[R.O. 2006 §710.010; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.020), 12-1-1987]
The City of Warrenton is authorized and empowered to construct or purchase, conduct and maintain a water system and all necessary plants and facilities of a character and capacity sufficient to furnish to the City and the inhabitants thereof as well as to such places, persons, firms or corporations outside of the City as the law may permit and the Board of Aldermen in its sole discretion may deem to be to the best interest of the City, with an abundance of water acceptable to the State Board of Health; and to that end may acquire, by purchase or otherwise, and own and possess such real or personal property within or without the limits of the City as in the judgment of the Board of Aldermen may be deemed necessary and convenient.
The Board of Aldermen shall have the power and authority to enter into contracts to purchase materials and supplies which in its judgment it deems necessary or convenient to the conduct, extension, operation and management of the water system, and to do any other acts in the construction, operation and maintenance of the water system and all departments thereof that it may deem necessary or advantageous to the City.
The Board of Aldermen shall manage, conduct and maintain the City Water Department, and in so doing it may improve and extend the water system from time to time and may, pursuant to ordinance purchase and acquire on behalf of the City other facilities and property.
For purposes of this Section, "customer" is defined as an individual or business in whose name the utility bill is registered with the City of Warrenton.
[R.O. 2006 §710.030; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.040), 12-1-1987]
The Board of Aldermen of the City of Warrenton has the power and authority as follows:
To authorize the employment, hire and discharge, from time to time, all agents, workmen, laborers and administrators as it may deem necessary or convenient in the conduct, operation and management of the water system and all departments thereof.
To make all lawful rules and regulations for the conduct and management of the water system.
To establish rates for the use and consumption of water by the users of water from said system regardless of whether such users are within or without the limits of the City of Warrenton.
To provide for the payment of water rates and to order the water shut off from any house, tenant or place for which the water rate is not duly paid or when any rule or regulation is disregarded or disobeyed.
To do any other act or make any other regulation which the Board of Aldermen in its sole discretion deems necessary and convenient for the conduct of its business and the due execution of the power and authority given to it by this Article and by the State Statutes.
[R.O. 2006 §710.040; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.050), 12-1-1987]
Applicants for water service shall make written application for permits to connect a premises with the City water system on forms provided by the Finance Office.
Customers requesting that the water be turned off at a premise shall make written application on forms provided by the Finance Office.
[R.O. 2006 §710.050; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.070), 12-1-1987]
When any connection is made without the application for a permit and the payment of a fee, such premises may be charged at double the rate for the time the connection is being used, and the service may be shut off by the Director of Public Works and a charge of one hundred dollars ($100.00) may be made for shutting off the service and the charge of fifty dollars ($50.00) may be made for turning on such service. In case the water shall be turned off as provided in this Section, the same shall not be turned on again for the unlawful user until all charges have been paid in full.
[R.O. 2006 §710.060; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.080), 12-1-1987]
When new buildings are to be erected on the site of old ones and it is desired to increase the size or change the location of the old service connection, or where a service connection to any premise is abandoned or no longer used, the Director of Public Works may cut out or remove such service connection after which if a service connection be required to said premises, a new service shall be placed thereon only upon the owner making an application to pay for a new tap in the regular manner.
When a service connection of any premises on an unpaved street does not exceed two (2) inches in size and the same does not come from the main in front of said premises the Director of Public Works shall, when a main is laid in front of said premises, transfer the service connection to the new main without charge and at the same time cut out the old service connection.
[R.O. 2006 §710.070; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.090), 12-1-1987; Ord. No. 827 §1, 10-4-1994; Ord. No. 1407 §I, 6-15-2004]
All charges for furnishing water within the City and also to users outside the City served directly by the City Water Department shall be chargeable to the user to whom the water is supplied. Whenever any charge for furnishing water to any user shall not be paid on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the month the bill was mailed to the user, the Director of Public Works shall add an eight percent (8%) penalty to such water bill for late payment.
