[R.O. 2006 §210.450; CC 1978 §74.690; Ord. No. 1848 §I, 5-19-2009]
Permit Required When Held On Street Or Public Way In Congested District. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to hold any open-air public meeting, parade or procession, except a funeral procession, upon any street or public way in the congested district of the City until a permit in writing therefor shall first be obtained from the Chief of Police or from the Board of Aldermen, as provided in this Section. Application in writing shall be made therefor by the person or persons in charge or control thereof by the person or persons for a parade or procession. Such application shall set forth the route along which such parade or procession is to proceed, the time of starting and the purpose thereof. In case of an open-air meeting, such application shall specify the place at which it is desired to hold such meeting, the purpose thereof, the time at which it is to be held and the probable duration thereof. Upon the filing of such application the Chief of Police shall investigate as to the truth of the statements made therein concerning the object and purpose thereof, and if he/she shall find that such parade, procession or open-air meeting is not to be held for any unlawful purpose and will not in any manner tend to a breach of the peace or unnecessarily interfere with the public use of the streets or ways of the City or the peace or quiet of the inhabitants thereof, he/she shall issue such permit to the person or persons making application therefor, without fee or charge. In the event such application for a permit is denied by the Chief of Police, then the applicant or applicants therefor may appeal to the Board of Aldermen for such permit, and such appeal shall be heard and determined within a reasonable time thereafter, and the decision of the Board of Aldermen thereon shall be final. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
All applications for permits herein shall be accompanied by a deposit of five hundred dollars ($500.00) which shall be returned when the street or public right-of-way is deemed clear of debris by the Director of Public Works or his/her designee. If the street or public right-of-way is not cleaned as designated, the Director of Public Works may conduct the necessary cleanup of debris and deduct the cost of same from the deposit and the balance, if any, shall be paid to the applicant.
Public Meetings Blocking Sidewalk Or Interfering With Traffic. Any person holding any public meeting upon any sidewalk, street or public place, which threatens to block the sidewalk or impede travel thereon, or interfere unnecessarily with traffic upon such sidewalk, street or public alley shall be subject to the orders of the Chief of Police. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
Prohibition Of Throwing Candy Or Any Other Object(s). In the interest of safety persons participating in any parade shall not throw candy or any object. Candy or any other object(s) shall not be handed out from vehicles, floats and trailers. Persons participating in any parade who are handing out candy or any other object(s) shall place said object(s) directly into the viewing public's hands. Persons handing out objects should walk as close to the curb as practical so as not to encourage the viewing public to enter the parade route.
Editor's Note: Former Section 210.690, Solicitations, was repealed 9-6-2022 by ord. no. 2710. See now Chapter 610, Solicitation.
[R.O. 2006 §210.500; CC 1978 §74.755]
Any person who shall place or permit to be placed or remain on or along any railroad or building front or any part of a building, fence or premises, adjacent or contiguous to any street, alley, or sidewalk, any spikes, or sharp pointed cresting, or any barbed wire or other things, dangerous or liable to tear, snag, cut or injure anyone coming in contact therewith, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
[R.O. 2006 §250.010; CC 1978 §66.010; Ord. No. 2269 §I, 5-3-2016[1]; Ord. No. 2327 § I, 4-18-2017; Ord. No. 2395, 3-20-2018; Ord. No. 2669, 4-5-2022]
Except as provided for herein, it shall be unlawful within the City of Warrenton for any person, firm or corporation to sell, offer for sale, use, discharge or explode any fireworks, as defined by Section 320.106, RSMo.
Firework Usage. The use or exploding of any fireworks, as defined by Section 320.106, RSMo., shall be allowed within the boundaries of the City only between the hours of 12:00 P.M. and 11:59 P.M. on July 3 and July 4 of each and every calendar year, between the hours of 12:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M. on July 1, July 2 and July 5, and at midnight on December 31. The Mayor may prohibit the shooting or detonation of fireworks at any time when the City is under a state of emergency, as declared by an authorized official, or when drought conditions may cause the shooting or detonation to be unsafe.
Firework Sales.
Permits. Each permit for a temporary fireworks stand shall require a City business license and such sign permits, and other permits as required by City ordinances.
Applications. Applications for temporary fireworks stand permits must be applied for by June 1 of each year.
Transfer Of Permits. All temporary fireworks stand permits approved and issued by the City of Warrenton are personal to the applicant and are non-transferable. The sale of fireworks or operations of a facility for the sale of fireworks by someone other than the license holder shall void the permit and cause forfeiture of the permit and permit fee.
Permit Fee. Any person, firm or corporation making application for a temporary fireworks stand permit shall accompany said application with a fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) and applicable sign permit fees for each sign, for each location that a permit is sought. If the application is approved, then the total fee shall be retained by the City and deposited into the General Fund of the City.
Location. The site location is limited to property which is zoned as commercial or industrial district. The actual stand, tent, building or facility shall be at least one hundred (100) feet from any other temporary or permanent building and at least two hundred (200) feet from any residence or housing unit.
Permit. A permit for a temporary fireworks stand shall not be valid for more than sixty (60) calendar days and shall not be effective prior to May 6 of each year, nor be effective after July 10 of each year. Sales are restricted to dates from June 20 to July 10. Date(s) of sales shall comply with any restrictions set forth under the laws of the State of Missouri.
Prohibition. The Board of Aldermen or its designee shall have the power and authority to limit or prohibit sales and/or discharge or detonation of fireworks.
Sale And Display Prohibited. No person shall exhibit or have in his/her possession with intent to give away or sell or offer for sale within the City any squib, rocket, cracker, torpedo, grenade, gun, revolver, pistol, cap or cartridge, or other combustible firecracker or fireworks of any kind without first obtaining a business license issued by the City.
Cash Deposit. A cash deposit, irrevocable letter of credit or a surety bond made payable to the City of Warrenton in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for each location to be operated by the applicant shall be submitted. Such deposit, letter or bond shall ensure compliance with the provisions of this Section, including, but not limited to, the removal of the stand, provisions for temporary electrical service and the cleaning and restoration of the site upon which it was located in accordance with the provisions of this Section. In the event the licensee does not comply with the provisions of this Section or does not remove the stand or restore the site as required, the City may do so or cause the same to be done and the reasonable cost thereof shall be charged against the licensee and the deposit, letter of credit or surety bond.
A (one) vacation or recreational vehicle may be permitted on the property where the fireworks sales are licensed for temporary living and sleeping quarters with an approved fireworks permit. The vacation or recreation vehicle must be fully licensed, on its own wheels, or the vacation or recreation vehicle's jacking system and completely self-contained. On-site water and sewer connections are prohibited, but connections to an approved electric/temporary electric source is acceptable. The vacation or recreation vehicle can be placed upon the property upon receipt of the fireworks permit no sooner than June 18 and must be removed from the property within twenty-four (24) hours of the end of the fireworks sales period.
Editor’s Note: Ord. No. 2269 also changed the title of this Section from "Fireworks – Sale or Uses Prohibited" to "Fireworks – Use and Sales."
No fireworks exhibitions shall be held within the corporate limits of the City without first obtaining a permit from the Board of Aldermen. Permits will be subject to the Board approved policy. The fee for a permit for fireworks exhibitions shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00).