[R.O. 1993 § 605.360; Ord. No. 99-2375 § 1, 4-27-1999]
A contractor shall provide for each vehicle used in the work covered by this Article, liability insurance in companies and form satisfactory to the City in the sum of not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for any one (1) person and the sum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) for any two (2) or more persons who may be injured in any one (1) accident, and the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for any property damage at any time by reason of the carelessness or legally recognizable negligence of the driver or operator or each such vehicle used in the work covered by this Article. Such insurance shall be maintained in force during the term of this license and said insurance shall be carried in a firm or corporation which has been duly licensed or permitted to carry on such business in the State of Missouri. A verified copy of such insurance policy or policies shall be filed with City, together with the certificate of the insurer that the policy or policies are in full force and effect and that same will not be altered, amended or terminated without thirty (30) days' written notice having been given to the City.
A contractor shall provide to the City of Aurora, copies of scale tickets, receipts or any other necessary information demonstrating to the City the delivery location of the trash (i.e., landfill, transfer station or other State-approved site). The City reserves the right to periodically spot check solid waste disposal sites.
A hauler will only deposit trash to solid waste disposal sites approved by the State of Missouri or, if taken to another State, the applicable State government must approve the destination site.
Upon the request of the City of Aurora each hauler will provide to the City a list of all Aurora residential and commercial addresses served by the hauler.