Definitions. All words and phrases not otherwise defined herein shall
have the meaning provided in § 2 of the Act, 35 P.S. § 750.2,
§ 71.1 of the Department's regulations, 25 Pa.Code § 71.1,
or § 73.1 of the Department's regulations, 25 Pa. Code § 73.1,
or the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. § 10101
et seq.
The Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act, Act of January 24,
1966, P.L. (1965) 1535, No. 537 as amended, 35 P.S. § 750.1
et seq.
Act of June 22, 1937, P.L. 1987, No. 394, as amended, 35
P.S. § 691.1 et seq.
The Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania or any successor agency.
Any system of piping, tanks, or other facilities serving
on a single lot and collecting and disposing of sewage in whole or
in part into the soil and which is located upon the lot which it serves.
The term also includes an OLDS which meets the definition of nonstandard
A parcel of land used or intended to be used as a building
site or a separate parcel to be created as a result of approval of
a subdivision or land development application or a condominium unit.
The condition which occurs when an OLDS discharges sewage
onto the surface ground, into groundwaters of the Commonwealth, into
surface waters of the Commonwealth, backs up into the building connected
to the OLDS or otherwise causes a hazard to public health or pollution
of ground or surface water or contamination of public or private drinking
water wells An OLDS system shall be considered to be malfunctioning
if any of the conditions set forth in this definition occur, regardless
of the length of time.
An individual on-lot sewage disposal system.
Any person having any legal or equitable interest in land
located within the Township, either in whole or part, whether by deed,
sales agreement, decree, inheritance or operation of law. Whenever
the term "owner" is used in connection with any clause providing for
the imposition of a fine or penalty or the ordering of the action
to comply with the terms of this Section, the term "owner" shall also
include any adult tenant or adult occupant of the land.
A permit issued by the Sewage Enforcement Officer after the
performance of tests to determine the suitability of a proposed OLDS
or the repair, replacement or enlargement of an existing OLDS.
Any individual, association, partnership, public or private
corporation whether for profit or not-for-profit, trust, estate, or
other legally recognized entity. Whenever the term "person" is used
in connection with any clause providing for the imposition of a fine
or penalty or the ordering of the action to comply with the terms
of this Section, the term "person" shall include the members of an
association, partnership or firm and the officers of any public or
private corporation, whether for profit or not-for-profit.
Any person, as defined in this Part, licensed by the Department
and/or other governmental agency to engage in cleaning any or all
components of a community or individual on-lot system, holding tanks,
privies, aerobic tanks, cesspools, or any other sewage disposal facility
within the Township and evacuate and transport the septage cleaned
therefrom, whether for a fee or free of charge.
A form, provided by the Township, which shall be used by
all pumper/hauler truck operators to report every pumping of an on-lot
system in the Township. (See, 25 Pa.Code, Chapters 71, 72 and 73)
A watertight holding receptacle which receives and retains
sewage and is designed and constructed to facilitate ultimate disposal
of the sewage at another site.
The residual scum, sludge and other materials pumped from
septic or aerobic treatment tanks and the systems they serve.
Any substance that contains any of the waste products or
excrement or other discharge from the bodies of human beings or animals
and any noxious or deleterious substances being harmful or inimical
to the public health or to animals or aquatic life or to the use of
water for domestic water supply or for recreation or which constitutes
pollution under the Clean Streams Law.