[CC 1984 §9.030; Ord. No. 267, 7-17-1984]
Private sewers may be connected with the public sewers in this City and all such private sewers and house connections shall be constructed and connections thereof made under the provisions set forth below and subject to such other laws or ordinances applicable thereto.
All connections to the public sewers of this City shall be made with vitrous clay pipe or approved P.V.C. with all joints adequately cemented or sealed with an approved compound or gasket that will make the pipe impervious to surface water or tree roots. This pipe shall be laid in a straight line, on a firm bed with a uniform grade and shall be connected to the house drainage system at least three (3) feet outside of the foundation walls. If necessary to break into the main sewer line, a complete Section shall be removed and replaced with a "Y" junction to properly connect the house line.
If the private sewer line is laid through filled ground, clay pipe is prohibited and contractor must use cast-iron sewer pipe with approved oakum and poured lead joints.
All excavations made in the street shall be adequately protected with barricades and properly lighted at night with flares or red lanterns to protect the public.
All backfilling of trenches in the street shall be properly compacted and jetted with water to insure complete compaction. After compacting, the contractor shall replace the surface of the street with the same type of material as the street was originally constructed of.
Any person, firm or corporation shall first obtain a permit from the City Clerk before starting to install any connections to the public sewers of this City. He/she shall fill out the prescribed application, attaching thereto two (2) copies of the plans and specifications. The sewer connection permit will be valid for eighteen (18) months from date of issue.
A contractor's deposit of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) shall be required to be deposited with the City Clerk to insure the proper backfilling of the public street. Should the contractor fail to properly backfill the excavation, the City Clerk shall mail written notice to him/her giving him/her thirty (30) days to correct the deficiency; and if the contractor fails then, the deposit shall be declared forfeited and the City shall then repair the excavation. Should the contractor faithfully replace the street in original condition, then thirty (30) days after the completion the entire deposit is returned.
Every day's violations of any provisions of this Section shall constitute a separate offense. The City may proceed to enjoin any work from going forward in violation of this Section in addition to any and all other remedies which the City may have.
Protection From Damage. No unauthorized person shall maliciously, willfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is a part of the sewage works. Any person violating this provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under charge of disorderly conduct.