[Ord. No. 6920 §1, 9-9-2013]
The overall purpose of the Youth Commission is to give a voice to the University City youth [ages fourteen (14) to twenty-one (21)] and to serve in an advisory capacity to City Council about policies, programs and actions that affect youth and their families. Through this work, the eighteen-member Commission will be influential in ensuring that decisions that affect young people have been carefully considered and incorporate their concerns and perspectives. The Commission will work to bridge the gap between adults and youth, fostering a greater sense of unity, communication and partnership throughout the City.
Additionally, the Commission on Youth will identify, promote, and provide advice on improving and increasing diverse services and programming for young people and their families. These matters include, but are not limited to, ensuring that quality educational opportunities are available, as well as community resources that will lead to healthier lifestyles.
Appointments; Compensation.
The Youth Commission shall consist of eighteen (18) members. Each member of Council shall make two (2) appointments. In an effort to ensure that youth are in the majority on this Youth Commission, each Councilmember shall appoint one (1) youth between the ages of fourteen (14) and twenty-one (21). Each Councilmember shall also appoint a second Commission member, either a youth or an adult.
In addition to the Council appointments, the following ex-officio members shall be appointed to the Commission:
The Junior Class President at University City High School (voting member), who shall serve only while in office;
A staff member appointed by the City Manager of University City (non-voting member, not required to be a University City resident);
An adult appointed by the high school principal of the School District of University City (non-voting member, not required to be a resident); and
A representative of a social service agency that works with young people (non-voting member, not required to be a University City resident). This appointment will be made by vote of the Councilmembers from applications submitted.
Council appointments should be made each year in July or August. The Junior Class President shall take his/her position upon his/her election. The terms shall be staggered so that nine (9) shall expire at one time, and the remaining eight (8) shall expire one (1) year thereafter. The Junior Class President position shall be filled each year.
No member of the Commission shall receive any compensation for serving on the Commission.
The Commission shall organize by electing one of its Council-appointed members as chairperson, who shall hold such office for two (2) years or until the chairperson's successor is elected and qualified. The Commission may adopt such administrative procedures as are necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth in this Chapter. The City officers and the staff of City departments may consult with the Commission from time to time on matters coming within the scope of this Section; and the Commission may consult with such City staff and officers.
At least one (1) regular meeting of the Commission shall be held each quarter, together with such additional meetings as may be required for the transaction of its business.