[Ord. No. 1599 §§1 — 3, 4-1-2003]
All employees of the City of Versailles, Missouri, except those employees specifically excluded in Subsection (B) hereof, shall cause their hours of work to be recorded on a time clock card utilizing a time clock to be provided by the City.
Employees who are not required to cause their work time to be recorded as provided in Subsection (A) are: all elected officials, City Attorney, Municipal Judge, Superintendent of Public Works and Wastewater Treatment Superintendent.
The time cards shall be the primary basis for determining the hours of work performed by each employee. In the event a City employee is called out after regular work hours because of an emergency, then such employee may submit the hours worked to his/her supervisor who shall attach same to the weekly time card for such employee to be used in determining such employee's wages, overtime pay or compensatory time, whichever is applicable.
[Ord. No. 1342 §§1 — 2, 3-30-1994]
Any City employee who receives training at his/her request, which training is paid for by the City, shall reimburse the City for the cost of such training in the event such employee shall thereafter voluntarily leave City employment within the period expiring one (1) year after the date of the receipt of such training.
The office manager is hereby directed to take all necessary steps to collect the reimbursement for any such training in the event of the voluntary leaving of City employment, said steps to include withholding of final compensation and/or any necessary legal action to collect said reimbursement.
[CC 1974 §105.020; Ord. No. 906 §§1 — 5, 11-1971; Ord. No. 1441 §1, 7-1998; Ord. No. 1594 §§1 — 2, 2-6-2003; Ord. No. 1707 §§1 — 6, 11-7-2006]
A full-time employee of the City of Versailles, Missouri, (City hereinafter) who is ill and unable to perform his or her duties because of such illness or sickness shall be permitted to take sick leave under the terms, conditions and guidelines hereinafter set forth. Such sick leave shall be up to sixteen (16) working hours (two (2) days) with full pay without acquiring a physician's certification confirming the illness and its severity provided such employee otherwise qualifies for sick leave. In the event the debilitating illness lasts longer than sixteen (16) working hours, then the employee must acquire a certification of a physician confirming that the employee has an illness that precludes such employee from performing his or her duties for the City for the number of working hours the employee takes sick leave or has sick leave hours available as hereinafter provided whichever is less. As used in this Section, eight (8) hours equals one (1) work day.
A full-time employee of the City shall accumulate sick leave at the rate of eight (8) hours per month for each month such employee works for the City. Further, the maximum number of hours of sick leave that may be accumulated by any one (1) employee shall be nine hundred sixty (960) hours. The accumulated days of each City employee shall be converted to hours based on eight (8) hours per sick day.
A City employee shall not receive compensation for accumulated but unused sick leave in the event of his or her employment being terminated with the City whether such termination be voluntary, involuntary or death of such employee.
A City employee who qualifies for sick leave shall receive payment from the City at the same rate of pay that such employee was receiving immediately prior to taking sick leave.
The minimum number of hours that a qualified employee can take on any one paid sick leave period is two (2) hours and the maximum paid sick leave a qualified employee can receive is the net sick leave hours such employee has accumulated.
[Ord. No. 1606 §§1 — 3, 6-3-2003]
A full-time employee of the City of Versailles, Missouri, who has accumulated five (5) days of sick leave or more shall be entitled to three (3) paid personal days per year. Use of personal days by such employee shall reduce the number of accumulated sick days on a one-to-one basis. Personal days do not accumulate.
[Ord. No. 1837 §1, 2-12-2013]
This Section amends Section 119.030 in that the number of days of sick leave accumulated by a City employee will be reduced by a number of personal days taken by such City employee as permitted by Subsection (A) hereof.
A City employee must give his/her supervisor two (2) days' notice of such employee's desire to take a personal day and such employee's supervisor must approve the request.
[Ord. No. 1306 §§1 — 2, 12-1-1992; Ord. No. 16-005 §§1 — 2, 3-8-2016]
For any full-time City employee who shall suffer a death in his or her family as hereinafter defined, such employee shall be entitled to paid funeral leave as follows, to wit:
In the event of the death of the employee's or employee's spouse's father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandparents, grandchildren, stepparents, stepchildren, stepgrandparents and stepbrother or stepsister, the funeral leave shall be three days.
In the event of the death of the employee's aunt, uncle or first cousin or the aunt, uncle or first cousin of an employee's spouse, then the funeral leave shall be one day.
Funeral leave and funeral leave pay will not be granted as herein provided unless the employee provides to the City Clerk a copy of the death notice and a statement signed by the funeral director who officiated at the deceased's funeral that the City employee did in fact attend the funeral service.
