[CC 1970 §17-31; Ord. No. 1204 §1(17-31), 4-16-1991; Ord. No. 1592 §1, 11-21-2006]
The term "gross receipts", as it applies to any person, firm or corporation operating systems for supplying gas in the City, means the aggregate amount of all sales and charges of the commodities or services hereinabove described in the City during any period, less discounts, credits, refunds, sales taxes and uncollectible accounts actually charged off.
[Ord. No. 1731 §1, 9-8-2011; Ord. No. 1766 §1, 2-21-2013]
The gross receipts tax imposed upon electric corporations, including, but not limited to, Ameren Missouri, pursuant to Chapter 620 of the Code of Rock Hill shall be maintained at its existing rate of eight percent (8%), despite the tariff increase awarded by the PSC to Ameren Missouri effective on January 13, 2013.
The gross receipts tax imposed upon water companies, including, but not limited to, Missouri-American, pursuant to Chapter 620 of the Code of Rock Hill, shall be maintained at its existing rate of eight percent (8%), despite the tariff increase awarded by the PSC to Missouri-American effective on May 11, 2023.
[Ord. No. 2040, 6-20-2023]
[CC 1970 §17-32; Ord. No. 1204 §2(17-32), 4-16-1991; Ord. No. 1232 §1, 11-17-1992; Ord. No. 1592 §1, 11-21-2006]
Every person engaged in the business of operating systems for supplying gas, electric light and power and water in the City shall pay the City a monthly license tax of eight percent (8%) of the gross receipts received from the operation of any such system within the City.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 393.275(2), RSMo., the license tax rate on the business of natural gas service within the corporate limits of the City of Rock Hill shall be maintained at eight percent (8%) as directed by Subsection (A) of this Section.
[CC 1970 §17-33; Ord. No. 1204 §3(17-33), 4-16-1991; Ord. No. 1592 §1, 11-21-2006]
Every person engaged in the business of operating systems for supplying gas, electric light and power and water in the City shall file with the City Clerk, commencing April 30, 1975, and the last day of each month thereafter, sworn statements of the amount of the gross receipts received by any such person from the operation of any such systems within the City during the preceding month and shall at such time pay the license tax of eight percent (8%) of the gross receipts to the City Clerk.
[CC 1970 §17-34; Ord. No. 1204 §4(17-34), 4-16-1991]
Receipts received from the supplying of any services covered by this Article to the City, or any other municipal or governmental unit located in the City, shall not be included in the statement of gross receipts received, nor shall any tax be due and payable on any such receipts.