[R.O. 2006 §710.080; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.100), 12-1-1987; Ord. No. 752 §1, 12-15-1992; Ord. No. 1317 §I, 6-17-2003; Ord. No. 1404 §I, 6-15-2004; Ord. No. 1699 §I, 6-19-2007; Ord. No. 1884 §I, 1-19-2010; Ord. No. 2465, 5-7-2019]
An applicant for a permit to connect a premises to the City water system shall, at the time of making written application as provided, pay to the City an application fee based upon the size of the connection in accordance with the following schedule:
Connection Size
Application Fee
1 1/2
which sum shall be used to defray the costs to the City of such connection and which sum shall not be returnable to the applicant.
An additional fee for material costs as determined by the Public Works Director to supply water services to the property line of the premises, if any, shall accompany said application.
Any connections made outside of the City limits shall be double the above scheduled fee.
Building Permit — Application And Payment. Before a connection to the City's public potable water system is provided, the owner of the premises or his/her duly authorized representative shall submit an application for a building permit to the Building Commissioner of the City. After approval of said application for building permit and receipt of payment in full of all charges associated with said building permit, a premises is eligible to be connected to the City's public potable water system, if not otherwise ineligible under any other Chapter or Section of the Municipal Code of the City. The Board of Aldermen may waive the requirements of this Subsection upon good cause.
Inspection Permit — Application And Payment. Before residential service from the City's public potable water system is provided, the owner or occupant of the premises or his/her duly authorized representative shall have an inspection permit from the Building Commissioner of the City. After approval of said inspection permit and receipt of payment in full of all charges associated with said inspection permit, a premises is eligible to receive services from the City's public potable water system, if not otherwise ineligible under any other Chapter or Section of the Municipal Code of the City. The Board of Aldermen may waive the requirements of this Subsection upon good cause.
Water Services Discontinuance For Municipal Code Violation. Except as otherwise may be required by law or expressly waived by the City for good cause, the City may decline, fail, or cease to provide water service to any residential structure that is in violation under any other Chapter or Section of the Municipal Code of the City.
Water Service — Non-Payment Of Fees And/Or Taxes. Except as otherwise may be required by law or expressly waived by the Board of Aldermen for good cause, the City may decline, fail or cease to furnish water service to any person, corporation and/or entity that has not paid any tax or fee due and owing to the City.
[R.O. 2006 §710.090; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.110), 12-1-1987]
An applicant for water or sewer service shall provide and pay for all shoring, digging, and backfilling for the service line from the main to the premises to be served. The applicant shall also pay for installation of the water meter, (water meter if outside the City limits), meter box and curb box with shut off for each meter on property line, all permits to bore, cross or cut streets, all required easements over private or public property and all service line pipes and fitting from the main to the premises to be served, except as herein specifically provided. The applicant shall pay for the repairing or replacing of any mains damaged as a result of connecting thereto.
[R.O. 2006 §710.100; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.120), 12-1-1987]
The City shall specify the quality (UL approved) and size of the meter, service line, pipe and fittings to be used and the depth of at which the service line shall be laid. No excavations for service line installation from the main to the premises to be served shall be backfilled until the City has inspected the tap and line and approved the same. All excavations in public streets shall be filled by the applicant with stone aggregate or material approved by the City, and the applicant shall remove all excess dirt.
[R.O. 2006 §710.110; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.130), 12-1-1987; Ord. No. 1198 §I, 8-7-2001; Ord. No. 1406 §I, 6-15-2004; Ord. No. 1529 §I, 7-5-2005; Ord. No. 1711 §I, 7-17-2007; Ord. No. 1805 §I, 10-7-2008; Ord. No. 1874 §I, 10-6-2009; Ord. No. 1986 §I, 8-2-2011]
The City shall furnish all meters up to five-eighths (⅝) inch by three-fourths (¾) inch installed for premises within the City limits for a charge not to exceed the currently posted price per meter. Larger size meters may be purchase from outside suppliers subject to specifications approved by the Public Works Director. The City may select the location of the water meter and the size of the water meter for the premises to be served and it shall be unlawful for any person not authorized by the City to tap or cut a water line, attach any service line thereto or install a meter.
