[Ord. No. 6924 §§1—3(9-9), 2-22-1999; Ord. No. 7170 §1(9-9), 6-27-2005]
Any of the following uses may be located in any district by special use permit of the City Council, after public hearing and after recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, under such conditions as to operation, site development, signs and time limit as may be deemed necessary in order that such use will not seriously injure the appropriate use of the neighboring property and will conform to the general intent and purpose of this Chapter and shall comply with the height and area regulations of the district in which they may be located, unless otherwise granted:
Privately owned amusement parks, baseball or athletic fields, racetracks and carnivals.
Clubs, private, including fraternal orders.
Drive-in theaters.
Golf driving ranges, commercial or illuminated.
Camping areas, picnic groves and fishing lakes, including minor and incidental concession facilities for patrons only.
Nursery sales office, building, greenhouse or area (wholesale or retail).
Nursing and convalescent homes except in District A.
Radio, television and microwave towers.
Reservoirs, towers, filter beds or water treatment plants or wells.
Riding stables and tracks.
Philanthropic or eleemosynary institutions.
Motor hotels, motels or inns.
Buildings, structures and premises for public utility services or public service corporations.
Temporary use of land for commercial or industrial purposes, provided that any building or structure constructed thereon must be otherwise permitted in the district in which such land is situated, and any stored equipment or material shall be removed upon the date of expiration or revocation of the special use permit. Any such permit shall be valid for not more than two (2) years, but may be renewable by submitting an application for renewal to the City prior to the expiration of the current special use permit. The City Administrator or his/her designee shall review the renewal application for approval or denial. Renewal applicants must be in compliance with the conditions or restrictions imposed in the original special use permit, and all permits are subject to revocation by the City.
[Ord. No. 24-004, 6-10-2024]
Assembly halls.
Day nursery or preschool.
Uses Upon Review. In zoning districts where specifically listed uses are permitted upon review, requests for such shall be made to the Zoning and Planning Commission by written application filed with the City Clerk. Such request shall be forwarded by the Clerk to the Commission and shall be heard by the Commission at the next practicable regularly scheduled meeting. In determining whether to permit such use, the Commission shall be governed by the following:
No public hearing is necessary but one may be granted upon request by the applicant, in which case the request shall be treated as an application for an amendment of the zoning ordinance and governed by the applicable procedures thereof.
Upon motion by the Commission or upon request by the applicant, the request for a use permitted upon review may be redesignated as an application for an amendment; and in any event, any request denied under this procedure may reapply under the procedures governing amendments.
The request shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount of eighty-nine dollars ($89.00) and the payment of the estimated cost of publication in the event a public hearing is to be held.
Approval by the Commission shall be given where it is evident that the requested use upon review will conform in all respects to the requirements and governing intent of the zoning district in which such land is situated.
[Ord. No. 6924 §§1—3(9-10), 2-22-1999; Ord. No. 6955 §1, 12-6-1999; Ord. No. 7170 §1(9-10), 6-27-2005]
Application for amendment, revision or change of the Zoning District Map of the City may be made by any person, or his/her agent, who owns the land sought to be rezoned or who is purchasing said land under written contract with the owner. If such application is made by the owner's agent, said agent shall enter upon the application the name and current mailing address of the owner. Such application shall be made upon forms prescribed and duly filed with the City Clerk.
Applications for amendment, revision or change of any of the rules, regulations or provisions of the text of the zoning ordinance of the City, other than the Zoning District Map or application for a special use permit, may be made by any interested person on forms prescribed and duly filed with the City Clerk.
A fee shall accompany each application for a special use permit in the amount of sixty-six dollars ($66.00). A fee shall accompany each application for renewal of a special use permit in the amount of thirty-three dollars ($33.00). A fee shall accompany each application for amendment to the residential zoning district map in the amount of ninety-nine dollars ($99.00). A fee shall accompany each application for amendment to the commercial or industrial Zoning District Map in the amount of one hundred thirty-two dollars ($132.00). In addition to the filing fee, the applicant shall pay the estimated cost of publication and certified mail, if any.
Public Hearing Requirements.
All such applications shall be set down for public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission not later than the second (2nd) regular monthly meeting of the Commission from the date of filing the same. Any such hearing, for good cause, at the request of the applicant or in the discretion of the Commission, may be continued. At least fifteen (15) days' notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City.
