[CC 1975 §80.010; Ord. No. 91-14 §80.010, 3-19-1991]
For the support of the City Government, payment of City indebtedness and interest thereon, and for general revenue purposes, the Board of Aldermen shall, by ordinance, levy an annual tax upon the following subjects as sources of City revenue, and provide for the collection of such taxes, to wit:
On all real, personal and mixed property within the limits of the City, taxable according to the laws of Missouri.
On all automobiles of the residents of the City of Carl Junction.
All licenses and occupation taxes authorized by law to be levied.
License fees on all dogs of both sexes within the City.
[CC 1975 §80.020; Ord. No. 91-14 §80.020, 3-19-1991]
In addition to the above Section 135.090, the City shall have the following sources of revenue for income, for the collection of which the Board shall provide by ordinance, to wit:
Sales of real estate belonging to the City.
All fines imposed by the Municipal Judge upon any person or persons convicted of a violation of any of the City ordinances and any fines so imposed upon appeal from a Municipal Court judgment.
The rental of City property.
Sales of any personal property belonging to the City.
[CC 1975 §80.030; Ord. No. 91-14 §80.030, 3-19-1991]
On or before the first (1st) day of July of each year the Mayor shall procure from the County Clerk of Jasper County, Missouri, a certified abstract, taken from said Clerk's assessment books, of all property within the City of Carl Junction made taxable by law for State purposes, and the assessed value thereof as finally determined by the Board of Equalization. Upon receipt of said abstract the Mayor shall immediately submit the same to the Board and it shall be the duty of the Board to fix, by ordinance, the rate of taxes for that year.
[CC 1975 §80.040; Ord. No. 91-14 §80.040, 3-19-1991]
Upon the levy of taxes made as provided in the foregoing Section there is hereby created a lien, in favor of the said City of Carl Junction, against each lot or tract of land, against which any tax shall have been assessed, which lien shall be superior to all other liens or encumbrances, except the lien of the State for State, County, or school taxes.
[CC 1975 §80.050; Ord. No. 91-14 §80.050, 3-19-1991]
All taxes levied as hereinbefore provided shall be payable after the first (1st) day of November of the year for which they were levied and shall become delinquent after the first (1st) day of January of the ensuing year. Delinquent taxes shall be subject to the same interest and penalties as provided by law for State and County delinquent taxes; and delinquencies in the payment of taxes lawfully levied shall not affect the lien thereof.
[CC 1975 §80.060; Ord. No. 91-14 §80.060, 3-19-1991]
When the Board shall have fixed the rate of taxation, the City Clerk shall extend, or cause to be extended, in appropriate columns opposite each item of taxable property on the tax book, the amount of taxes due thereon; and the Clerk shall charge the City Collector for the full amount of taxes so levied and to be collected by him/her.
[CC 1975 §80.070; Ord. No. 91-14 §80.070, 3-19-1991]
The Collector shall, at the first (1st) meeting of the Board in April of each year make out and return delinquent tax lists, and when the same shall have been examined and approved by the Board the amount thereof shall be credited to the account of the Collector. The Board shall cause the delinquent lists to be returned to the Collector, on or before the first (1st) Monday following the examination and approval of the same, and the Collector shall thereupon proceed to collect such delinquent taxes in the same manner as provided for the collection of State and County delinquent taxes, both real and personal.
[CC 1975 §80.080; Ord. No. 91-14 §80.080, 3-19-1991]
The Collector shall report to the Board, at its first (1st) regular meeting in each month all delinquent taxes collected by him/her, designating whether the same have been collected for real or personal delinquencies, and he/she shall pay the amounts so collected over to the City Treasurer and receive credit therefor. The Collector shall turn over to his/her successor in office the uncollected delinquent lists, receiving credit therefor, and his/her successor shall be charged, with the amount thereof.
[CC 1975 §80.090; Ord. No. 91-14 §80.090, 3-19-1991]
The Board may, at its discretion, declare worthless and give the Collector credit for any and all personal delinquent taxes which they may deem to be uncollectible.
[Ord. No. 95-19 §80.100, 9-5-1995]
Whenever such persons as are required by this Section to pay taxes under Article III, Chapter 135, fail or refuse to pay the same the City Clerk or the City Attorney may at their discretion, utilize the following procedures to collect the taxes:
The Board of Aldermen hereby declare those persons who fail to pay taxes within the time and in the amounts prescribed by law to be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable under the provisions of the City Code of Carl Junction, Missouri.
The Clerk of the City shall turn over to the City Prosecutor the names and addresses of those persons not complying with this law and the City Attorney shall cause a complaint and summons to be filed and served upon the delinquent taxes or fee payors to appear before the Municipal Court of the City to show cause why they should not be found guilty under this Section.
The Municipal Court shall order those persons unable to show good cause why they should not pay the taxes forthwith and in addition, the Court may impose such fine or imprisonment as to the Court seems just and necessary in the premises. The Court may suspend any such sentence upon probationary conditions.
This Section shall extend and be applicable to the non-payment of fees for water and sewer services in addition to taxes set forth herein.
[Ord. No. 663, 4-7-1976]
All taxes are due on November first (1st) of each year and become delinquent on January first (1st). Each tract of land in the back tax book, in addition to the amount of tax delinquent, shall be charged with a penalty of eighteen percent (18%) of each year's delinquency except that the penalty on lands redeemed prior to sale shall not exceed two percent (2%) per month or fractional part thereof; and that a penalty of five percent (5%) shall be added for January, nine percent (9%) for February, twelve percent (12%) for March, fourteen percent (14%) for April and one percent (1%) for each month thereafter; and that postmark will determine the date of delinquency.