[Ord. No. 2235 §I, 7-7-2015; Ord. No. 2512, 5-5-2020]
Residential customers requesting installations of a second (2nd) water meter will be charged the applicable cost of the meter and will be responsible for all future repair or replacement of said meter.
All meters, except fire line meters, whether purchased from the City or an outside supplier shall become the property of the City and shall remain a part of the property in which it is installed.
[R.O. 2006 §710.120; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.140), 12-1-1987]
Every consumer of water from the Water Department of the City shall and is hereby required to have installed a water meter in the consumer line. Property of the City to be served by the Water Department shall not be exempt from this Section.
[R.O. 2006 §710.130; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.150), 12-1-1987; Ord. No. 1200 §I, 8-7-2001]
Pipes for all purposes laid from the property line to the stop and whistle cock in the building shall not be less than three-fourths (¾) inch in diameter and may be plastic, plastic equipped with twelve (12) gauge solid strand coated tracer wire or type K copper water tubing. Services from the property line to the main under established or future street shall be either plastic, plastic equipped with twelve (12) gauge solid strand coated tracer wire or type K copper water tubing and shall be installed with a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches of cover from finish grade.
Upgrade Policy.
Customer responsibility — residential. When a residential customer of the Water Department wants to upgrade their water service to a larger size, they must increase the sizing of the pipe from the property line, edge of right-of-way or utility easement into their house or building and to the hot water heater. The customer is also required to replace the curb box/water shutoff box and the "T" head or water shutoff that it is attached to. This policy shall be limited to three-fourths (¾) inch size piping.
City water system responsibility — residential customer. After the customer has upgraded their water service to the satisfaction of the Water Department, the City will upgrade the service from the property line, edge of right-of-way or utility easement to the water main. The City will bear all expense for this upgrade, including the cost of backfilling and repairing of the street (if necessary) and all parts required to upgrade to three-fourths (¾) inch piping. The Water Department will also install a new five-eighths (⅝) inch by three-fourths (¾) inch water meter.
Customer responsibility — commercial customer. The commercial customer shall be responsible to upgrade their service from inside their building and out to the water main. They will also be responsible for application for a street cutting permit, if necessary, and be required to meet all backfilling requirements of the Water Department. The Water Department will install a new five-eighths (⅝) inch by three-fourths (¾) inch water meter after the service upgrade has been completed. All meter requirements above this size will be at the expense of the customer.
[R.O. 2006 §710.140; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.160), 12-1-1987]
The right is reserved to the Director of Public Works to at anytime, without notice shut off the water supply for reasons of maintaining health, safety or a state of emergency. The City, its officers, servants and employees, shall not be responsible for any damage, such as the bursting of boilers, the breaking of any pipes or fixtures, stoppage or interruption of the water supply or any other damage resulting from the shutting off of the water.
[Ord. No. 2157 §1, 4-15-2014]
The owners of all houses, commercial structures, buildings or other properties used for human employment, recreation, residence or any other purpose which requires water, situated within the City and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is now located or may in the future be located access to a public water system within one hundred (100) feet of the property line, are hereby required to connect to such facilities in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
[R.O. 2006 §710.150; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.170), 12-1-1987; Ord. No. 1201 §I, 8-7-2001]
Owners of premises desiring to use both a City water supply and a supply of water other than that furnished by the City, and not approved by the State Board of Health, may obtain City water at meter rates upon the following conditions and not otherwise. Under no circumstances shall a physical connection, direct or indirect, exist or be made in any manner, even temporarily, between the City water supply and that of a private or unapproved water supply. Where such a connection is found to exist or where provision is made to connect the two (2) systems by means of a spacer such discontinuance of service shall not be re-established until satisfactory proof is furnished and the cross-connection has been completely and permanently severed.
