a violation of City policy and subject to disciplinary action:
Bringing illegal drugs onto City property or premises.
Having possession of or having a specific level of concentration amount of illegal drugs or alcohol in employee's body during working hours.
Using, consuming, transforming, distributing or attempting to distribute or dispensing illegal drugs.
[Ord. No. 7052 §§1—2, 1-27-2003]
The City asserts its legal right and prerogative to test any employee for illegal drugs and alcohol use in conjunction with any accident or injury alleged to have occurred within the course and scope of employment. Employees may be asked to submit to medical examination and/or submit to urine, saliva, breath and blood testing for illegal drugs or alcohol within the body of the employee following an accident or injury. Any information obtained through such examinations may be retained by the City and is property of the City.
In particular, the City reserves the right, in its discretion and within the limits of Federal and State laws, to examine and test for the presence of drugs and alcohol.
[Ord. No. 7052 §§1—2, 1-27-2003]
All applicants whom the City of Webb City intends to employ will be tested for controlled substances prior to the commencement of City employment. Any such job offer shall be deemed conditional upon the successful completion of such testing. Failure or refusal of such testing shall be cause for withdrawal of any such job offer.
[Ord. No. 7052 §§1—2, 1-27-2003]
An incident occurring while on City business that results in any one (1) or more of the following:
Injury (requiring medical treatment) to an employee or others;
Damage to City property; or
A motor vehicle accident involving the towing of a vehicle from the accident scene or the City-employed driver being issued a citation for a moving violation;
will be subject to illegal drug and/or alcohol testing. Alcohol tests will be conducted within two (2) hours of the incident and controlled substances within thirty-two (32) hours. Failure to report any accident which meets the post-accident testing criteria is in violation of City policy and subject to disciplinary action. Employees testing positive, under State law, may be ineligible or receive a fifteen percent (15%) reduction of Workers' Compensation benefits.
[Ord. No. 7052 §§1—2, 1-27-2003]
Current employees may be asked to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test if cause exists to indicate that their health or ability to perform work may be impaired. Although reasonable suspicion testing does not require certainty, mere "hunches" are not sufficient to meet this standard. Therefore, the City Administrator will only conduct a reasonable suspicion test after careful consideration and approval.
[Ord. No. 7052 §§1—2, 1-27-2003]
The drug test will be performed from urine specimens collected at a qualified collection site. For all post-accident and reasonable cause situations to determine substance levels, a blood test or evidential breath test will be performed at the collection site. The collection site will take the necessary steps to avoid any dilution or alteration of urine specimens. Proper handling of the specimens will be maintained so that the specimen results can be traced to the proper individual. A secure, written chain-of-custody process will be implemented from the time of the collection of the specimen until the specimen is disposed of or secured in frozen long-term storage. The specimen will be analyzed by a NIDA-certified, professional laboratory for the following controlled substances with specific concentration levels greater than the following:
300 ng/ml
Cannabinoids (marijuana)
100 ng/ml
Phencyclidine (PCP)
25 ng/ml
1,000 ng/ml
2,000 ng/ml
In addition to the above controlled substances, breath test or blood test will be conducted to determine the presence of alcohol for a concentration level greater than four-hundredths (.040).
Any employee who is tested positive will have the right, upon request, to see the results of his/her test. The City will notify employees whose tests are confirmed positive. If the test is a result of a post-accident situation requiring medical care, the City's Workers' Compensation insurance carrier will be notified of the results.