[R.O. 2011 §34-1; Ord. No. 6139 §1(Exh. A (part)), 1997]
This Chapter is intended to be utilized in conjunction with the University City subdivision and land development regulations to ensure that the development of land within the City occurs in a manner that protects, provides for and promotes the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, and general welfare of the residents of University City. Specific purposes of this Chapter include the following:
To protect the character and stability of residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and public use areas within the City of University City and promote their orderly and beneficial development;
To protect and to conserve the value of buildings and other improvements, and to minimize any adverse impact of development on adjoining or other nearby properties;
To divide the City into zoning districts and establish, by reference to a map, the boundaries of said districts;
To establish standards to which land, buildings, structures and their uses must conform, including:
Standards regulating the intensity of land use and the density of population, including provisions for open areas around buildings and structures necessary to provide adequate light, ventilation and privacy,
Limitations on the height and size of buildings and structures,
Limitations on the amount of land covered by building, structures, and other site improvements, such as parking areas, and
Minimum requirements for common open space for the beneficial use of the occupants of developed land;
To prohibit uses, buildings, or structures which are incompatible with the character of uses, buildings, or structures permitted within specific zoning districts;
To lessen and avoid traffic congestion on streets by requiring off-street parking and loading;
To prevent illegal additions or alterations of existing buildings or structures;
To protect against fire, explosion, noxious fumes and odor, heat, dust, smoke, glare, noise, vibration, and other nuisances and hazards in the interest of public health, safety and general welfare;
To provide standards for the preservation of historically significant districts and landmarks within the City;
To designate and define the powers and duties of the officials administering and enforcing this Chapter; and
To establish penalties for the violation of this Chapter.
[R.O. 2011 §34-2; Ord. No. 6139 §1(Exh. A (part)), 1997]
The provisions of this Chapter shall be considered the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare.
Wherever the regulations of this Chapter require a greater width or size of yards, courts or other open spaces, or require a lower height of building or lesser number of stories, or require a greater percentage of lot to be left unoccupied, or impose other higher standards than are required in any other Statute or local ordinance or regulation, the provisions of the regulations of this Chapter shall govern. Wherever the provisions of any other Statute or local ordinance or regulation require a greater width or size of yards, courts or other open spaces, or require a lower height of building or less number of stories, or require a greater percentage of lot to be left unoccupied, or impose other higher standards than are required by the regulations of this Chapter, the provisions of such Statute or local ordinance or regulation shall govern.