[Added 8-28-2013 by Ord. No. 1686]
Position established. There is created the position of Purchasing Agent for the Borough of Glen Rock.
Appointing position. The Purchasing Agent shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council for a term of one calendar year or the unexpired portion thereof at a salary to be fixed by the Salary Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 48, Salaries and Compensation.
Requirements. The Purchasing Agent is required to possess a valid qualified purchasing agent certificate, as issued by the New Jersey Division of Local Government Services, Department of Community Affairs.
Function and duties. The Qualified Purchasing Agent shall have the following functions, duties and responsibilities:
The Purchasing Agent shall have, on behalf of the Borough of Glen Rock, the authority, responsibility and accountability for the purchasing activity pursuant to the Local Public Contacts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.), as amended; to prepare public advertising for and to receive bids and requests for proposals for the performance of services; goods and construction contracts; to amend contracts pursuant to New Jersey law in accordance with the regulations, forms and procedures promulgated by state regulatory agencies and conduct any activities as may be necessary or appropriate to the purchasing function of the Borough of Glen Rock.
Coordinate the purchase, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable statutes and sound purchasing practices, of goods and services for the various departments, agencies, boards and other offices of the Borough.
Exercise the authority to join with other units of government, including state, County Board of Education and other contracting units in cooperative purchasing plans as permitted by statute and when authorized by resolution of the Borough Council.
Recommend to the Borough Council rules and regulation governing the requisition and purchase of all goods and services, consistent with the provisions of this section and governing statutes and Administrative Code regulations.
Bid threshold. The bid threshold for the Borough of Glen Rock is hereby established at $36,000 and the quotation threshold shall be $5,400 as permitted by law.