[Ord. No. 01-028 §§1—6, 3-13-2001]
Any person, partnership, corporation or other entity having ownership of any vessel used for the storage, distribution or retention of anhydrous ammonia shall notify the County Chief of Police of the location of such storage unit.
Tanks For Storage, Distribution Or Retention Of Anhydrous Ammonia.
Any person, partnership, corporation or other entity having ownership of any vessel greater than ten thousand (10,000) gallons, known as Mother Tanks, used for the storage, distribution or retention of anhydrous ammonia shall ensure that the vessel is secured in an area that is lighted by dusk-to-dawn lighting.
Mother Tanks shall have the valves from which anhydrous ammonia is transferred from the Mother Tank to the Nurse Tanks secured with a Rockwell 60 hardened, tamper-proof, locking device.
During non-use periods by consumers, the owner of any vessel of less than ten thousand (10,000) gallons (Nurse Tanks) shall employ measures to secure such vessels containing residual amounts greater than five percent (5%) of capacity. Vessels shall be secured with a Rockwell 60 hardened, tamper-proof, locking device.
Violation of this Section shall be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by fines of fifty dollars ($50.00) per day per unsecured Mother Tank, and twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day per unsecured Nurse Tank.
It shall be a misdemeanor to transport anhydrous ammonia in any container which does not meet the ANSI standard established by the Department of Agriculture, Division of Weights and Measures.
Conviction of the misdemeanor set out in Subsection (D)(1) shall be punishable by a fine of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per violation or up to one (1) year in the County Detention Center, or both.
Compliance with this Section shall be the responsibility of the Police Department, which shall provide copies of the notice to the Division of Building and Code Enforcement and the Division of Emergency Management.
[Ord. No. 16-054 §11, 7-25-2016]
Legal action required by this Section shall be the responsibility of the County Counselor's office.
Editor's Note—Reference to "Emergency Management Agency" was changed to "Division of Emergency Management" per Ord. No. 02-205, adopted 12-23-2002, set out in full at §134.060 of this code.
[Ord. No. 03-084 §§1—7, 6-25-2003]
No Depositing On Streets Of Soil, Etc., Due To Land-Disturbing Activity. No person shall engage in any land-disturbing activity or any other action that causes or permits any soil, earth, sand, gravel, rock, stone, concrete, building materials, trees, limbs, debris, litter or other materials or liquids to be deposited upon or to roll, flow or wash upon, in or over any public street, street improvement, road, sewer, storm drain, watercourse or right-of-way or any other public property in a manner to damage or to interfere with the use of such property, or which creates a hazardous condition detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the public.
No Depositing On Streets Of Soil, Etc., Due To Hauling. No person shall when hauling soil, earth, sand, gravel, rock, stone, concrete, building materials, trees, limbs, debris, litter or other material or liquid over any public street, road, alley or public property allow such materials or liquids to blow or spill over and upon such street, road, alley or public property. The operator of equipment engaged in hauling shall not permit soil, earth, rock, trees, limbs, debris, litter or other materials to fall from the vehicle, including wheels of said vehicle, upon such street, road, alley or public property.
Removal—Responsibility. If any such soil, earth, sand, gravel, rock, stone, trees, limbs, debris, litter or other material or liquid is caused to be deposited upon or to roll, flow or wash upon any public property in violation of Sections (A) and (B) above, the person responsible shall cause same to be removed from such property by the end of the same working day.
Failure To Remove—Notice Of Violation And Correction Order. Failure to comply with Section (C) shall result in a notice of violation and correction order issued to the person responsible by the County Engineer or his designee. Such correction order shall state a reasonable time in which to correct any violation of Sections (A) or (B) above. Failure to comply with this notice of violation and correction order shall be deemed an additional violation.
Immediate Removal In Case Of Danger, Responsibility. In the event of an immediate danger to the public health, safety or welfare, notice shall be given by the most expeditious means and the material or liquid shall be removed immediately. In the event it is not so removed, the County may cause such removal and the cost of such removal by the County, or anyone contracted by the County, shall be paid to the County by the person who failed to so remove the material and shall be a debt due the County and payable within thirty (30) days of said removal.
Penalties. A violation of any provision of this Section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the St. Charles County Jail for a term not to exceed one (1) year, or by both fine and imprisonment. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day a violation occurs or continues.
Responsibility For Enforcement. The enforcement of these regulations established by this Section shall be the responsibility of the County Counselor.