In the case of application for amendment, revision or change of the Zoning District Map of the City, or application for a special use permit, the Building Inspector shall determine the names and addresses of all owners within one hundred eighty-five (185) feet of the land subject to such amendment, revision, change or special use request as they appear on the real estate property tax records kept in the office of the City Clerk and shall send notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to all such owners and shall certify, in writing, that he/she has done so. The notice shall state the purpose, date, time and place of the public hearing. Error in the mailing of notice to surrounding landowners shall not invalidate any action of the Planning and Zoning Commission or of the City Council. In addition, the Building Official shall post notice of said hearing and the reasons therefor by placing a sign on the subject premises.
[Ord. No. 23-018, 6-26-2023]
Upon the final hearing of such application, the Commission shall approve or deny the same and a report of such action, together with its commendation for final approval or denial, shall be made by the Chairman of the Commission to the Council.
The Zoning and Planning Commission shall not recommend approval of any request unless it shall in each case make specific written findings of fact based directly upon the particular evidence presented to it supporting the conclusion that the amendment or special use:
Complies with all applicable provisions of this Chapter;
At the specific location will contribute to and promote the community welfare or convenience;
Will not cause substantial injury to the value of neighboring property;
Complies with the overall neighborhood development plan and the intent of the existing zoning district provisions;
Will amend zoning classification only if there is property contiguous to the applicant property with the same zoning classification as the proposed zoning of the applicant property, such that the proposed amendment to the Zoning District Map does not create "spot" zoning;
Will not substantially increase traffic hazards;
Will not substantially increase fire hazards; and
Will not overtax public utilities.
In determining whether the evidence presented supports the conclusions, the Zoning and Planning Commission shall consider the extent to which the evidence demonstrates that:
The proposed use or amendment complies with the standards of this Chapter in regard to:
Yard and setback;
Parking and loading areas;
Screening and buffering;
Refuse, storage and service areas; and
The impact of projected vehicular ingress and egress of the use determined with regard to the surrounding traffic flow, pedestrian safety and access accessibility of fire-fighting equipment;
The proposed use complies with the performance standards of this Chapter; and
The proposed use is compatible with the surrounding area and its impact upon community facilities and services.
The Zoning and Planning Commission shall render a written decision containing specific findings of fact without unreasonable delay and in all cases within forty (40) days after the close of the public hearing.
In approving such application, the Commission may recommend such conditions and restrictions which are in conformity with this Chapter and as may be necessary to assure that the general intent of this Chapter is carried out.
The Council, in approving an application for amendment or special use permit:
Shall impose such conditions and restrictions as were recommended by the Commission;
Shall impose amendments or deletions to the conditions and restrictions as were recommended by the Commission, only upon another public hearing conducted either by the Council itself or, upon direction of the Council, by the Commission and any such public hearing shall be conducted according to the same procedure and with the same notice as public hearings originally before the Commission.
May specify that any use other than as specifically granted by the Council shall null and void the grant, and the property in question shall revert to its designation before such grant;
Shall specify that any enlargement or alteration in the use of the structure or site must be approved by the Zoning and Planning Commission before a building permit may be issued;
Shall specify that failure to comply with any of these conditions or restrictions constitutes a violation of this Chapter punishable as provided in Section 405.530.
No amendment or use permit granted by the Council shall be valid for more than one hundred eighty (180) days, unless within such period a building permit is obtained and the erection or alteration of the structure is commenced, or where no building permit is necessary, the amendment or use is otherwise utilized by the entity originally requesting it.
Recommendations for revision or amendment of the zoning ordinance, including addition to or change in classification of uses and including the Zoning District Map, may also be made by the Commission upon its own motion for final determination by the Council; likewise, the Council may revise, modify or amend the zoning ordinance, including the Zoning District Map, upon its own motion, provided however, that such proposed changes shall first be submitted to the Commission for recommendations and report. In that case, final action thereon shall be taken only upon notice and hearing, as provided herein.
In case a protest against such amendment or special use is presented, duly signed and acknowledged by the owners of thirty percent (30%) or more either of the areas of land (exclusive of streets and alleys) included in such proposed change or within an area determined by lines drawn parallel to and one hundred eighty-five (185) feet distant from the boundaries of the district proposed to be changed, such revision or amendment shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all of the members of the Council.