[Ord. No. 1598 §§1 — 5, 3-28-2003]
Military leave for employees in the City of Versailles are hereby set out as follows.
All officers and employees of the City of Versailles who are or may become members of the National Guard or of any reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be entitled to leave of absence from respective duties, without loss of time, pay, regular leave, impairment of efficiency rating or of any other rights or benefits to which otherwise entitled, for all periods of military services during which they are engaged in the performance of duty or training in the service of this State at the call of the Governor and as ordered by the Adjutant General without regard to length of time and for all periods of military services which they are engaged in the performance of duty in the service of the United States under competent orders for a period not to exceed a total of one hundred twenty (120) hours in any Federal fiscal year (October first (1st) to September thirtieth (30th).
Before any payment of salary is made covering the period of the leave, the officer or employee shall file with the office manager or appointing authority or supervising agency an official order from the appropriate military authority as evidence of such duty for which military pay is granted, which order shall contain the certification of the officer or employee's commanding officer of performance of duty in accordance with the terms of such order.
No member of the organized militia shall be discharged from employment by the City because of being a member of the organized militia, nor shall he/she be hindered or prevented from performing any militia service he/she may be called upon to perform by proper authority nor otherwise be discriminated against or dissuaded from enlisting or continuing his/her service in the militia by threat or injury to him/her in respect to his/her employment. Any officer or agent of the City violating any of the provisions of this Section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Any individual released from active duty with the National Guard or any reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States shall report to the City for return to active status with the City within thirty (30) days of release from active duty. Failure to contact the City may result in a loss of benefits under this Section.
[Ord. No. 1217 §1, 8-1-1989; Ord. No. 1451 §1, 12-1-1998; Ord. No. 1786 §1 — 3, 2-17-2010]
Annual vacation time for full-time City employees of the City of Versailles is hereby set as follows:
Any probationary employee who has been employed for less than one (1) consecutive year shall not be entitled to annual vacation.
Any employee who has been employed for more than one (1) but less than two (2) consecutive years shall be entitled to a one (1) week vacation with pay.
Any employee who has been employed as a full-time employee for a consecutive period of more than two (2) years but less than ten (10) consecutive years shall be entitled to paid vacation for a two (2) week period annually.
Any full-time employee who has been employed for a consecutive period of more than ten (10) years but less than twenty (20) consecutive years shall be entitled to paid annual vacation of three (3) weeks.
Any full-time employee who has been employed for a consecutive period of more than twenty (20) years shall be entitled to four (4) weeks annual paid vacation.
Employees may carry up to eighty (80) hours of vacation leave credit from one (1) year to the next (based upon the anniversary date of employment). Any unused vacation leave credit in excess of eighty (80) hours shall be deemed lost upon the anniversary date of employment.
[Ord. No. 1836 §1, 2-12-2013; Ord. No. 24-013, 8-13-2024]
Absences on account of sickness, injury or disability in excess of that authorized may, at the request of the employee and within the discretion of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, be charged against vacation leave.
For the purpose of this Section a full-time employee shall be one who shall work at least thirty-five (35) hours in a seven (7) day period.
No employee shall exchange vacation time for wages/salary.
[Ord. No. 24-011, 7-9-2024]
Vacation days for all City full time employees shall be computed on an accrual basis from his or her date of employment.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C, regarding employees being permitted to take vacation time before accruing it, was repealed 2-12-2013 by Ord. No. 1836 §2.
A City employee shall be reimbursed by the City for vacation days accrued but not used by the employee as of his or her date of termination as a City employee.
[Res. No. 1559 §§1 — 2, 8-2002]
If a City employee has continuous employment with the City from the first (1st) day of January (after the year 2001) until the last day of the following December without a claim for benefits pursuant to The Workers' Compensation Law, Chapter 287, RSMo., for that year ("claim-free year"), said employee may then receive, either:
An additional day of paid vacation;
An additional two (2) days of paid vacation, if this claim-free year was immediately preceded by a previous claim-free year;
An additional three (3) days of paid vacation, if this claim-free year was immediately preceded by two (2) previous claim-free years;
An additional four (4) days of paid vacation, if this claim-free year was immediately preceded by three (3) previous claim-free years;
An additional five (5) days of paid vacation, if this claim-free year was immediately preceded by four (4) or more previous claim-free years.
In determining the number of days of paid vacation, no claim-free year which occurred before the year 2002, may be considered as a previous claim-free year.
