[R.O. 2011 §34-87.1; Ord. No. 6139 §1(Exh. A (part)), 1997]
There is established an historic landmark which shall be known as the Theodore Salorgne House, which is situated on the following described property:
Parcel 1: Lot 6 of Central Suburb, a subdivision of U.S. Survey 2033, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 29 of the St. Louis City (former County) Records, containing 10 acres, fronting 462 feet on the West line of Pennsylvania Avenue by a depth Westwardly between parallel lines of 942 feet 9¾ inches to the East line of Partridge Avenue (40 feet wide) EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion conveyed to Gordon B. Smith by deed recorded in Book 2183 Page 22 and also excepting therefrom the East 10 feet conveyed to City of University City for street purposes, according to deed recorded in Book 1176 Page 183 and also excepting therefrom that portion dedicated as St. Domenico Court, according to plat recorded in Plat Book 38 Page 76 of the St. Louis County Recorder's office.
Parcel 2: Lots 1 to 37 both inclusive in Block 4 of McNamee Heights according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 5, page 91 of the St. Louis County Recorder's Office, together fronting 932 feet 9¾ inches on the North line of Raymond Avenue (formerly Lester Avenue) by a depth Northwardly of 129 feet to the South line of Lot 6 of Central Suburbs. Bounded East by Pennsylvania Avenue and West by Partridge Avenue, EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion conveyed to Gordon B. Smith by deed recorded in Book 2183 page 22, the East 10 feet conveyed to City of University City for street purposes, according to deed recorded in Book 1176 page 183 and also that portion dedicated as St. Domenico Court, according to plat recorded in Plat Book 38 page 76 of the St. Louis County Recorder's Office, being part of the same property described in its annexed certificate and reports that according to the St. Louis County Records whatever title the owners named in said certificate had on May 1, 1930, the date thereof.
[R.O. 2011 §34-87.2; Ord. No. 6139 §1(Exh. A (part)), 1997]
No major change in landscaping or construction, or addition, demolition, removal, or substantial alterations of the exterior features of the front, side and rear facades of the Original Salorgne House, or the Dormitory Addition linked to the Original Salorgne House by the Archway or arched opening, or the Chapel Addition to the rear of the Original Salorgne House, including modification or change of existing materials, painting, tuckpointing, roofing, modification of window or door openings, replacement of window or door openings, or replacement of windows or doors may be made; nor shall any substantial modifications of the interior of the Original Salorgne House take place without a building permit; nor shall any exterior installation of electrical, mechanical or utility devices, such as cooling towers, meters, transformers, poles, or lighting devices, take place without a building permit; nor shall the City issue any permit for any such work without first referring the matter to the Historic Preservation Commission for review of the proposed construction, placement, demolition, removal or alteration to determine conformity with standards established for this building.
To reach its determination, the Commission shall require the submission of plans and specifications as necessary to render a decision concerning the appropriateness of the proposed undertaking.
[R.O. 2011 §34-87.3; Ord. No. 6139 §1(Exh.A (part)), 1997]
Additions to the existing "Salorgne House Complex" (including the Original Salorgne House, the Archway, the Dormitory Addition, and the Chapel Addition) shall be set back behind a line twenty (20) feet back from and parallel to the front wall of the Dormitory Addition, as projected south of the Dormitory Addition and north of the Original Salorgne House. Such additions shall extend no farther north than forty (40) feet from the line of the north wall of the Original Salorgne House or no farther south than forty (40) feet from the line of the existing south wall of the Dormitory Addition. Additions and other new construction may also be erected between the Original Salorgne House and the Dormitory Addition behind a line extending north from the line of the rear wall of the Dormitory Addition and also to the north and south of the Salorgne House Complex behind a line extending north and south from the rear wall of the Chapel Addition. New construction is also permitted within one hundred twenty-nine (129) feet of Raymond Avenue. The foregoing setbacks are illustrated in a drawing entitled "Construction Limits — Salorgne House", dated February 15, 1994, and incorporated into this Article by reference.
New construction intended to enlarge the facilities of the Salorgne House Complex shall be subject to design review by the Historic Preservation Commission. New construction, whether additions to or independent of the Salorgne House Complex, shall be constructed to a height no greater than the lesser of a maximum of two and one-half (2½) stories high or fifteen (15) feet below the Original Salorgne House (original eaves line to the new building eaves line). Subject to paragraph (7) below, the existing "Entry Drive" location and configuration at the entry on Partridge Avenue shall be maintained as shown on the "Construction Limits — Salorgne House"; and any additional required drive access shall be from Raymond Avenue beyond the setbacks defined above, or from the existing extension of the drive to Roberts Court.
The Chapel Addition may be removed in its entirety, conditioned upon the restoration of the rear exterior wall of the Original Salorgne House.
The decorative features of the first (1st) and second (2nd) floor interiors of the Original Salorgne House shall be maintained. These features include the fireplace cabinets, staircase, stained glass window on the staircase landing, and built-in cabinetry below the staircase, as well as the millwork and paneling in the main halls on the first (1st) and second (2nd) floors.
New construction will also be allowed in the two (2) areas of the site marked "Restricted — Limited Construction Permitted" on the accompanying drawing "Construction Limits — Salorgne House" dated February 15, 1994, and as located within the following boundaries, such construction being here after referred to as "limited construction":
North of a line seventy (70) feet north of and parallel to the north face of the Original Salorgne House, and west of the line of the east wall of the Chapel Addition;
South of a line seventy (70) feet south of and parallel to the south face of the Dormitory Addition, and north of a line one hundred twenty-nine (129) feet north of the south property line (Raymond Avenue), and west of the east face of the Chapel Addition.
Limited construction will be allowed within these two (2) areas under the following conditions:
All construction shall be detached from the Original Salorgne House or the Dormitory Addition;
All construction shall be sited at right angles to the Original Salorgne House;
No trash dumpster, loading dock, mechanical or electrical equipment or any similar service-oriented part of a building shall be prominently visible from any portion of the Salorgne House Complex or Entry Drive, or from Partridge Avenue;
No garage door shall be prominently visible from any portion of the Salorgne House Complex or Entry Drive;
The height of the tallest component of the building shall be less than or equal to an elevation point fifteen (15) feet below the eave line of the Original Salorgne House;
The choice of materials, including the articulation of the design, shall be sympathetic and deferential to the Original Salorgne House;
The access drive shall not be attached to the existing Entry Drive, except to connect to new buildings directly associated in function and administration to the Original Salorgne House;
All limited construction shall be subject to design review by the Historic Preservation Commission.
In reviewing applications for building permits, the Historic Preservation Commission shall be guided by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitation Historic Buildings, 1979 (revised 1990), U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Preservation Assistance Division, Washington D.C.