[CC 1994 §67.010; Ord. No. 96.22, 8-5-1996]
No person, firm or corporation, within the City of Oronogo, Missouri, shall burn any trash, refuse, or garbage in the open such that the smoke and fumes therefrom shall be emitted, unless in compliance with this Chapter.
[CC 1994 §67.020; Ord. No. 96.22, 8-5-1996]
Residents of the City of Oronogo, Missouri, may burn only yard refuse and small piles of non-toxic lumber generated at their personal residence, and only after receiving a permit to burn the same from the Oronogo Fire Department. A permit may be denied if the Fire Department determines that environmental conditions such as a lack of rainfall or excessive winds render a possibility of conflagration.
[CC 1994 §67.030; Ord. No. 96.22, 8-5-1996]
The clearing of fields by fire shall be allowed only upon a permit issued by the Fire Department. Such permit may be denied if the general environmental conditions such as a lack of rainfall or winds render a possibility of conflagration.
[CC 1994 §67.050; Ord. No. 96.22, 8-5-1996]
The provisions of this Article shall not apply to the following activities:
Non-commercial preparation of food.
Small ceremonial or recreational fires.
Fires set by the Fire Department for the purpose of training so long as all linoleum, asbestos, shingles and other petroleum products are removed from the building.
Burns at enclosed locations, with environmental emission.