If a well is drilled within the City limits of Warrenton, it must be put in to Missouri State Drinking Water Standards if City water is available. If City water is not available, a well will be allowed to be drilled for residential purposes.
[R.O. 2006 §710.160; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.171), 12-1-1987]
Employees of the City Water Department shall have free access, at the proper hours of the day, to all parts of the buildings and premises for the purposes of inspecting the condition of the pipes and fixtures and the manner in which the water is being used.
[R.O. 2006 §710.170; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.180), 12-1-1987]
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, alter, change, remove, disconnect, connect with, or interfere in any manner with any fire hydrant owned or used by the City, without first obtaining the permission from the Director of Public Works. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to members of the City or the Fire District who are engaged in firefighting activities. When engaged in training activities, members of the Fire District shall be required to utilize hydrant meters, and shall pay for usage at the in-town rates.
[R.O. 2006 §710.180; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.190), 12-1-1987]
The City may furnish water to places, individuals, companies, towns and water districts outside the City limits and may charge therefor rates fixed by the Board of Aldermen. In case such service is to towns or water districts, the town or water district shall furnish the City a map of its system, the number of customers and the approximate quantity of water required and any other information when called upon to do so by the Director of Public Works. In the case of sales of water to a water district or other municipalities, such consumer must purchase a water meter of City approved size, make and pattern and cause the same to be installed at the point where the water supply line enters the limits of said water district or municipality. The City of Warrenton may refuse to sell or exchange water to consumers who do not comply with the requirements of this Section. Each applicant, whether an individual, corporation, town or water district outside of the City of Warrenton shall make application to the Water Department upon a standard form provided by the Water Department.
[R.O. 2006 §710.190; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.200), 12-1-1987; Ord. No. 1202 §I, 8-7-2001]
Privately owned meters in service outside of the City limits must be delivered to the Director of Public Works for tests and repair should the same be deemed not to be in good order. Charges for repairing such meters will be based on actual cost of the labor, services and materials furnished.
A curb box/shutoff box shall be installed at the expense of the applicant and shall be installed at the property line, edge of right-of-way or utility easement at the discretion of the Public Works Director or his designee.
[R.O. 2006 §710.200; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.210), 12-1-1987]
Whenever a City-owned meter is damaged by hot water or by the carelessness or negligence of the owner or occupant of the premises, the Director of Public Works will repair the meter and charge the user therefor. Cost of such repairs shall include the actual cost of labor and materials.
[R.O. 2006 §710.210; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.250), 12-1-1987; Ord. No. 640 §I, 5-1-1990; Ord. No. 773 §§I — II, 8-17-1993; Ord. No. 827 §1, 10-4-1994; Ord. No. 924 §§I — II, 2-18-1997; Ord. No. 1128 §§I — II, 6-20-2000; Ord. No. 1190 §§I — II, 7-10-2001; Ord. No. 1260 §§I — II, 6-18-2002; Ord. No. 1315 §II, 6-17-2003; Ord. No. 1402 §§I — II, 6-15-2004; Ord. No. 1410 §I, 6-15-2004; Ord. No. 1512 §§I — II, 6-21-2005; Ord. No. 1611 §§I — II, 7-11-2006; Ord. No. 1709 §§I — II, 7-17-2007; Ord. No. 1791 §§I — II, 7-15-2008; Ord. No. 1866 §§I — II, 7-21-2009; Ord. No. 1923 §§I — II, 7-20-2010; Ord. No. 1982 §§I — II, 7-19-2011; Ord. No. 2047 §§I — II, 7-17-2012; Ord. No. 2062 §§I — II, 9-18-2012; Ord. No. 2107 §§I — II, 7-2-2013; Ord. No. 2176 §§I — II, 7-1-2014; Ord. No. 2234 §II, 7-7-2015; Ord. No. 2285 §§I — II, 7-5-2016; Ord. No. 2356, 7-18-2017; Ord. No. 2424, 7-17-2018; Ord. No. 2477, 7-2-2019; Ord. No. 2523, 7-7-2020; Ord. No. 2613, 7-6-2021; Ord. No. 2689, 7-5-2022; Ord. No. 2777, 7-18-2023[1]]
The Director of Public Works shall cause to be read all business, commercial and contract meters monthly, and the Finance Officer shall cause monthly water bills to be made from said reading, which bill shall be collected monthly.
