This article shall apply to the appointment, terms, functions and powers of alternate members appointed to serve on the Town of Stockport Planning Board.
It is sometimes difficult to maintain a quorum on the Planning Board because members are ill, unable to attend, on extended vacation, or find they have a conflict of interest on a specific matter before the Planning Board. In such instances, official business cannot be conducted which may delay or impede adherence to required timelines. The use of alternate members in such instances is hereby authorized pursuant to the provisions of this article.
The Town Board shall appoint alternate members of the Planning Board to serve as provided in this article. The number of alternate members appointed shall not exceed three. Alternate Members of the Planning Board shall be appointed for a term of two years.
The chairperson of the Planning Board may designate an alternate to substitute for a member when such a member is not present or is unable to participate on an application or matter before the Planning Board. When so designated, the alternate member shall possess all the powers and responsibilities of such member of the Planning Board. Such designation shall be entered into the minutes of the initial Planning Board meeting at which the substitution is made.
All provisions of state law relating to Planning Board member eligibility, vacancy in office, removal, compatibility of office and service on other boards, as well as any provisions of a local law relating to training, continuing education, compensation and attendance, shall also apply to alternate members.