[R.O. 2009 §14-36; Ord. No. 2111 §2(Art. IV §1), 3-14-1990]
No person operating a boarding house or rooming house, whether licensed under this Chapter or not, shall:
Knowingly provide lodging or boarding to individuals with a history of disruptive, criminal or harassing behavior or fail to report to Police authorities or evict individuals who engage in disruptive, criminal or harassing behavior;
Operate or use the premises, or knowingly permit guests to use the premises, for illegal or immoral purposes;
Fail to provide the Chief of Police or his/her designee, upon request, with the driver's license number, Social Security number, if known, and permanent address of any boarder or lodger; or
Deny lodging to any person on a discriminatory basis under the Festus human rights ordinance (Chapter 220).
[R.O. 2009 §14-37; Ord. No. 2111 §2(Art. IV §2), 3-14-1990]
Each building licensed or proposed to be licensed as a boarding house or rooming house under the terms of this Chapter may be inspected from time to time by the Building Official, Health Officer or Fire Marshal. If any of the inspections disclose a condition existing in the building tending to create a structural, health or fire hazard and such condition is not corrected within thirty (30) days after notice in writing to the owner or operator of the business by the Building Official, Health Officer or Fire Marshal, the license of the owner or operator of the licensed business may be suspended or revoked by the City Clerk or the application for a license rejected.
[R.O. 2009 §14-38; Ord. No. 2111 §2(Art. IV §3), 3-14-1990]
All boarding houses and rooming houses shall comply as to size, occupancy and other applicable requirements with the Building Code as currently adopted by the City. In furtherance and not in limitation thereof, operators shall abide by the following standards: Seventy (70) square feet per bedroom for one (1) person; one hundred (100) square feet per bedroom for two (2) persons; two hundred (200) square feet per person per housekeeping unit; and access to bathroom through each bedroom.
Cross Reference — As to adoption of building code, §500.010 et seq.
[R.O. 2009 §14-39; Ord. No. 2111 §2(Art. IV §4), 3-14-1990]
Each operator shall keep a register of his/her boarders and roomers in which shall be recorded the name, driver's license number and permanent home address of the guest.