[Ord. No. 98-34 §1, 2-25-1998; Ord. No. 04-016 §7, 1-28-2004]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall, upon the finding of a court of competent jurisdiction that such violation has occurred, be subject to a civil fine in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and each separate act found to be in violation of these ordinances shall be considered a separate act subject to such civil penalty. In addition to the civil penalties prescribed herein, the County Counselor may take such other action, either legal or equitable, that is deemed necessary in order to execute and enforce the provisions of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 98-34 §1, 2-25-1998]
Any applicant, permittee or other person aggrieved by any order of the Director issued pursuant to this Chapter, except the revocation of a permit which is covered elsewhere in this Chapter, may file an appeal in writing with the Director within ten (10) days of such order, and the Director shall fix a time and place for hearing to be held not less that thirty (30) days of the filing of appeal. The Building Commission shall hear all appeals and determine, by major, that the Director acted in accordance with this Chapter. All evidence offered at the hearing shall be preserved by the Director and oral testimony shall be recorded verbatim. All cost for said appeal shall be paid by the person(s) requesting the appeal. A deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be filed with the written appeal.
The decision and action of the Director at the hearing to revoke the permit shall be reviewable in a court of competent jurisdiction by a writ or certiorari filed by the permittee so affected or by any other person aggrieved by the action of the Director, within ten (10) days after said decision in writing has been made and forwarded to said permittee.