In the event an applicant and/or applicant's representative fails to appear before the Zoning and Planning Commission or the Council for hearings as provided in this Section at the time advertised for said hearing, said request will be stricken from the agenda. Before the Council or the Commission shall further hear the application, the applicant shall be required to pay an additional fee to the City in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00), and upon the payment of said additional fee, the request shall be republished as prescribed in this Section for a new public hearing time and place. In the event that the applicant does not pay the additional fee within sixty (60) days from the date of the previous scheduled hearing, such request shall be considered as rejected and no further hearings may be had thereon without reapplication as a new request.
Denials by the Zoning and Planning Commission under this Section may be appealed only to the City Council by written request filed with the City Clerk within thirty (30) days of the Commission's decision. The City Council shall hear such appeal at the next practicable regularly scheduled Council meeting or in any case no later than thirty (30) days after such request. The City Council, by vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of its entire membership, may overrule the denial by the Zoning and Planning Commission.
[Ord. No. 6924 §§1—3(9-4), 2-22-1999]
Variances. In the event that a request for a building permit has been denied by the Code Enforcement Officer, appeal of such denial may be made by application for a variance to the Board of Adjustment under the procedures set forth in Sections 405.470 through 405.490. Variances are permitted only as to certain site requirements in areas zoned residential and commercial.
Special Use Permit. Applications for special use permits shall be made to the Zoning and Planning Commission under the procedures set forth in Section 405.510. Only those uses listed in Section 405.500 may be the subject of an application for special use permit.
Amendments To Zoning District Map. Application for amendments to the Zoning District Map or so-called "rezoning" requests shall be made to the Zoning and Planning Commission under the procedures set forth in Section 405.510.
Amendments To Zoning Ordinance. The application for amendments to rules, regulations and requirements contained in the text of the zoning ordinance, other than requests for specific site variance, shall be made to the Zoning and Planning Commission under the procedures set forth in Section 405.510.
Use Upon Review. In certain zoning districts, specifically listed uses are permitted upon review. Requests for review shall be made to the Zoning and Planning Commission under the procedures set forth in Section 405.500(B).
Subdivision Development And Amendments To City Plan, Street Plan Or Subdivision Regulations. Subdivision development and requests for amendments to the City plan, street plan or subdivision regulations shall be made to the Zoning and Planning Commission under the procedures set forth in Article IV, V and Article VI of this Chapter.
Permits for development or improvements in zoning districts "P", "C-3" and "M" shall be made to the Planning and Zoning Commission under the procedures set forth in the zoning ordinance Section pertaining to each respective zone "P", "C-3" and "M".
Appeals Of Building Official Actions. Application for appeal of Building Official actions shall be made to the Board of Adjustment under the procedures set forth in Sections 405.470 through 405.490.
[Ord. No. 6924 §§1—3(9-3), 2-22-1999]
In case any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, converted or maintained or any building, structure or land is used in violation of the zoning ordinance or other regulation made under authority conferred thereby, the Building Official, which shall include the City Building Inspector, Plumbing and Electrical Inspectors, Code Enforcement Officer and City Engineer, in addition to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action or proceeding to prevent such unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, conversion, maintenance or use to restrain, correct or abate such violation, to prevent the occupancy of said building, structure or land or to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about such premises. Such regulations shall be enforced by the Building Official who is empowered to cause any building, structure, place or premises to be inspected and examined and to order in writing the remedying of any condition found to exist therein or thereat in violation of any provision of the zoning ordinance.
The owner or general agent of a building or premises where a violation of any provision of said regulations has been committed or shall exist or the lessee or tenant of an entire building or entire premises where such violation has been committed or shall exist or the owner, general agent, lessee or tenant of any part of the building or premises in which such violation has been committed or shall exist or the general agent, architect, builder, contractor or any other person who commits, takes part or assists in any such violation or who maintains any building or premises in which any such violation shall exist shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) and not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each and every day that such violation shall continue, but if the offense be willful on conviction thereof, the punishment shall be a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) and not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each and every day that such violation shall continue.
Any such person who, having been served with an order to remove or to cease any such violation, shall fail to comply with said order within ten (10) days after such service or shall continue to violate any provision of the zoning ordinance in the respect named in such order shall also be subject to a civil penalty of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00); and each day that such failure to obey said order continues shall be a separate offense.