[CC 1974 §135.010; Ord. No. 872 §1, 12-1970]
There is hereby created, in accordance with Section 305.210, RSMo., 1969, an Airport Commission for the purpose of operation of, subject to the approval of the Board of Aldermen, the municipal airport of the City of Versailles, Missouri.
[CC 1974 §135.020; Ord. No. 872 §2, 12-1970; Ord. No. 1815 §1, 1-10-2012; Ord. No. 1822 §1, 5-8-2012; Ord. No. 16-008 §1, 5-9-2016]
The Airport Commission shall consist of five (5) members who shall hold office for three (3) years. In 2017, one (1) member shall be appointed; in 2018, two (2) members shall be appointed; and in 2019, two (2) members shall be appointed. The members shall be appointed by the Mayor and may be removed by the Mayor with the consent of the Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1974 §135.030; Ord. No. 872 §3, 12-1970]
Vacancies in the Airport Commission, occasioned by removal, resignation or otherwise, shall be reported to the Board of Aldermen and be filled in like manner as original appointments and no Commissioner shall receive compensation as such.
[CC 1974 §135.040; Ord. No. 872 §4, 12-1970]
The Airport Commissioners shall immediately after their appointment meet and organize by the election of one (1) of their number President and by the election of such other officers as they may deem necessary. They shall make and adopt such rules and regulations for their guidance and for the government and operation of the Versailles Municipal Airport as may be expedient, not inconsistent with Section 305.210, RSMo., 1969. The Commission shall have the exclusive control of the expenditures of all monies collected or appropriated to the credit of the Airport Fund and of the supervision, improvement, care and custody of said airport. All monies received or appropriated for said airport shall be deposited in the Treasury of the City of Versailles to the credit of the Airport Fund and shall be kept separate and apart from the other monies of the City of Versailles and drawn upon by the proper officers of the City upon vouchers of the Airport Commission.
[CC 1974 §135.050; Ord. No. 872 §5, 12-1970]
The Airport Commission shall make, on or before the thirty-first (31st) of January of each year commencing January 31, 1972, an annual report to the Board of Aldermen stating the condition of the Airport Fund on the first (1st) day of January of that year, the various sums of money received from the operation of said airport and by appropriation from the Board of Aldermen and how much monies have been expended and for what purposes.
[Ord. No. 1404 §§1 — 3, 5-6-1997; Ord. No. 1639 §§1 — 2, 8-3-2004]
Apple Festival Licensing.
Apple Festival Committee has the authority to issue licenses to booth vendors on the first full weekend of October each year for the purpose of conducting a festival. Said Apple Festival Committee shall have control of all booth vending spaces in the City limits of the City of Versailles, Missouri, beginning at 5:00 P.M. on Friday and continuing until Sunday at 8:00 P.M.
[Ord. No. 23-020, 12-12-2023]
The Apple Festival Committee shall not allow any alcoholic beverages to be served by an booth vender at the Apple Festival, except, a winery may request by permit to serve individual samples of light wine as defined in Section 600.010 of no more than one (1) ounce for tasting. Samples are to be served within the enclosed licensed booth space of the vendor with one (1) point of entry for the public and no more than six (6) total samples shall be given to an individual. Section 130.060(A)(2) shall take precedence over any conflicting language within the Versailles City Code on the day of the Apple Festival.
[Ord. No. 18-006, 4-10-2018]
Closing Of Streets And Alleys.
The Apple Festival Committee shall have the authority to close the following streets, alleys or sidewalks:
Monroe (from First Street to East Washington).
Fisher (from East Washington to First Street).
Newton (from South Burke to South Van Buren).
Jasper (from South Krekel to South Van Buren).
Krekel (from West Jasper to Newton).
Versailles Street (from North Monroe to North Fisher).
City park (fairgrounds).
If additional streets or alleys are required to be closed, the Apple Festival Committee shall request in writing those streets and alleys desired.
The Apple Festival Committee shall not allow the general public to use skate boards, roller blades, bicycles, motorcycles or ride animals on the closed streets except during those participating in scheduled Apple Festival events.
Vendor Set Up.
Vendors who wish to set up their Apple Festival booths early and who acquire permission from the business owners immediately adjacent to the public street may set up their booths commencing at 1:00 P.M. Friday next preceding the Apple Festival Saturday.
Vendors who have not acquired the business owner's permission may commence the set up of their booth in the public street at 5:00 P.M. on the Friday next preceding the Apple Festival Saturday.