The Chief of Police is hereby empowered to make and enforce temporary traffic regulations, including imposition of regulations on traffic movement, implementation of traffic control signalization and limitations on parking or standing of vehicles in emergency situations, where the Chief of Police shall deem the general public's safety and welfare to be served thereby, unless such temporary traffic regulations are revoked by the Village Board. Such temporary regulations shall remain in effect only during the period of emergency and in no event shall emergency regulations remain in effect for more than 90 days without the adoption of the appropriate ordinance.
To ensure uniformity in determining the necessity for, location and type of official traffic control devices to be used on the streets and highways within the Village limits, the provisions of the State of Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, as amended from time to time, is hereby adopted as a manual of uniform traffic control devices for streets and highways within the Village and the provisions of the Manual are incorporated herein by reference, copies of which are now on file and will be kept on file in the Village Clerk's office.
Vehicles exceeding 8,000 pounds registered gross weight and bearing a State of Illinois vehicle license, Class D or over, or any comparable class license issued by any other state, are prohibited from movement upon any street within the Village except State Route 22 (Half Day Road), State Route 43 (Waukegan Road), and Lakeside Drive, unless specifically excepted by Subsection B hereof.
The prohibition established in Subsection A hereof shall not apply to the following vehicles:
Vehicles making deliveries to or pickups from property located within the Village accessible only via streets designated as "no truck" streets pursuant to Subsection C hereof;
Vehicles operated on behalf of public utility companies for the purpose of carrying out utility functions within the Village;
School buses; or
Emergency vehicles when operating in the line of duty.
The Chief of Police shall cause signs to be posted at all appropriate locations within the Village bearing the universal "No Truck" legend.
Other than local transport vehicles as hereinafter defined, no vehicle shall use or enter upon the Village Hall driveway except for the purpose of conducting official Village business.
In order to promote the safe and efficient use of the Village Hall driveway:
During the hours of 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on all days except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, no vehicle may use the southerly access point of the Village Hall driveway for ingress and no vehicle may use the northerly access point of the Village Hall driveway for egress; and
During the hours of 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on all days except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, no vehicle may use the northerly access point of the Village Hall driveway for ingress and no vehicle may use the southerly access point of the Village Hall for egress.
The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to erect official traffic control devices and signage as necessary to indicate the direction of traffic movement on the Village Hall driveway.
For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
Any vehicle that:
Has obtained and displays a local school transport vehicle permit issued by the Village of Bannockburn Chief of Police pursuant to § 232-6 of this chapter; and
Is registered to a resident of the Bannockburn School District or is registered to a teacher, administrative official, school employee, or other person who is using the Village Hall driveway in order to travel to or from the Bannockburn School or other school activities.
Any activity for which an individual in a vehicle is required personally to disembark from such vehicle and either enter the Village Hall or otherwise use the premises at 2275 Telegraph Road, or the Village Center located at 2245-2255 Telegraph Road, for any proper purpose.
The driveway serving the Bannockburn Village Hall, 2275 Telegraph Road, and having two points of access onto Telegraph Road. The northerly access point of said driveway is located in close proximity to the intersection of Telegraph Road and High Terrace Lane; the southerly access point of said driveway is located in close proximity to the intersection of Wilmot Road and Telegraph Road.
The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to issue for each school year local school transport vehicle permits upon an applicant's satisfactory completion of the local school transport vehicle application prescribed by the Roads and Rights-of-Way Commissioner. Such permits shall not be transferable to another vehicle or vehicle owner or lessee.
[Amended 5-22-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-12]
Required information.
Any person desiring a local school transport vehicle permit for any motor vehicle shall file an application with the Chief of Police or the Chief's designee, upon such forms as the Chief of Police may prescribe, setting forth:
The name and address of the applicant;
A description of the motor vehicle for which the permit is desired;
The names of the students, teachers, administrative officials, or employees of the Bannockburn School expected to be transported regularly in the motor vehicle; and
Such other information as may be required on such forms.
The applicant shall be the registered owner or lessee of the motor vehicle for which the permit is sought.
In order to receive a local school transport vehicle permit, an applicant shall agree to waive any and all claim(s) and/or causes of action that he or she may now or in the future have against the Village arising from the operation of the applicant's vehicle on the Village Hall driveway in accordance with this code. All applicants shall also agree to indemnify and hold the Village harmless from any damages and/or judgments which the Village may suffer or incur, or which may be obtained against the Village as the result of the operation of the applicant's vehicle on the Village Hall driveway in accordance with this code.
The Chief of Police shall issue the local school transport vehicle permits to qualified motor vehicles. Each permit shall bear a number and the expiration date of the permit. It is the duty of the permit holder to display the permit in a conspicuous place on the motor vehicle or as may otherwise be directed by the Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police may revoke any local school transport vehicle permit upon a permit holder's improper use of, or violation of the terms of, the permit.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 1-6 of Ord. No. 2009-19, Road closings, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 9-28-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-23.
Left-hand turns by any vehicle, except school buses and emergency vehicles, shall be prohibited as indicated below:
From Wilmot Road onto northbound Telegraph Road from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on all days except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.
