The City Attorney shall serve as the principal legal advisor to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen and the City staff. The City Attorney shall attend all meetings of the Board of Aldermen and attend other meetings as directed. Upon request, the City Attorney shall draft ordinances, contracts and other agreements or documents and shall also represent the City and its officials in legal proceedings in which the City is a party or has an interest.
The Prosecuting Attorney shall prosecute all cases in the Manchester Municipal Court on behalf of the City and any appeals of a decision of the Manchester Municipal Court. The Prosecuting Attorney shall attend all sessions of the Manchester Municipal Court.
[Ord. No. 24-2420, 6-17-2024]
Appointment And Term. The Mayor may, with the consent and approval of a majority of the members of the Board of Aldermen, appoint one (1) or more Special Prosecuting Attorneys for the City who shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
Qualifications. The office of Special Prosecuting Attorney shall be filled by a practicing attorney at law licensed in the State of Missouri.
Duties. The Special Prosecuting Attorney(s) shall prosecute municipal ordinance violations in specific cases when the Prosecuting Attorney is unavailable due to conflict, illness, excusable absence, or other good cause and shall handle other matters or dockets as directed by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. In such cases, the Special Prosecuting Attorney may prosecute in the Municipal Court, in the Circuit Court of St. Louis County for certified and trial de novo cases and may defend any appeals of convictions.