[R.O. 2008 §500.360; Ord. No. 14-2007, 7-9-2007; Ord. No. 13-2008, 7-14-2008]
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dwelling unit or structure to sell, transfer, lease or otherwise dispose of such dwelling or structure to another owner until all of the following actions have been completed:
Property maintenance inspection. The dwelling and associated property has been inspected for compliance with the latest adopted International Property Maintenance Code no more than one hundred eighty (180) days before the date of transfer.
Notice of compliance. A written notice of compliance with the latest adopted International Property Maintenance Code has been awarded to the owner of record by the Building Commissioner, Building Inspector, Code Enforcement Officer or duly authorized representatives; or
The procedure for "transfer of ownership", as stated in the latest adopted edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, has been completed in full by the grantee, transferee or lessee and the seller, granter, transferor, mortgager or lessee. The "transfer of ownership" shall be reviewed and approved or denied by the Building Commissioner, Building Inspector, Code Enforcement Officer or duly authorized representatives.
Certificate of occupancy. A certificate of occupancy has been awarded to the owner of record by the Building Commissioner, Building Inspector, Code Enforcement Officer or duly authorized representatives; or
The procedure for "transfer of ownership", as stated in the latest adopted edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, has been completed in full by the grantee, transferee or lessee and the seller, granter, transferor or lessee. The "transfer of ownership" shall be reviewed and approved or denied by the Building Commissioner, Building Inspector, Code Enforcement Officer or duly authorized representatives.
Each "notice of compliance" issued by the Building Commissioner, Building Inspector, Code Enforcement Officer or duly authorized representatives shall include the statement:
"The City of Louisiana does not make any guarantee or warranty as to the conditions of the buildings and premises inspected, nor does the City assume liability in the inspection and certification of compliance. This report is not intended to replace a private inspection service or to be used for property purchase/rental/lease guidance. The City of Louisiana encourages all purchasers employ a private inspection service."
Fees—Schedule Of Fees. At the time of application for the permit required by this Section, the City Clerk shall collect the appropriate permit fee and inspection fee in accordance with the following schedule:
[Ord. No. 08-2024, 3-25-2024]
Building Permit — Renovation
$20.00 + $5.00/per $1,000.00 total cost
Building Permit — New
$20.00 + $5.00/per $1,000.00 total cost 2¢/per square foot
Multi-Family Dwelling Inspection
$45.00 + $10.00 per unit
Residential/Commercial Rental Inspection
Occupancy Inspection
If a permit is denied or suspended, the permit and inspection fee is non-refundable. A twenty dollar ($20.00) reinspection fee will be required. The Building Inspector shall review the fee schedule annually and recommend changes as deemed appropriate to the City Council.
Penalty for non-compliance of this Section shall be as stated in Section 100.170 of the Municipal Code.