Non-budgeted or non-emergency appropriations in excess of $300,000
shall go to a special public hearing for approval.
All moneys paid to the City or received by any municipal officials,
employee or agent of the City for, or in connection with, the business
of the City shall be paid into the City Treasury and shall be deposited
with such banking depositories as the Council may determine. All interest
from deposits shall accrue to the benefit of the City.
The City Council shall require bonds, with sufficient sureties
from all persons entrusted with the collection, custody, or disbursement
of the public's moneys.
Not later than one month before the end of the fiscal year,
the City Manager shall submit to the City Council a proposed budget
for the ensuing fiscal year, which shall be compiled from information
furnished by the administrative officers, department heads and boards,
on forms which may be designated by the City Manager. The proposed
budget shall contain:
a. A budget message which shall explain the budget in fiscal terms and
in terms of service and work programs.
b. An exact statement of the financial condition of the City.
c. Itemized statement of appropriations recommended for current expenditures
and a five-year Capital Improvement Program detailed by departments,
office, special services, boards or agencies in terms of the respective
programs. The Capital Improvement Program shall include:
A clear general summary of its contents;
A list of all capital improvements and other capital expenditures
which are proposed to be undertaken during the five fiscal years ensuing,
with appropriate supporting information as to the necessity for each;
Cost estimates and recommended time schedules for each improvement
or other capital expenditures;
Method of financing, upon which each capital expenditure is
to be reliant; and
The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining facilities
to be constructed or acquired.
The above shall be revised and extended each year with regard
to capital improvements still pending or in process of construction
or acquisition.
Each recommended appropriation shall be accompanied, in parallel
columns, with comparative statements of budget expenditures for the
current fiscal year.
d. Itemized statement of estimated revenue from all sources other than
taxation; and a statement of taxes required, with comparative estimated
figures and actual receipts from the current fiscal year.
e. Such other budget information as may be required by the City Council.
The City Council, in the appropriation resolve, shall provide
for a reserve fund from which transfers may be made at the end of
the fiscal year, by vote of the City Council, to cover overdrafts
in any fund. After all warrants have been paid, any unexpended balance
or balances in any fund, excepting in school and public library funds,
shall be transferred to the reserve fund.
The borrowing of money by and for the City of Belfast shall
be subject to the provisions of sections 11, 12 and 13 of this Article.
The credit of the City shall in no manner be loaned or used in the
aid of any individual, association or corporation.
Money may be borrowed, with the limits fixed by the Constitution
and Statutes of the State, as amended, by the issue and sale of bonds
or serial notes, pledged on the credit of the City, the proceeds to
be used for the acquisition of land, the construction and equipment
of building, and other public improvements, the acquisition of equipment,
and the payment or refunding of bonds, notes and certificates of indebtedness
previously issued, or for any other purpose for which municipalities
are or hereafter may be authorized to borrow money by general law,
provided that no bonds or serial notes shall be issued for plans or
other preliminary expenses in connection with a public improvement
unless they are issued at the same time as bonds or serial notes to
finance the improvement for which such expenses were incurred. No
order providing for the issue of bonds or serial notes shall be passed
without public notice given by posting notice of the same in two public
places in the City of Belfast and publishing said notice in at least
one newspaper of general circulation in the City of Belfast, at least
two weeks before final action by the City Council, and final adoption
by affirmative vote of at least 4/5 of all the voting members of the
City Council. Every issue of bonds, or serial notes shall be payable
within a fixed term of years, in the case of bonds or serial notes
issued for a public improvement or equipment for which they are issued
as determined by the City Council and embodied in the order authorizing
the issue, and in no case to exceed 30 years. Authorized issues of
bonds or serial notes shall be payable in annual installments, and
every order for the issue of bonds or serial notes, shall provide
for a tax levy for each year of an amount necessary to meet the payment
of the annual installment of principal and interest, and such amounts
shall be included in the tax levy for each year until the debt is
Money may be borrowed in anticipation of receipts from taxes
during any fiscal year, but the aggregate amount of such loans outstanding
at any time shall not exceed 80% of the revenue from taxes received
during the preceding fiscal year. All such loans shall be paid out
of the receipts from taxes for the fiscal year in which they are issued,
but shall nevertheless be general obligations of the City. Money may
also be borrowed in anticipation of the receipts of proceeds from
authorized issues of bonds or notes, and shall be subject to the laws
of the State in relation thereto.
Money may be borrowed by the issuance and sale of revenue bonds
in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Revised Statutes
relating thereto as the same may from time to time be amended.