The Director of Public Works shall cause to be read all residential meters monthly, and the Finance Officer shall promptly cause statements from said reading to be made and delivered.
Water Rates.
City Residential.
1,000 gallon minimum
$8.55 per month
All over 1,000 gallons
$5.52 per 1,000 gallons per month
City Industrial And Commercial.
1,000 gallon minimum
$14.64 per month
All over 1,000 gallons
$5.87 per 1,000 gallons per month
Outside City Limits — Residential.
1,000 gallon minimum
$27.24 per month
All over 1,000 gallons
$11.67 per 1,000 gallons per month
Outside City Limits — Commercial And Industrial.
1,000 gallon minimum
$28.66 per month
All over 1,000 gallons
$12.35 per 1,000 gallons per month
Bulk Sales.
One dollar ($1.00) per fifty (50) gallons
Fire Hydrant Meters. Fire hydrant meters used for construction purposes will be charged a monthly fee based upon the amounts stated above or twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month, whichever is greater.
Temporary Water Service Fees.
[Ord. No. 2864, 5-21-2024]
Temporary Water Construction Fee. A fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be charged at the time a building permit is issued, pursuant to Chapter 500 of this Code, for temporary water service. The water usage is limited to construction activities consistent with the permit issued and excludes jetting of trenches, foundations or watering of lawns. The period covered by this fee will be the lesser of ninety (90) days or until the occupancy permit is issued for the property subject to the permit. Upon the expiration of ninety (90) days, if no such occupancy permit is issued, the water service will be shut off. If a meter has not been installed after this period, the connection will be considered illegal, and City ordinances regarding illegal connection will be enforced.
Temporary Water Remodeling Fee. If a permit is requested to remodel a building or structure pursuant to Chapter 500 of this Code, and the building or structure has the capability to receive water service but is not actively receiving such service at the time of the building permit application, concurrent with the issuance of the permit, the applicant may request that the building be supplied with water. Upon the payment of a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee, the building or structure shall be supplied with water. The water shall only be used for construction activities consistent with the permit issued The period covered by this fee will be the lesser of: (i) thirty (30) days; (ii) the expiration of the permit issued pursuant to Chapter 500 of this Code; or (iii) until the remodel is complete and an occupancy permit or an inspection permit is issued pursuant to Section 705.080(E), whichever is applicable. During the time a permit remains valid pursuant to Chapter 500 of this Code, temporary service may be extended for additional periods of thirty (30) days upon application, payment of the twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee, and proof from the applicant that construction activities consistent with the permit issued are being diligently pursued.
Statements for all commercial and residential use of water shall be paid on or before the 15th day of the month following the month the bill was mailed to the user.
Editor’s Note: Section I of Ord. No. 2777 set an effective date of 8-1-2023.
[R.O. 2006 §710.220; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.260), 12-1-1987]
Each building shall have a separate water connection. If a building is occupied by two (2) or more business units or living units, a separate meter must be installed for each unit. Provided however, if the owner of a premise assumes liability for all water consumed on said premises only one (1) meter need be provided.
[R.O. 2006 §710.230; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.270), 12-1-1987]
Any person, firm or corporation or agent thereof, violating any provision of this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
[R.O. 2006 §710.240; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.290), 12-1-1987; Ord. No. 688 §I, 5-7-1991; Ord. No. 757 §1, 2-16-1993; Ord. No. 1203 §§I — IV, 8-7-2001; Ord. No. 1355 §I, 10-21-2003; Ord. No. 1409 §I, 6-15-2004; Ord. No. 1415 §§I — II, 7-1-2004; Ord. No. 1462 §I, 12-7-2004; Ord. No. 1627 §I, 9-5-2006; Ord. No. 1938 §I, 11-2-2010; Ord. No. 1942 §§I — II, 1-4-2011; Ord. No. 1989 §I, 8-16-2011; Ord. No. 2653, 1-18-2022; Ord. No. 2802, 10-3-2023; Ord. No. 2855, 4-2-2024]
Commercial Service Deposits.
