When used in this Chapter, the following words shall have the
following meanings:
Any establishment whose business building contains a square
footage of at least six thousand (6,000) square feet, and where games
of skill commonly known as billiards, volleyball, indoor golf, bowling
or soccer are usually played or has a dance floor of at least twenty-five
hundred (2,500) square feet or any outdoor golf course with a minimum
of nine (9) holes, and which has annual gross receipts of at least
one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) of which at least fifty
thousand dollars ($50,000.00) of such gross receipts is in non-alcoholic
A place where all doors are locked and where no patrons are
in the place or about the premises.
Alcohol for beverage purposes, including alcoholic, spirituous,
vinous, fermented, malt, or other liquors, or combination of liquors,
a part of which is spirituous, vinous or fermented, and all preparations
or mixtures for beverage purposes containing in excess of one-half
of one percent (0.5%) by volume, except for non-intoxicating beer
as defined herein. All beverages having an alcoholic content of less
than one-half of one percent (0.5%) by volume shall be exempt from
the provisions of this Chapter.
An intoxicating liquor consisting of wine containing not
in excess of fourteen percent (14%) of alcohol by weight made exclusively
from grapes, berries and other fruits and vegetables.
An intoxicating liquor containing alcohol in excess of three
and two-tenths percent (3.2%) by weight and not in excess of five
percent (5%) by weight manufactured from pure hops or pure extract
of hops, or pure barley malt, or wholesome grains or cereals, and
wholesome yeast, and pure water.
Any beer manufactured from pure hops or pure extract of hops,
and pure barley malt, or other wholesome grains or cereals, and wholesome
yeast, and pure water, and free from all harmful substances, preservatives
and adulterants, and having an alcoholic content of more than one-half
of one percent (0.5%) by volume and not exceeding three and two-tenths
percent (3.2%) by weight.
Any package sealed or otherwise closed by the manufacturer
so as to consist of a self-contained unit, and consisting of one (1)
or more bottles or other containers of intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating
beer, where the package and/or container(s) describes the contents
thereof as intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating beer. "Original
package" shall also be construed and held to refer to any
package containing three (3) or more standard bottles of beer.
An individual, association, firm, joint stock company, syndicate,
partnership, corporation, receiver, trustee, conservator, or any other
officer appointed by any State or Federal court.
Any establishment having at least thirty (30) rooms for the
overnight accommodation of transient guests having a restaurant or
similar facility on the premises at least sixty percent (60%) of the
gross income of which is derived from the sale of prepared meals or
food, or means a restaurant provided with special space and accommodations
where, in consideration of payment, food, without lodging, is habitually
furnished to travelers and customers, and which restaurant establishment's
annual gross receipts immediately preceding its application for a
license shall not have been less than seventy-five thousand dollars
($75,000.00) per year with at least fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00)
of such gross receipts from non-alcoholic sales, or means a seasonal
resort restaurant with food sales as determined in Subsection (2)
of Section 311.095, RSMo. Any facility which is owned and operated
as a part of the resort may be used to sell intoxicating liquor by
the drink for consumption on the premises of such facility and, for
the purpose of meeting the annual gross food receipts requirements
of this definition, if any facility which is a part of the resort
meets such requirement, such requirement shall be deemed met for any
other facility which is a part of the resort.
Any establishment having a restaurant or similar facility
on the premises at least fifty percent (50%) of the gross income of
which is derived from the sale of prepared meals or food consumed
on such premises or which has an annual gross income of at least two
hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) from the sale of prepared meals
or food consumed on such premises.
The sale of any intoxicating liquor except malt liquor, in the
original package, in any quantity less than fifty (50) milliliters
shall be deemed "sale by the drink" and may be made
only by a holder of a retail liquor dealer's license and, when so
made, the container in every case shall be emptied and the contents
thereof served as other intoxicating liquors sold by the drink are
The Board shall consider the location of the proposed business
for which a license is sought with respect to its proximity to a school,
a church, or other buildings regularly used as a place of religious
worship and shall have authority to refuse to issue a license when
in their judgment the issuance thereof would not be in the best interests
of the locality in which the applicant applies for a location of such
place. In no event shall the Board approve the issuance of a license
for the sale of liquor within one hundred (100) feet of any school,
church or other building regularly used as a place of worship; except
that when a school, church or place of worship shall thereafter be
established within one hundred (100) feet of any place of business
licensed to sell intoxicating liquor, renewal of the license shall
not be denied for this reason. This Subsection shall not apply to
a holder of a license issued pursuant to Sections 311.090, 311.218,
311.482, RSMo., or to any premises holding a license issued before
January 1, 2004, by the Supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
for the sale of intoxicating liquor.