[Ord. No. 1446 §§1 — 2, 8-1998]
Hourly City employees, other than City Policemen, may accumulate annually compensatory time in lieu of overtime of a maximum compensatory time of forty (40) hours.
Any such employee who shall have accumulated such compensatory time as of March thirty-first (31st) of each year shall be paid for the compensatory time then accumulated, provided however, that any such employee may carry over a maximum of sixteen (16) hours of such accumulated compensatory time until not later than the next March thirty-first (31st).
An employee can elect to work the holidays of President's Day, Columbus Day, Martin Luther King Day, and/or Juneteenth with approval of their supervisor. If an employee elects to work during the designated holidays, the time worked shall be added to said employee's compensatory time.
[Ord. No. 24-003, 5-14-2024]
Any employee, that is required to work on a holiday, shall have the holiday time added to said employee's compensatory time.
[Ord. No. 24-003, 5-14-2024]
[Ord. No. 1255 §§1 — 3, 10-16-1990; Ord. No. 1403 §§1 — 2, 4-2-1997]
The City of Versailles has adopted the following policies pertaining to the use by employees of alcohol or illicit or unlawful drugs and as to safety measures:
It is against the City's policy and no employee shall be permitted to use any form of alcohol or any form of unlawful drugs during working hours nor shall any employee appear for work at any time that said employee may be under the influence of alcohol or any type of unlawful drug. Any employee violating this policy shall be subject to discipline and dismissal.
All employees operating motor vehicles, which motor vehicles are required by law to have the operator's use of seat belts, shall use said seat belts all in accordance with Missouri Statutes. Any employee violating this policy shall further be subject to discipline and possible dismissal.
All employees shall be subject to random testing for alcohol or unlawful drugs at any time during duty hours.
These policies shall be posted and a copy thereof furnished to each employee who shall acknowledge, in writing, the receipt thereof.
The City Clerk is directed to furnish copies of the City policy to any and all City employees and to secure written acknowledgment from each employee that he/she has been furnished said copies and the City Clerk is further directed to post copies of said policy in the City Hall and any and all other City buildings wherein City employees carry out their duties.
[CC 1974 §105.010; Ord. No. 636A §1, 10-1954]
It is hereby declared to be the policy and purpose of the City of Versailles, Missouri, to extend, at the earliest date to all eligible employees and officials of said City who are not excluded by law or by this Chapter and whether employed in connection with a governmental or proprietary function of said City, the benefits of the system of Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance as authorized by the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950 and by Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 3 of the 66th General Assembly of the State of Missouri and amendments thereof as the same may be now and hereafter in effect.
The Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Versailles, Missouri, are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of this City to prepare, execute and submit to the Division of Budget and Comptroller of the State of Missouri as State agency of the State of Missouri a plan and agreement for extending said benefits to said eligible employees and officials of the City of Versailles, Missouri, in the form prepared by the State agency and hereby approved and adopted by the Board of Aldermen of this City, which plan and agreement are to become effective upon approval thereof by the State agency and are further authorized and directed to execute agreements, and modifications and amendments thereof with said State agency, providing for the extension of said benefits to said employees and officials as set forth in said plan and agreement as provided for in Subsection (A) hereof, said plan and agreement to provide that said extension of benefits is to be effective on November 9, 1954.
Commencing on the first (1st) day of the month following the date of the approval of the plan and agreement of this City by the State agency, there shall be deducted from the wages of all employees and officials of the City of Versailles, Missouri, to whom the benefits of said system of Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance are extended by virtue of the plan and agreement hereinbefore provided for the amount of each of said employee's and official's contributions as determined by the applicable State and Federal laws and by said plan and agreement, the aggregate amount of said deductions to be paid into the Contributions Fund created by Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 3 of the 66th General Assembly of the State of Missouri; provided however, that from the first (1st) payment of wages made to each of said employees and officials after the benefits of said system have been extended to such employees and officials, there shall be deducted a sum equal to the amount which would have been due and payable from each of said employees and officials had said extension of benefits been provided and effective on November 9, 1954.
Commencing on the first (1st) day of the month following the date of the approval of the plan and agreement of this City by the State agency, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated from the General Fund of the City of Versailles, Missouri, and there is and shall be appropriated the sum or sums of money necessary to pay the contributions of the City of Versailles, Missouri, which shall be due and payable by virtue of the extension of the benefits of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System to the eligible employees and officials of said City, said sum or sums of money to be paid into the Contributions Fund created by Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 3 of the 66th General Assembly of the State of Missouri; provided however, that in making the first (1st) payment to said Contributions Fund after the benefits of said system have been extended to such employees and officials, said first (1st) payment shall include a sum equal to the amount which would have been due and payable had said extension of benefits been provided and effective on November 9, 1954. The fund from which said appropriation is made will at all times be sufficient to pay the contributions of the City by this Subsection directed to be paid to said Contributions Fund.