Except as provided herein, a service deposit shall be required for every commercial account(s) established with the City. Service deposit(s) will be based upon existing deposits for like businesses within the City as determined by the Utility Billing Clerk, subject to final approval of the Finance Officer. Commercial customers who have previously maintained a satisfactory credit history with the City, in the name of the corporate entity owning or operating the business receiving the bill or in the name of the corporate representative signing the application and receiving the bill, may be exempted from payment of the required service deposit, subject to final approval of the Finance Officer. In order for credit history to be satisfactory, any previous accounts in the name of the corporate entity or applicant must have a satisfactory payment history with no more than two (2) payment penalties for a period of five (5) consecutive years. Anything in the foregoing notwithstanding, the City reserves the right to require a service deposit for the establishment of any commercial account.
For strip retail centers with multiple tenants, the calculation will be based upon the number of possible tenants not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). Each regular retail tenant space will require a minimum of a one hundred dollar ($100.00) service deposit amount with the total for each strip center not to exceed the maximum as stated above. Restaurants and other higher-usage types of tenants will require the amount of like businesses to be included in the calculation. If the tenants of the strip center have not been determined at the time the service deposit is received, the City will have the right to inform the property owner of any adjustment in the service deposit amount which is required by a particular type of tenant moving into the location. The property owner will be required to submit any additional deposit within thirty (30) days of notification by the City.
Residential Service Deposits.
Except as provided herein, all residential customers, both inside and outside the City limits, supplied with water at meter rates shall be required to deposit one hundred dollars ($100.00) in advance of establishing an account. Residential customers who have previously maintained a satisfactory credit history with the City for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years may, at the discretion of the City and subject to the final approval of the Finance Officer, be exempted from payment of the required service deposit. In order for a credit history to be satisfactory, the previous account must have been in the name of the applicant with no more than three (3) payment penalties incurred on any account bearing the name of the applicant for a period of two (2) consecutive years. In no case shall a credit history be acceptable in lieu of the deposit unless the applicant's name appears on the account history. Anything in the foregoing notwithstanding, the City reserves the right to require a service deposit for the establishment of any residential account.
Service deposits for residential rental properties will be determined by the category of meter and shutoff arrangement for each living unit at the location. Residential rental properties will be divided into two (2) types:
Individual meters and shutoffs serving each living unit; and
Meters and/or shutoffs serving more than one (1) living unit.
Individual meter and shutoff serving each living unit.
Where an individual meter and shutoff exists for each living unit, each tenant may establish his/her own billing account and service deposit. The tenant will be required to pay a one hundred dollar ($100.00) service deposit at the time the account is established, and the monthly billing will be placed in the tenant's name. Upon vacating the premises and disconnecting service, the deposit will be applied against the final bill and any remaining balance refunded to the tenant.
When the unit is vacated, if the landlord desires to have the service transferred into his/her name, a one hundred dollar ($100.00) service deposit must be in place on the landlord account for that unit. A landlord who has multiple properties in this category may choose to place the service deposit in a master landlord account and have the deposit transferred between his/her rental units by signed authorization as they become vacant. The City reserves the right to require additional service deposits from the landlord should more than one (1) of this category of rental units become vacant simultaneously. Determination of the requirement for additional service deposits will be made based upon the average monthly billing for the vacant properties and the payment history of the landlord. The requested additional deposit must be submitted within thirty (30) days of notification by the City. Any additional service deposits required will be refunded at the landlord's request upon new tenants establishing an account. Upon satisfactory payments by the landlord for a period of two (2) years, no deposit will be required by the landlord.
