[Ord. No. 6919 §1, 9-9-2013]
The Commission on Senior Issues is a seven-member body formed by the Council to review, evaluate and make recommendations to City Council and City staff on matters affecting senior (fifty (50) years and older) residents. These matters include the physical, psychological, recreational and social needs of the elderly to enable them to function with independence and dignity in their homes and in the community to their fullest capacity. The Commission shall interact with and collect information on existing programs in University City, as well as other nearby communities. The Commission is advisory to the Council and may request assistance, such as a resource person to gather data and provide information in response to requests from seniors. Generational change is a current issue and the Commission is directed to keep the Council informed as new problems arise.
The members shall serve for a term of two (2) years and may be appointed for a second consecutive term. Appointments shall be staggered. Three (3) of the initial appointments shall expire after one (1) year, and appointees could serve two (2) additional terms. The remaining four (4) initial appointments shall be for a two-year term. No member of the Commission shall receive any compensation for serving on the Commission.
The Commission shall organize by electing one (1) of its members as chairperson, who shall hold such office for two (2) years or until the chairperson's successor is elected and qualified. The Commission may adopt such administrative procedures as are necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth in this Chapter. The City officers and the staff of City departments may consult and advise the Commission from time to time on matters coming within the scope of this Section; and the Commission may consult with such City staff and officers.
At least one (1) regular meeting of the Commission shall be held each quarter, together with such additional meetings as may be required for the transaction of its business.