[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Lonaconing as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 11-4-1895]
It shall not be lawful for any person to ride or drive any bicycle or wheeled vehicle, excepting perambulators or baby carriages and bicycles and tricycles ridden by children under 12 years of age, on any sidewalk within the corporate limits of the Town of Lonaconing, under a penalty of not less than $25 nor more than $50 for each offense, and any person so offending shall, upon conviction, stand committed until said fine and costs are paid.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Adopted 11-2-1896]
Any person using a bicycle within the Town limits of the Town of Lonaconing shall ride at a speed not exceeding eight miles per hour.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
All persons riding bicycles within the corporate limits of said Town after dark shall carry or have attached to their bicycles an alarm bell and lighted bicycle lamp or lantern.
Any person violating any of the first two sections of this article shall be subject to a civil infraction of not less than $25 nor more than $50.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).