[Code 1974, § 120-2]
The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
The providing, sending and/or utilizing of police, firefighting, emergency medical, and rescue services by the Township, or by a private industrial entity, corporation, or other assisting government agency operating at the request or direction of the Township or state, for an incident resulting in a hazardous materials release or threatened release.
The direct and reasonable costs incurred by the Township, or by a private person, corporation, or other assisting government agency, which is operating at the request or direction of the Township, when making an emergency response to the hazardous materials incident, including the costs of providing police, firefighting, rescues services, emergency medical services, containment, and abatement of all hazardous conditions at the scene of the incident. The costs further include all salaries and wages of Township personnel responding to the incident, salaries and wages of Township personnel engaged in the investigation, supervision, and report preparation regarding such incident, all salaries and wages of personnel of assisting government agencies operating at the request or direction of the Township, and all costs connected with the administration of the incident relating to any prosecution of the person responsible, including those relating to the production and appearance of witnesses at any court proceedings in relation thereto. Costs shall also include such items as disposable materials and supplies used during the response to such incident, the rental or leasing of equipment used for the specific response, replacement of equipment which is contaminated beyond reuse or repair during the response to such incident, special technical services and laboratory cost, and services and supplies purchased for any specific evacuation relating to such incident.
Explosives, pyrotechnics, flammable compressed gases, flammable liquids, combustible liquids, oxidizing materials, poisonous gases, poisonous liquids, poisonous solids, irritating materials, etiological materials, radioactive materials, corrosive materials, or liquefied petroleum gases.
Any person having a vested or contingent interest in the property, premises, container, or vehicle involved in the hazardous materials incident, including, but not limited to, any duly authorized agent or attorney, purchaser, devisee, or fiduciary of such person having such vested or contingent interest.
Any lot or parcel of land, exclusive of building, and includes a parking lot, tourist camp, trailer camp, airport, stockyard, junkyard, wharf, pier, public roadway, and any other place or enclosure, however owned, used or occupied.
Any mode which is used as an instrument of conveyance, including, but not limited to, motor vehicles, railroads, boats, aircraft, etc.
Cross reference: Definitions generally, § 1-2.
[Code 1974, § 120-1]
The Township finds that a significant potential exists for police and Fire Department responses to incidents involving the release or threatened release of hazardous materials. Such incidents create a great likelihood of personal injury and/or property damage. The control and abatement of such incidents places a significant financial and operational burden upon a Township's police, firefighting, rescue and emergency medical services. The Township finds that this article is necessary to establish the liability for such incidents and to establish a policy and methods which will allow the Township to seek recovery of Township costs associated with emergency responses to hazardous material incidents.
[Code 1974, § 120-3]
If Township employees are dispatched to a hazardous materials incident, the Township employee in charge shall notify the responsible parties, including appropriate state and federal agencies, as soon as possible. Township personnel shall make efforts to limit the Township's action to those necessary to address dangers from fire or the imminent threat of fire or the imminent threat from any hazardous material and necessary evacuation of affected persons.
Except for procedures necessitated by fire or the imminent threat of fire resulting from a hazardous materials incident, Township officials are not authorized to incur any obligations, financial or otherwise, to the Township in regards to the mitigation of impacts resulting from a hazardous materials incident.
All Township personnel shall take appropriate steps for a hazardous materials response that conforms to their level of training and as appropriate to the supplies and equipment to them, in accordance with established protocols and procedures.
[Code 1974, § 120-4]
Person responsible. The owner, operator, occupant, or other person responsible for the operation, maintenance, and/or condition of any building, premises, property, or vehicle where an incident arises which involves the release or threatened release of hazardous materials on or about such building, premises, property, and/or vehicle shall be required to reimburse the Township for all expenses of an emergency response to such hazardous materials incident.
Charge against person. The expense of an emergency response shall be a charge against the person liable for the expenses under this article. The charge constitutes a debt of that person and is collectible by the Township in the same manner as an obligation under contract, express or implied.
Cost recovery schedule. The Township Board may by resolution adopt a schedule of the costs included within the expense of an emergency response. This schedule shall be available at the office of the Township Clerk for inspection by the public during regular office hours.
Billing. The Township may within 10 days of receiving itemized costs, or any part thereof, incurred for an emergency response submit a bill for these costs by first-class mail or personal service to the person liable for the expenses as enumerated under this article. The bill shall require full payment within 30 days from the date of mailing or service of such bill upon the responsible person.
Failure to pay; procedure to recover costs. Any failure by the person described in this article as liable or responsible for expenses of an emergency response to pay such bill within 30 days of mailing or service of the bill shall constitute a default on such bill. In case of default, the Township shall have the right and power to add all emergency response costs to the tax roll of such property involved in the hazardous materials incident and to levy and collect such costs in the same manner as provided for the levy and collection of real property taxes against such property or premises. The Township shall also have the right to bring action in a court of competent jurisdiction to collect such costs if the Township deems such action to be necessary.