[Ord. No. 709 §1, 4-10-2006]
A. Persons Eighteen Years Of Age Or Older May Sell Or Handle Liquor
Or Beer, When.
1. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, no person under the
age of twenty-one (21) years shall sell or assist in the sale or dispensing
of intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating beer.
2. In any place of business licensed in accordance with this Chapter,
persons at least eighteen (18) years of age may stock, arrange displays,
operate the cash register or scanner connected to a cash register,
accept payment for, and sack for carry-out intoxicating liquor or
non-intoxicating beer. Delivery of intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating
beer away from the licensed business premises cannot be performed
by anyone under the age of twenty-one (21) years. Any licensee who
employs any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years, as authorized
by this Subsection, shall, when at least fifty percent (50%) of the
licensee's gross sales does not consist of non-alcoholic sales, have
an employee twenty-one (21) years of age or older on the licensed
premises during all hours of operation.
3. Persons eighteen (18) years of age or older may, when acting in the
capacity of a waiter or waitress, accept payment for or serve intoxicating
liquor or non-intoxicating beer in places of business which sell food
for consumption on the premises if at least fifty percent (50%) of
all sales in those places consists of food; provided that nothing
in this Section shall authorize persons under twenty-one (21) years
of age to mix or serve across the bar intoxicating beverages or non-intoxicating
B. Sales To Minor — Exceptions. No licensee, his/her
employee, or any other person shall procure for, sell, vend, give
away or otherwise supply any intoxicating liquor in any quantity whatsoever
to any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years, except that
this Section shall not apply to the parent or guardian of the minor
nor to the supplying of intoxicating liquor to a person under the
age of twenty-one (21) years for medical purposes only or to the administering
of such intoxicating liquor to such person by a duly licensed physician.
No person shall be denied a license or renewal of a license issued
under this Chapter solely due to a conviction for unlawful sale or
supply to a minor while serving in the capacity as an employee of
a licensed establishment.
C. Misrepresentation Of Age By Minor To Obtain Liquor — Use Of
Altered Driver's License, Passport Or I.D. Cards, Penalties.
1. No person under the age of twenty-one (21) years shall represent,
for the purpose of purchasing, asking for or in any way receiving
any intoxicating liquor, that he/she has attained the age of twenty-one
(21) years, except in cases authorized by law.
2. In addition to Subsection
(C)(1) of this Section, no person under the age of twenty-one (21) years shall use a reproduced, modified or altered chauffeur's license, motor vehicle operator's license, identification card issued by any uniformed service of the United States, passport or identification card established in Section 302.181, RSMo., for the purpose of purchasing, asking for or in any way receiving any intoxicating liquor.
D. Minors In Possession Of Intoxicating Liquor, Non-Intoxicating Beer. Any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years who purchases or attempts to purchase, or has in his/her possession, any intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating beer as defined in Section
600.010 is in violation of this Section. Any minor who is visibly intoxicated as defined in Section 577.001, RSMo., or has a detectable blood alcohol level of more than two-hundreds of one percent (.02%) by weight in his or her blood is in possession of intoxicating liquor.
E. For
purposes of prosecution under this Section, a manufacturer-sealed
container describing that there is intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating
beer therein need not be opened or the contents therein tested to
verify that there is intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating beer
in such container. The alleged violator may allege that there was
no intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating beer in such container,
but the burden of proof of such allegation is on such person, as it
shall be presumed that such a sealed container describing that there
is intoxicating liquor or any non-intoxicating beer therein contains
intoxicating liquor or non-intoxicating beer.