[CC 1989 §7-80]
All elevations of grades shall be established from the basic bench mark described in Section 100.030 of this Code and no other bench mark shall be used unless it shall have been located permanently and established from the basic bench mark, and its locality and description shall be recorded in the City grade book.
[CC 1989 §7-81]
The book in which the record of elevations of grades is kept, as required by this Chapter, shall be labeled "City Grade Book". The City Engineer shall be the lawful custodian thereof, and it shall be his/her duty to enter thereon all record matter required by this Chapter. This book shall be a public record.
[CC 1989 §7-82]
The grades of the streets and alleys of the City shall be established by recording in the City grade book the elevation at the intersection of streets and alleys; and such book shall also contain a record of the ordinances, resolutions and orders of the City Council in relation to or in any way affecting the established grade of any street or alley.
All grade elevations shall be recorded in figures designating the whole number of feet, the tenths, hundredths and thousandths of the foot, which manner of designating the grade elevation of the City shall be used in all returns, certificates and other papers or acts relating to the grade of any street or alley in the City.
[CC 1989 §7-83]
The City Engineer, or any person acting as such by order of the City Council, shall make returns certifying to the City Council of all work ordered to be done by him/her, and to the correctness thereof, and designating in such return and certificate the bench mark from which he/she started; and after the certificate and return have been passed upon by the City Council, they shall be recorded, in connection with all record matters referred to in the return, in the City grade book.
[CC 1989 §7-84]
All corners at any intersection of streets embracing the full width of the sidewalk thereof shall bear a uniform elevation, except when otherwise provided, and whenever it shall be deemed expedient not to bring all the corners of any intersection to the same elevation, then the elevation of each corner at such intersection shall be given.
[CC 1989 §7-85]
All grades shall extend in unbroken uniformity from intersection to intersection, except when otherwise provided by ordinance, and whenever the grade of any street is broken between intersections, the elevations at such break shall be given, together with the exact distance thereof from one or the other relative intersection.
[CC 1989 §7-86]
No utility, including the gas company servicing the City and the City Water Department, but not restricted to them, shall be required to install any lines or facilities for the transmission of their utility service in or along any street or alley in the City or any addition thereof until such street or alley shall have been brought to proper grade.