Meters And/Or Shutoffs Serving More Than One (1) Living Unit. Where a meter and/or shutoff serves more than one (1) living unit, a service deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per living unit will be required up to a maximum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per building. For purposes of determination of service deposits, all living units under the same roof will be considered to be within a building.
Residential and commercial service deposits shall be applied to the customer's utility account:
Upon termination of service if all amounts due the City for water and sewer service have been paid;
Upon satisfactory payments by the customer of all charges for service for a period of two (2) years. "Satisfactory payment" is defined as not being assessed a late payment penalty more than three (3) times and no shutoff for non-payment in a consecutive twenty-four (24) month period.
For commercial customers, the determination of the two-year period will begin on the earliest of September 5, 2006 (date of this ordinance) or five (5) years from the date the deposit was placed with the City.
When premises are to be vacated or there is a change of occupancy, prompt notice must be given to the Finance Department. Service may be discontinued by the customer by completing a service disconnection request form at the Finance Department during regular office hours.
The City may discontinue service to a customer, upon notice, for one (1) or more of the following reasons:
Non-payment of delinquent accounts;
Unauthorized interference, diversion or use of the water service situated or delivered on or about the customer's premises;
Refusal to grant access at reasonable times to equipment installed upon the premises of the customer for the purpose of inspection, meter reading, maintenance, or replacement;
Misrepresentation of identity of the purpose of obtaining utility service;
Violation of any provisions of City ordinances applicable to the Water Department.
The City shall include, on any bill with a past due amount, the date services will be discontinued, and the date payment must be received by to avoid the discontinuance.
When service is discontinued, the employee shall leave a notice upon the premises in a manner conspicuous to the consumer that service has been discontinued and the address and telephone number of the Finance Department where the consumer may arrange to have service restored. Once water service has been shut off due to non-payment of a delinquent account, the consumer will be required to pay the entire balance of the account, any additional service fees, and any required deposit prior to the reinstatement of service.
Upon payment in full on the account, including a fifty-five dollar ($55.00) service fee, the Water Department shall attempt to restore service on the day that full payment is received. Consumers will be given either a morning or afternoon time frame during which reconnection will occur, and it will be necessary for someone to be present for reconnection. Reconnections will occur in the order deemed most efficient by the City. If a specific appointment time is required, a priority fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) will be assessed. Additionally, a fifty dollar ($50.00) call-out overtime service fee will be assessed for all reconnections after business hours.
A consumer can request a hearing to contest charges prior to discontinuance of services. This request must be sent to the City Administrator in writing. The hearing at which the consumer may appear to contest the discontinuance before service is discontinued shall be held at the City Annex Building before the Board of Aldermen at a meeting of the Board of Aldermen.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, the City Water Department may discontinue service temporarily for reasons of maintenance, health, safety or a state of emergency.
If a water meter is in use for less than ten (10) days and the owner of the property requests the meter be pulled, the owner will be charged a fifteen dollar ($15.00) fee to pull the meter and a fifteen dollar ($15.00) fee to reinstall the meter.
The Board of Aldermen hereby authorizes the Finance Officer or his/her designee the discretion of writing off any final bill of ten dollars ($10.00) or less and any refund less than one dollar ($1.00).
[R.O. 2006 §710.250; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.300), 12-1-1987; Ord. No. 2671, 4-5-2022]
It shall be the duty of all consumers to see that meters on service connections wherever located shall be readily accessible at all times to the Director of Public Works or his/her duly authorized agents. Failure to remove any obstruction which prevents access to the meters within three (3) days after being notified by the Director of Public Works shall be sufficient to warrant the discontinuance of water service to the premises. The removal of all obstructions preventing the ready accessibility to the meter shall be at the expense of the consumer. It shall be the consumer's responsibility to maintain service lines from the curb stop to the building. Failure to keep service lines leak free may result in water discontinuance.
