[Adopted 4-20-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-02]
It shall be the duty of the owners of private roads and streets that are open and accessible to the public to ensure that those private roads and streets are kept passable and drivable during snow and ice storms and that snow and ice are cleared from those private roads and streets within eight hours after the storm ends.
The owner of a private road or street that is open and accessible to the public shall have a duty to apply sufficient amounts of ice melt and/or antiskid materials to the road or street during icy conditions, and/or during temperatures below freezing, to ensure that the road or street is safely passable to vehicles and pedestrians.
Any individual, firm, corporation, association, or partnership violating any of the provisions of this article shall be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs or, in default of such fine and costs, by imprisonment, to the extent allowed by law for the punishment of summary offenses, in accordance with the provisions of the Second Class Township Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Each day that any private road or street remains unplowed shall be considered a violation of this article and shall constitute a separate offense.
This article shall not infringe upon any person's ability to pursue a private cause of action against the owner of a private road or street for injuries or damages that result from the violations of this article.