The City of Versailles, Missouri, from and after the approval of the plan and agreement of this City by the State agency shall fully comply with and shall keep such records, make such reports and provide such methods of administration of said plan and agreement as may be required by all applicable State and Federal laws, rules and regulations now and hereafter in effect with respect to the extension of the benefits of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System to the employees and officials of this City. For the purpose of administering said plan and agreement the City Clerk of this City shall be the official who shall make all required reports, keep all records and be responsible for the administration of said plan and agreement on behalf of this City and any and all notices and communications from the State agency to this City with respect to said plan and agreement shall be addressed to "City Clerk, City of Versailles, Missouri".
[Ord. No. 1222 §§1 — 4, 9-13-1989; Ord. No. 1398 §1, 4-4-1997; Ord. No. 1624 §1, 3-2-2004]
The City of Versailles desires to provide retirement benefits for its employees as a portion of their compensations, said Board of Aldermen does hereby authorize and approve the entering into a plan of deferred compensation with its employees; and in order to accumulate the appropriate funds to pay the participating employees' benefits in accordance with the deferred compensation plan, the Board of Aldermen does hereby authorize and approve the purchase from Aetna Life Insurance and Annuity Company in such amounts as may be appropriate to provide the plan benefits, as well as to continue the pre-existing individual retirement account plan previously authorized.
It is the intention of the Board that the premiums paid by the Board of Aldermen for such annuity contracts will not currently be considered as income paid to the employees concerned. Thus, the City of Versailles will own and have all rights under the said annuity contracts and such contracts will not be held in any way as collateral security for the fulfilling of the obligations of the employee, but shall be held as a general unpledged and unrestricted asset.
The contributions of both employer and employee are as hereinafter set forth:
The options hereby granted to all salaried City employees with at least twelve (12) consecutive months' employment with the City of Versailles, Missouri, who enter into an individual retirement plan of deferred compensation with Aetna Life Insurance and Annuity Company are to continue with their IRA individual retirement plans with Mid-Missouri Savings and Loan Association created in April, 1977. A full-time employee of the City of Versailles, Missouri, may contribute at his/her option not less than three percent (3%) of his/her gross wages nor more than seven percent (7%) of his/her gross wages into his/her individual retirement plan and the City will match such employee's contribution.
The employee's contribution into the (457) with Aetna Life Insurance and Annuity Company will be seven percent (7%) of said employee's gross wages, unless more is requested by the employee to be withheld from said wages. The total annual contribution by the City and the employee may not exceed twenty-five per cent (25%) of gross wages or seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500.00), whichever be the lesser.
In the event the employee should withdraw funds from his/her retirement plan prior to the employee having attained the age of fifty-nine and one-half (59½) years, the employer shall have no further obligation to make contributions to the plan for a period of one (1) year after the withdrawal, notwithstanding the provisions of Subparagraphs (1) and (2).
The Board of Aldermen hereby authorize the City Clerk to act on its behalf in respect to these annuity contracts to formulate rules and procedures in the purchase and administration of them.
[Ord. No. 1674 §§1 — 2, 11-1-2005]
Definitions. As used in this Section, the following terms shall have these prescribed meanings:
"Light duty work", as used in this Section, means any degree of work duties less than the total range of duties normally assigned to an employee doing the same or similar work for the City.
An "employee", as used in this Section, is any and all City workers who are not elected officials.
It shall be, from and after November 1, 2005, the policy of the City to not assign light duty work to any employee of the City who is not able to do his or her full work duties due to injury, whether such injury occurs during work hours or while off duty. Any employee who has debilitating injury which causes that employee to miss work shall be required to acquire and provide to the City a physician's statement indicating the employee is released to go back to work without limitation.
[Ord. No. 24-003, 5-14-2024]
In the event that City Hall is closed for inclement weather, all employees shall receive compensation for standard time the employee would have worked if City Hall were open during regular business hours.
In the event that an employee is unable to make it to work due to good cause for inclement weather and City Hall is not closed during regular business hours, employee shall be required to use vacation time, compensatory time, or incur a reduction in pay for such absence.