[Ord. No. 2671, 4-5-2022]
It shall be the responsibility of the City of Warrenton to maintain service lines from the water main up to and including the curb stop or meter pit. If a leak occurs or repair is needed on the tapping saddle, corporation stop, service line between water main and curb stop/meter pit, meter yolk, or meter pit the City will repair or replace the faulty parts at no cost to the consumer.
[R.O. 2006 §710.260; Ord. No. 568 §1(67.310), 12-1-1987; Ord. No. 1354 §I, 10-21-2003; Ord. No. 2653, 1-18-2022]
The Water Department shall provide same-day service if requests are received prior to 4:30 P.M.; if received after 4:30 P.M., service may be provided the next business day for the following requests: service reconnection or disconnection. Twenty-four (24) hours' notice will be required for the following requests: inspection of water/sewer service connections, installation inspections (pressure testing), main and service location requests, and water meter installation. In case of emergency, it shall be at the discretion of the Public Works Director or his designee to complete the request with less than twenty-four (24) hours' notice.
[R.O. 2006 §710.270; Ord. No. 760 §§1 — 2, 2-16-1993; Ord. No. 1626 §§I — II, 9-5-2006; Ord. No. 1775 §I, 5-20-2008]
The Missouri State "Primacy Fee" will be collected annually, in the month of August. This fee will be stated separately on the customer's water bill as a "state fee."
The charge assessed against each customer for each service connection of the City utility as established by the State is determined on the basis of meter size as stated below:
For unmetered customers and customers with meters not greater than one (1) inch: $ 3.00
Meter size more than one (1) inch but not more than two (2) inches: 7.44
Meter size more than two (2) inches but not more than four (4) inches: 41.16
Meter size more than four (4) inches: 82.44
Customers having multiple connections will pay multiple fees, up to a maximum of $500.00.
[Ord. No. 2008 §I, 9-20-2011]
Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this Chapter:
The owner or person in control of any premises supplied by or in any manner connected with a public water system.
Any material containing lead in excess of quantities specified in Subsections (1) and (2) of the definition of "lead free".
When used with respect to solder and flux, refers to solder and flux containing not more than two-tenths percent (0.2%) lead, and
When used with respect to pipes and pipe fittings, refers to pipes and pipe fittings containing not more than eight percent (8%) lead.
Any publicly or privately owned water system supplying water to the general public which is satisfactory for drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes and meets the requirements of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to ban the use of lead materials in the public drinking water system and private plumbing connected to the public drinking water system and to protect City residents from lead contamination in the City's public drinking water system and in the residents' own private plumbing system, and this Section shall apply to all premises served by the public drinking water system of the City, located in Warren County, Missouri. The cooperation of all consumers is required to implement this lead ban.
Intent. It is the City's intent to ban the use of lead-based material in the construction or modification of the City's drinking water system or private plumbing connected to the City system. If, in the judgment of the Director of Public Works or his authorized representative, lead-based materials have been used in new construction or modification after passage of this Section, due notice shall be given to the consumer. The consumer shall immediately comply by having the lead-based materials removed from the plumbing system and replaced with lead-free materials. If the lead-based materials are not removed from the plumbing system, the Director of Public Works or his authorized representative shall have the right to discontinue water service to the premises.
Installation Of Water Service Connections.
No water service connection shall be installed or maintained to any premises where lead-based materials were used in new construction or modifications of the drinking water plumbing after the date of the passage of this Chapter.
If a premises is found to be in violation of Subsection (D)(1), water service may be disconnected until such time that the drinking water plumbing is lead free.
Removal Of Lead-Based Materials. If the Building Commissioner, after making plumbing inspection on private plumbing, either new construction or modification, finds that lead materials have been used, he will notify the Director of Public Works and the consumer shall forthwith remove the lead-based materials from the private plumbing.
Violations. Any person who violates this Section and is found guilty shall, in addition to any and all other remedies provided herein, be subject to pay a fine of not less than one dollar ($1.00) and not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or be sentenced to a term of not more than ninety (90) days in jail, or be punished by both such fine and imprisonment.