Cross Reference — As to temporary uses in certain zoning districts, §405.380(E).
[CC 1999 §5.0201; Ord. No. 99-12-01 §1, 12-7-1999; Ord. No. 81, 8-13-2013]
The following are considered as temporary businesses:
Any person in business one (1) day at a time or not to exceed seventy-two (72) hours, located on street corners, vacant lots, etc.
Any person who sells or offers for sale any goods, wares, merchandise, flowers, horticultural products, services, food or beverages from a booth, stall, stand, table, wagon, pushcart, handcart or other vehicle, or from a pack, basket or similar container, or hand-held display at a parade, fair or festival.
Any person in business one (1) day at a time, selling to individual homes.
See Section 405.380 of this Code concerning temporary vendors.
[CC 1999 §5.0202; Ord. No. 99-12-01 §1, 12-7-1999]
No person shall engage in any business listed in Section 605.090 above without first (1st) applying for and securing a temporary business license as set forth in this Article. No license shall be transferable from one (1) person to another or one (1) business to another.
[CC 1999 §5.0203; Ord. No. 99-12-01 §1, 12-7-1999; Ord. No. 05-10-04 §5.0203, 10-25-2005; Ord. No. 82, 8-13-2013]
The fee for a temporary business shall be:
Peddler/Crafter: ten dollars ($10.00) for one (1) day or not to exceed seventy-two (72) hours.
Special event: ten dollars ($10.00) for each event.
Door-to-door sales: ten dollars ($10.00) for each day of sales.
Temporary vendor: twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for six (6) months. See Section 405.380 of this Code.
[CC 1999 §5.0204; Ord. No. 99-12-01 §1, 12-7-1999]
Anyone applying for a temporary business license shall show proof of sales tax ID number.
[CC 1999 §5.0205; Ord. No. 99-12-01 §1, 12-7-1999]
The fees set forth in this Article are on an annual basis for the specific business operation requested.
[CC 1999 §5.0206; Ord. No. 99-12-01 §1, 12-7-1999]
The penalty for violating this Article shall be a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for the first (1st) violation. The penalty for violating this Article shall be a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the second (2nd) or additional violations within a twelve (12) month period.