From Wilmot Road onto westbound Duffy Road from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on all days except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.
No person shall shovel, plow, or otherwise place snow or cause or permit the shoveling, plowing, or placing of snow from a private driveway, parking lot, or other private property upon any highway, street, or path so as to hinder, obstruct, impede, or otherwise interfere in any way with the movement of traffic upon said street, highway, or path.
If said snow is not immediately moved or removed by the owner, occupant, or agent placing it on the street, highway, or sidewalk after being advised by an authorized official or police officer to do so, then the Village may charge the owner, occupant, or agent for any expenses that may be incurred by the Village in the removal thereof. Such expenses shall be collected by the Village in addition to any fine or penalty as set forth in the ordinances of the Village.
Notwithstanding the penalty contained in § 232-15, the penalty for violation of this § 232-8 shall be $75 for each offense.
The provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code regulating the speed of vehicles, as amended from time to time, shall apply within the Village, except to the extent that they conflict with other provisions in this code. The absolute speed limits set forth in Schedule I attached to this code[1] shall be applicable when appropriate signs giving notice of the limits are erected, all in accordance with law.
Editor's Note: Schedule I is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The Village Board may designate stop intersections in the Village. When appropriate signs and signals are erected in accordance with such designations, no person shall operate a vehicle in violation of the instructions of any such sign or signal. The stop intersections set forth in Schedule II attached to this code shall be applicable in the Village.[1]
Editor's Note: Schedule II is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The Village Board may designate one-way streets in the Village. When appropriate signs are erected in accordance with such designations, and no person shall operate a vehicle in violation of such designation.
One-way streets designated.
The South Lakeside Drive cul-de-sac shall be one way in a counter -clockwise direction proceeding through the cul-de-sac from west to east.
In addition to any prohibition for U-turns in the Illinois Vehicle Code, the Village Board may from time to time designate areas in the Village where U-turns are prohibited.
The following U-turns are hereby prohibited when appropriate signs are erected in accordance with such designations, and no person shall operate a vehicle in violation of such designation:
No driver shall make a U-turn on North Lakeside Drive.
Any person who drives any vehicle in a careless or negligent manner so as to unnecessarily endanger persons or property is guilty of negligent driving.
The Village shall be authorized to regulate the parking and traffic within parking areas to the greatest extent permissible, pursuant to an agreement as authorized pursuant to 625 ILCS 5/11-209 and 65 ILCS 5/1-1-7. Any person who drives any vehicle in violation of such regulations may be charged under this section, or any other applicable section of this code.
[Added 2-12-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
No passenger bus (as defined in § 159-44 of the Village Code) shall park, load, or unload passengers except in accordance with Chapter 159, Article VI, of the Village Code.
Except as otherwise provided in Chapter 159, Article VI, of the Village Code, no bus (as defined in 625 ILCS 5/1-107) shall stop or park within the Village in a manner that obstructs traffic or in violation of any traffic regulations or posted requirements.
Fine. Any person violating any provision of this code, except as otherwise provided in § 232-26, shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $750 for each offense, except where a specific penalty is otherwise provided for in a specific section of this code or is limited by state statute.
Where applicable, each day that such offense continues shall be considered a separate and distinct offense.
Whenever the fine for an offense under this article is in excess of $750, the fine shall be deemed to be reduced to $750 in the event that service of summons as to the offense is made by certified mail, return receipt requested, pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/1-2-9.1.
Other sentences. In addition to any penalty or fine levied under any court disposition or adjudication for a violation of this code, the court shall be authorized to consider any disposition authorized or permitted pursuant to the applicable statutes of the State of Illinois, including, but not limited to, imposition of community service, court supervision, and/or restitution; further provided, however, that the imposition of a sentence of imprisonment shall not be authorized pursuant to this section. A sentence of imprisonment shall be authorized only if specifically referenced in the penalty section of the applicable ordinance, or otherwise authorized pursuant to state statute due to the enactment of said ordinance.
Bond. Any person arrested or detained for a violation of any provision of this code shall be released upon proper bond being furnished as required by state statute.
Citations. Offenses such as driving while under the influence, driving on a suspended/revoked license and/or reckless driving, or as otherwise specified by state statutes, shall be processed and charged by a police officer, as required by the provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code and the regulations of the Circuit Court. For all other violations of this code, a police officer, after noting the license number of the vehicle and name of the offender (where possible), may issue a traffic violation citation notifying the offender to appear in court at the time designated for hearing such cases. In the event that the offender does not appear at the time and place so specified, such officer may seek the issuance of a warrant, where permitted by law.
Violation notice. For minor offenses of this code (i.e., equipment violation, parking violation) designated by the Chief of Police, a police officer, after noting the license number of the vehicle and name of the offender (where possible), may issue a violation notice notifying the offender of the violation, the fine for the violation, and the time and place for payment of the fine. In the event that the fine is not paid within the time specified, the matter may be pursued for collection as a debt to the Village, or in the alternative, the officer may issue a traffic violation citation where appropriate (i.e., an equipment violation) or a notice-to-appear complaint, each requiring the offender to appear in court at the time designated for hearing such cases.