[Ord. No. 2009-44 §1, 10-27-2009]
We provide a variety of leave options for employees: vacation, sick leave, bereavement, family medical leave, jury and witness leave, time off to vote and military leave.
New employees who start work between the first (1st) of the month and the fifteenth (15th) of the month will accrue sick leave and vacation time for that month. New employees who start work after the fifteenth (15th) of the month will not accrue until the following month.
Compensatory time may be used in one-quarter (¼) hour increments, sick leave may be used in one (1) hour increments and vacation time may be used in two (2) hour increments.
Each regular full-time employee is entitled to vacation as follows:
Years of Employment
Vacation Days Earned (1 day = 8 hours)
0 — 5 years
12 days per calendar year
6 — 10 years
15 days per calendar year
11 — 20 years
18 days per calendar year
20+ years
21 days per calendar year
All new employees accrue vacation time starting the first month of employment. After the six-month probation period has expired, the employee shall be entitled to the use of vacation time that has been accrued. Each department is responsible for scheduling its employees' vacations without undue disruption of necessary services. Leave requests shall be submitted at least one (1) week prior to taking vacation.
[Ord. No. 18-2018, 8-28-2018]
The maximum number of vacation hours that may be carried over from December 31 of one (1) year to January 1 of the next year is one hundred sixty (160) hours. In cases where daily operations have made it impractical for an employee to use vacation time, the department head with the approval of the City Administrator shall pay out up to one-half (1/2) of the vacation time accumulated for that calendar year at full rate so long as the employee has taken at least one-half (1/2) of their accumulated vacation time for that year which shall be paid to the employee the first payroll of December of that year. The employee will only be paid out if they have accumulated over one hundred sixty (160) hours earned at full rate of hourly wage. Employees will be paid for unused vacation time upon termination of employment.
[Ord. No. 11-2023, 3-28-2023; Ord. No. 04-2024, 1-9-2024]
All full-time regular employees accrue sick leave benefits at the rate of eight (8) hours for each calendar month of continuous employment. All full-time regular employees who have worked twenty (20) continuous years and over will accrue twelve (12) hours per month.
Employees accrue and may use sick leave during their trial period. Temporary, part-time and seasonal employees do not earn sick leave benefits. Employees do not accrue sick leave benefit during a leave without pay.
Sick leave covers those situations in which an employee is absent from work due to:
Physical injury or illness to the employee;
The need to care for the employee's spouse or dependent children who are ill;
Medical or dental appointments for the employee, spouse or dependent children, provided that the employee make a reasonable effort to schedule such appointments at times which have the least interference with the workday;
Exposure to a contagious disease where on-the-job presence of the employee would jeopardize the health of others; or
Use of a prescription drug which impairs job performance of safety.
A doctor's certificate may be required when an employee is absent for a period in excess of three (3) business days. The City may also request the opinion of a second (2nd) doctor at our expense to determine whether the employee suffers from a chronic physical or mental condition that impairs their ability to perform their job.
The City understands that a death in the family can be a very difficult time and will make every possible effort to accommodate an employee's leave request under these circumstances. The purpose of this type of leave is to attend the funeral and to help take care of personal matters. Generally, employees may use up to three (3) days of paid leave following the death of an immediate family member. For the purposes of this policy, this includes: spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, stepchildren, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law and grandparents. Additional time off without pay may be arranged for an employee wishing to attend the funeral of a relative or close friend if the work schedule permits.
The City will provide up to twelve (12) weeks of family and medical leave during any twelve (12) month period to eligible employees. The leave may be paid, unpaid, or a combination of paid and unpaid depending on the circumstances and as specified in this policy. In order to qualify to take family and medical leave under this provision of our policy, an employee must meet the following conditions:
The employee must have worked for the City for at least twelve (12) months or fifty-two (52) weeks. The twelve (12) months or fifty-two (52) weeks need not have been consecutive. For eligibility purposes, an employee will be considered to have been employed the entire week even if the employee was on payroll for only part of a week or if the employee was on leave during the week.
The employee must have worked at least one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) hours during the twelve (12) month period immediately prior to the date when the leave would begin.
An employee must request leave for one (1) of the following reasons in order to qualify for family and medical leave:
Birth and/or care of a child of the employee;
Placement of a child into the employee's family by adoption or by a foster care arrangement;
Care of the employee's spouse, child or parent who has a serious health condition; or
The serious health condition (described below) of the employee.
An employee may take leave because of a serious health condition that renders him/her unable to perform the essential functions of his/her job. For purposes of this policy, a "serious health condition" means an illness, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves:
Any period of incapacity or treatment in connection with or consequent to inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility;
Any period of incapacity requiring absence from work or other regular daily activities for more than three (3) calendar days that also involves continuous treatment by or under the supervision of a health care provider;
Continuous treatment by or under the supervision of a health care provider for a chronic long-term condition that is incurable or so serious that if not treated would result in a period of incapacity of more than three (3) calendar days; or
Prenatal care.
The City defines a health care provider as: a doctor of medicine, doctor of osteopathy, podiatrist, dentist, clinical psychologist, optometrist, chiropractor, nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, and Christian Science practitioner.
The right to family medical leave for the birth and/or placement of a child into an employee's family may only be taken within the twelve (12) months after the date of birth or placement of the child.
In the case of unpaid leave for serious health conditions, the leave may be taken immediately or on a reduced hours basis only if such leave is medically necessary. When an employee requests intermittent leave or leave on a reduced hours basis due to a family member's or the employee's own serious health condition, the City has the option, in its sole discretion, to require the employee to transfer to a temporary alternative job for which the employee is qualified and which better accommodates the intermittent leave or reduced hours leave than the employee's regular job. The temporary position will have equivalent pay and benefits as the employee's regular job.
Employees are required to use their available sick leave and vacation time as part of the twelve (12) week family medical leave period.
Note: The portion of the family medical leave of absence that is vacation time and/or sick days will be with pay according to the City's policy regarding vacation time and sick days. The employees will be notified as soon as practicable in writing that the vacation time and sick days will be counted toward the twelve (12) weeks of family medical leave. If written notice is not given to the employee by the date of expiration of the leave, the leave will not be counted toward the employee's available twelve (12) weeks of family medical leave.
[Ord. No. 1825 §1, 11-28-2000]
The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign appropriate documents to maintain compliance of the City's deferred compensation plan with the law as recently amended, provided the changes shall not include authorization for loans, for the period beginning January 1, 2001. The documents shall be essentially the same as that on file in the City offices as Exhibit A.
[Ord. No. 2122 §1, 6-24-2008; Ord. No. 29-2021, 7-27-2021]
The following days shall be holidays for all City employees:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Lincoln's Birthday
Presidents' Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Juneteenth (June 19)
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans' Day
The day after Thanksgiving