This Charter may be amended in any one (1) of the following ways:
In the manner provided in the Constitution for the framing and adopting of a County Charter; or
By ordinance adopted by the County Council and submitted to the voters at a regular or special election and approved by a majority of those voting on the proposition; or
By petitions setting forth the proposal and adopted by the voters in the manner hereinafter provided. Such petitions shall be signed by registered voters of the County and by separate Council Districts, equal in number to at least ten percent (10%) of the total vote cast for Governor in each of those County Council Districts at the last election at which a Governor was chosen. Each petition shall contain the full text of the proposal and an enacting clause which shall read as follows: "Be it resolved by the people of St. Charles County that the County Charter be amended." The petition shall be filed with the Director of Elections who shall determine its sufficiency. The proposal shall be submitted to the voters at the next general election occurring not less than ninety (90) days after the petitions are filed. An affirmative vote of a majority of those voting on any proposal shall be sufficient for its adoption.
Unless otherwise specified in this Charter, the effective date of amendments shall be the date of election certification.
After January 1, 1997, and before January 20, 1997, a Charter Review Committee shall be appointed. Each Council member shall appoint one (1) Committee member who shall be a registered voter in the district represented by the appointing Council member. At least two (2) of the Committee members shall hold elective municipal office and no more than the smallest number required for a majority shall be of the same political party. Members of this Committee shall receive no compensation but the necessary expenses of the Committee shall be paid by the County.
The Committee shall frame any proposed amendment(s) by December 31, 1997, and shall deliver them to the County Council by that date. Upon delivery the Committee shall stand discharged and cease to exist.
If any proposed amendments are framed, then by March 31, 1998, the County Council shall hold one (1) or more public hearings with respect to the Charter Review Committee's amendments as framed.
Following those public hearings, and by May 31, 1998, the County Council shall adopt a resolution by recorded vote with respect to the Charter Review Committee's framed amendments, submitting them as drafted by the Charter Review Committee or as amended by the County Council, or refusing to submit them, to the electorate at the November, 1998, general election.
At the general election in November, 2000, and every ten (10) years thereafter, the County Council may submit to the voters the question "Shall there be a Charter Amendment Commission to amend the Charter?" The question shall be submitted on a separate ballot and if a majority of the votes cast thereon is in the affirmative, a Charter Amendment Commission shall be appointed in the manner set forth in the Constitution, Article VI, Section 18(g) before January 15 next following the general election. On the death, resignation, or inability of any member to serve, the appointing authority shall appoint a successor. Members of the Charter Amendment Commission shall receive no compensation but the necessary expenses of the Charter Amendment Commission shall be paid by the County.
The Charter Amendment Commission may frame a new Charter or amendment of this Charter on or before July 31 following its appointment. On said date, the Charter Amendment Commission shall stand discharged and cease to exist. Any Charter or amendment must receive the affirmative vote of six tenths (6/10) of all the members of the Charter Amendment Commission before submission to the voters.
Any Charter or amendments framed by the Charter Amendment Commission shall take effect on the day fixed therein if approved by a vote of a majority of the voters of the County voting thereon at a special or general election held on a day fixed by the Commission. This shall be not less than thirty (30) days nor more than six (6) months after the completion of the Charter or amendments.
The provisions of the Constitution for framing and adopting a County Charter shall apply.
This Charter may be repealed in the same manner and with the same requirements and actions spelled out for amendments except that the percentage of registered voters signing the petition shall be twenty percent (20%) rather than ten percent (10%).
At the general election on April 6, 1993, the voters will be asked to vote upon the following three (3) amendments to the Charter:
Amendment # 1
Shall the Charter be amended to provide for the Assessor, Recorder of Deeds, and Collector to be appointed by the County Executive with the approval of the County Council and for the creation of a Department of Finance with a Director appointed by the County Executive with the approval of the County Council?
This amendment would consolidate the functions of the Assessor, Recorder of Deeds, and Collector within one department functioning under the direction of an appointed Director, whose duties and powers, qualifications and salary shall be set by ordinance before December 31, 1994.
Amendment # 2
Shall the Charter be amended to provide for the Circuit Clerk to be appointed by all the Circuit and Associate Circuit Judges of the 11th Judicial Circuit, meeting en banc?
This amendment would make the Circuit Clerk an appointive rather than elective position.
Amendment # 3
Shall the Charter be amended to provide for the Sheriff to be appointed by the County Executive with the approval of the County Council?
This amendment would make the person responsible for law enforcement an appointed person rather than elected.